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Tallinn Technical University

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1 Tallinn Technical University
MIXDES, Sczcecin, June 26, SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS BIST WITH STATUS BIT CONTROL J.Raik, E.Orasson, Raimund Ubar Tallinn Technical University Estonia

2 Abstract DfT technique of BIST for sequential circuits is proposed
A subset of global feedback loops is chosen to make them deterministically controllable Data path of a system is tested by pseudorandom patterns wheras the status lines entering the control part are cut and controlled deterministically to traverse all the branches in the FSM state transition graph

3 Mixed Pseudorandom Deterministic BIST
A mixed pseudorandom-deterministic technique for BIST of sequential circuits is proposed Pseudorandom TPG Signature analyzer

4 Mixed Pseudorandom Deterministic BIST
The main idea is: to force during pseudorandom testing the FSM to traverse all the branches in the state transition graph

5 Experimental Data P-random data with deterministic control of FSM
P-random with partially cut feedback loops Pure pseudorandom

6 Conclusions Advantages of the method:
Partial scan instead of full scan The system is tested at speed in its real functional modes Low area overhead

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