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How are drugs and alcohol portrayed in the media?

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Presentation on theme: "How are drugs and alcohol portrayed in the media?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How are drugs and alcohol portrayed in the media?
To start the lesson ask students how they think drugs and alcohol are portrayed in the media. On the PPT are a number of pictures and headlines about the use of drugs and alcohol by people in Britain. Get students to come up with 5 words or phrases that they think represent the media portrayal, e.g. normal, fun, glamorous, part of life, problem.

2 Is this true? Match up the facts and statistics on drug and alcohol use amongst young people in Britain. … of year olds are ‘not regular smokers’ (i.e. smoking at least 1 cigarette a week) Last year … of pupils had tried smoking at least once. In 2014, … of pupils had never used e-cigarettes. In recent years, the prevalence of illegal drug use is … … of year olds have ever drunk alcohol … of year olds have not taken drugs in the last year. cannabis is the most widely used drug among 11 to 15 year olds and yet only ….. of 11 – 15 year olds surveyed reported taking it in the last year. Less than half 97% Over three quarters 6.7% At its lowest since 2001 90% Less than a quarter Then pose the question is the media portrayal of drugs and alcohol accurate? To illustrate that in many cases it isn’t, get students to complete the match up activity of facts and statistics surrounding drug and alcohol use among young people.

3 Is this true? Match up the facts and statistics on drug and alcohol use amongst young people in Britain. 97% of year olds are ‘not regular smokers’ (i.e. smoking at least 1 cigarette a week) Last year less than a quarter of pupils had tried smoking at least once. In 2014, over three quarters of pupils had never used e-cigarettes. In recent years, the prevalence of illegal drug use is at its lowest since 2001. Less than half of year olds have ever drunk alcohol 90% of year olds have not taken drugs in the last year. cannabis is the most widely used drug among 11 to 15 year olds and yet only 6.7% of 11 – 15 year olds surveyed reported taking it in the last year. Less than half 97% Over three quarters 6.7% At its lowest since 2001 90% Less than a quarter Take feedback from students then show the answers on the PPT. Does anything surprise them? Does this fit with the media portrayal of young people’s drink and drug use habits? E.g. the headline stating that British girls are the second worst in the world for binge drinking?

4 What therefore could the media be accused of doing?
Is this a problem? Is the way that drugs and alcohol are portrayed in the media a problem? What might it cause? The media appears to ‘normalise’ drinking and drugs in such a way that it seems glamorous and part of everyday life – i.e. everyone is doing it. This can make people feel like they are the odd one out for not being part of this culture, when in fact statistics show that it is in the fact the norm not to! What therefore could the media be accused of doing? Ask students is the way that drugs and alcohol are portrayed in the media a problem, what might it cause? Take feedback then explain that The media appears to ‘normalise’ drinking and drugs in such a way that it seems glamorous and part of everyday life – i.e. everyone is doing it. This can make people feel like they are the odd one out for not being part of this culture, when in fact statistics show that it is in the fact the norm not to! To introduce today’s concept of peer pressure, ask students what the media could be accused of doing – i.e. a type of pressure for young people to consume drugs and alcohol. Lead into LO.

5 Peer Pressure Learning Objective: To explore how to deal with peer pressure. I can role play a scenario containing peer pressure. I can explore ways of dealing with peer pressure. I can apply these strategies to scenarios.

6 Peer Pressure Can you give any examples of peer behaviours you have seen – positive or negative?? What do you think peer pressure is? Why do people follow what others do? Ask students the questions on the PPT regarding peer pressure to generate class discussion. 1. What do students think peer pressure is? 2. Why do they think people follow what others do? 3. Ask students to volunteer examples of peer behaviours that they have seen. These could be positive or negative. 4. What are the potentially negative consequences of peer pressure? What are the potentially negative consequences of peer pressure?

7 Peer Pressure Scenarios:
People are most likely to try/take drugs and alcohol in a social setting with their peers…in many cases due to peer pressure. This isn’t always someone verbally pressuring you into doing something but could be the feeling of not wanting to be the odd one out. Peer Pressure Scenarios: On the next slide you are going to see a number of scenarios involving peer pressure. Each group is going to be given one scenario to act out. You will need to create a role play then pause for a freeze frame at the moment the character is about to make their decision. Explain that people are most likely to try or take drugs and alcohol in a social setting with their peers, in many cases due to peer pressure. Divide students into small groups and give each group one of the four peer pressure scenarios on the PPT. Students will need to role play their scenario and then pause at a freze frame at the moment their character is about to make a decision about giving into peer pressure. They will need to perform their role plays to the class.

8 Peer Pressure Scenarios
Scenario 1: Driving Rob and his friends are at a party on the other side of town and need to get home. It’s 2 a.m and they don’t have any money for a taxi and no night buses are running. Someone they know from school offers to drive them back. Rob has seen him drinking but he insists he is fine to drive. Scenario 2: Drinking Hannah is out with her friends. She knows they drink more than she wants to and is worried about keeping pace with them. Scenario 3: Smoking We were on a school trip in France and someone got some cigarettes. Everyone was smoking them – I don’t want to be left out. Scenario 4: Peer Pressuring Someone Else My mum has loads of alcohol in the house. I sometimes take some of her vodka. She doesn’t notice, and it helps me relax. I tried to make my friend have some too – it feels less bad if I’m not the only one doing it.

9 Peer Pressure Learning Objective: To explore how to deal with peer pressure. I can role play a scenario containing peer pressure. I can explore ways of dealing with peer pressure. I can apply these strategies to scenarios.

10 How to respond to peer pressure…
Each of your scenarios involves peer pressure. So how do you deal with it? Use the buddy system. Find a friend who shares your values and back each other up. Some ideas to try… Evaluate your friendships. If your friends are always bugging you to do something you’re not comfortable with, remember that true friends like you for who you are, not who they want you to be. The Triple Technique: Tell them Tell them you’ve told them Tell them again Don’t pressure others. Watch out for any subtle forms of pressure you may be exerting. Practice saying no. Practice saying ‘no’ in safe environments When the groups have shown their role plays ask students what ways they can think of for dealing with peer pressure. Take feedback then show the suggestions on the PPT. Get away from the pressure zone, e.g. go to the loo, talk to someone else Consider the results of giving in. Take a moment to think about the consequences of your actions – is it a risk worth taking? Don’t buy the line that everyone’s doing it. The truth is, everyone’s NOT doing it. Use humour

11 Peer Pressure Learning Objective: To explore how to deal with peer pressure. I can role play a scenario containing peer pressure. I can explore ways of dealing with peer pressure. I can apply these strategies to scenarios.

12 Scenario 4: Peer Pressuring Someone Else
Peer Pressure Scenarios Think back to each scenario that you have seen being performed. What advice would you give the person in each scenario? Scenario 4: Peer Pressuring Someone Else My mum has loads of alcohol in the house. I sometimes take some of her vodka. She doesn’t notice, and it helps me relax. I tried to make my friend have some too – it feels less bad if I’m not the only one doing it. Scenario 1: Driving Rob and his friends are at a party on the other side of town and need to get home. It’s 2 a.m and they don’t have any money for a taxi and no night buses are running. Someone they know from school offers to drive them back. Rob has seen him drinking but he insists he is fine to drive. Scenario 2: Drinking Hannah is out with her friends. She knows they drink more than she wants to and is worried about keeping pace with them. Scenario 3: Smoking We were on a school trip in France and someone got some cigarettes. Everyone was smoking them – I don’t want to be left out. Now ask the class which strategies might work best for the four different scenarios they have been being acted out.

13 Scenario 4: Peer Pressuring Someone Else
Peer Pressure Scenarios Now finish your role play from the freeze frame showing the person avoiding peer pressuring behaviour. Scenario 4: Peer Pressuring Someone Else My mum has loads of alcohol in the house. I sometimes take some of her vodka. She doesn’t notice, and it helps me relax. I tried to make my friend have some too – it feels less bad if I’m not the only one doing it. Scenario 1: Driving Rob and his friends are at a party on the other side of town and need to get home. It’s 2 a.m and they don’t have any money for a taxi and no night buses are running. Someone they know from school offers to drive them back. Rob has seen him drinking but he insists he is fine to drive. Scenario 2: Drinking Hannah is out with her friends. She knows they drink more than she wants to and is worried about keeping pace with them. Scenario 3: Smoking We were on a school trip in France and someone got some cigarettes. Everyone was smoking them – I don’t want to be left out. Each group now needs to go back to their role play and finish it showing how their character dealt with the peer pressure using one or more of the strategies discussed. Show some of these if you have time.

14 Peer Pressure Learning Objective: To explore how to deal with peer pressure. I can role play a scenario containing peer pressure. I can explore ways of dealing with peer pressure. I can apply these strategies to scenarios.

15 Peer Pressure Reflection
3 – Three strategies that will be the most useful to you in avoiding peer pressure. 2 – Two negative consequences of peer pressure. 1 – One reason why it is important to stand up to peer pressure. To finish the lesson ask students to complete the 3,2,1 reflection activity. They need to write down in their books three strategies that will be most useful to them in avoiding peer pressure, two negative consequences of peer pressure, one reason why it is important to stand up to peer pressure.

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