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Photo Journalism Mr. Nigrelli

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Presentation on theme: "Photo Journalism Mr. Nigrelli"— Presentation transcript:

1 Photo Journalism Mr. Nigrelli

2 Supplies Inexpensive digital camera - helpful but NOT MANDATORY
8 GB USB flash drive - helpful but NOT MANDATORY Photo card reader or USB cord - MANDATORY

3 What Will We Be Doing? We will be taking pictures, writing articles and headlines, and completing projects. We will work hard and have fun!

4 These procedures will become habit.
Class Procedures Class will begin the same way every day! 1. Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings. 2. Discontinue personal conversations. 3. Be ready to discuss the agenda. These procedures will become habit.

5 Class Procedures Take care of our classroom!
This room is OUR learning environment. I have supplies to help you in my classroom and computers we can all use. If that privilege is abused, those items will not be available to our class anymore. Remember – you are responsible for any damage to any computers, mice, or keyboards in this classroom.

6 Leaving the Classroom When you’re here, plan to stay. My door is not a revolving one. Students will only be allowed to leave the room in EXTREME EMERGENCIES as defined by me. NEVER stop class instruction to ask to leave the room. The answer will always be no.

7 Absent? Arrive to class EARLY the day after your absence.
Ask your CLASSMATES for help. Ask MR. NIGRELLI for clarification. Check the class WEBSITE for more information. I will not hound you for your make-up work. It is your job to take care of your business! Be aware of due dates.

8 Mr. Nigrelli’s Classroom Expectations
1. Arrive with all of your learning materials. 2. Be ready to learn when the bell rings to start class. 3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 4. Remain engaged during all instructional times. 5. Follow teacher directives.

9 Mr. Nigrelli’s Non-Negotiables
Every person will be treated with respect. Every person will treat school property with respect.

10 Late Work Policy Major Grades Daily Grades
There is a 10 point deduction from the grade earned for each day student work is turned in late up to five days. After the fifth day, your grade will range from This is not what you want. Daily Grades There is a 20 point deduction from the grade earned for each day student work is turned in late up to two days. After the second day, your grade will range from This is also not what you want.

11 Mr. Nigrelli’s Information
Let’s say it together…NIGRELLI! Yes, my wife and I teach at EHS. Class-website: Use the link from the FBISD webpage Phone: Room:125 Tutorials: By appointment

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