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FCYO Program Updates August 30, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "FCYO Program Updates August 30, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 FCYO Program Updates August 30, 2016

2 Introductions Please introduce yourself using the chat feature. Tell us: Name Organization Location One issue you are working on

3 FCYO Program Overview Youth CORE Grantmaking and Capacity Building
Funder Advocacy and Communications

4 Youth CORE Goal: To build a more powerful and connected youth organizing field with shared strategies to engage more young people, expand power, and address pressing issues Programs: National Convening (Fall 2017) Webinars Learning and Exchange Fund

5 Grantmaking and Capacity Building
Goal: To strengthen the organizational capacity of and provide direct resources for youth organizing groups Programs: Moment to Movement Fund Healthy Communities III Implementing and Funding Holistic Youth Organizing New Grantmaking (Summer or Fall 2017)

6 Funder Advocacy and Communications
Goal: To increase knowledge and awareness of youth organizing and develop a core of aligned funders committed to expanding resources for this work Programs: Online Youth Organizing Landscape Map Communications Platform Publications Funder Briefings

7 Youth CORE Webinar Ideas
What topics would you like to see for upcoming webinars? Please put them in the chat

8 Healthy Communities Follow us on social media:
Goals: The Healthy Communities III Initiative will support advocacy efforts of young leaders of color that prioritize a culture of health in the school environment. Through the initiative, eight organizations will receive a Fellow and intensive coaching, and seven additional partner organizations will be supported through technical assistance, training and convening's. The invite to apply has already gone out. Follow us on social media: Facebook: Youth for Healthy Schools Instagram: youth4healthyschools Monica

9 Moment to Movement Fund
Overview: One-year grants to groups responding to the current moment in ways that build long-term power for low-income young people and young people of color. Priorities: black-led organizing, police accountability, immigrant rights, LGBTQ rights, and non-partisan voter engagement Grant size: $10,000 – $25,000

10 Moment to Movement Fund
Preference will be given to groups that: Demonstrate how they are responding to the current moment to build lasting youth power. Demonstrate a plan to win concrete policy victories and/or engage significant numbers of marginalized young people for the long term. Voter engagement will only be supported in the context of sustained leadership development and base building We have a preference for proposals that engage year olds. Proposals engaging year olds will also be considered.

11 Moment to Movement Fund
This fund will NOT support: Lobbying, support for legislation, or support of candidates of any kind. Voter engagement activities that are not tied to a strategy to build long-term power Timeline August 17 - Release RFP September 9 - Proposals Due September 23 - Grant Decisions

12 Moment to Movement Fund
RFP Process: Step 1: Online Profile Step 2: Cover Page Step 3: Narrative Step 4: Attachments Submitting Your Proposal Please send complete proposals 9 at 8pm ET. 

13 Youth Organizing Landscape Map

14 Youth Organizing Landscape Map
WHAT IS IT? Interactive Map & Searchable Database of Youth Organizing Source of information for FCYO Communications, Funder Advocacy & Research First Step in Applying to FCYO’s Programs WHO IS IT FOR? Funders Youth organizers General Public Will

15 Youth Organizing Landscape Map

16 Youth Organizing Landscape Map

17 Youth Organizing Landscape Map
Programs Text Description Issue Areas Populations Support Services Will

18 Implementing and Funding Holistic Youth Organizing
Goals: Support a cohort of youth organizing groups to better incorporate holistic youth development supports for their youth leaders Provide targeted support in reaching new funders to support that work Components: In-person training Organizational coaching Webinars Small grant Timeline: RFP Release in October. Launch in January Eric

19 Learning and Exchange Fund
Grants up to $5K can be used for: A visit to another youth organizing group Bringing together a few groups to learn about and discuss a particular topic Attending a specific training A leadership development plan for a key individual leader An organizational learning experiment Timeline: RFP in January Monica

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