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Presentation on theme: "SYSTEMS LEADERSHIP Katherine Long."— Presentation transcript:


2 Leading through Networks
Exploration of polarities between network & organisational leadership – working through ambiguity A Multi – Stakeholder approach to Strategic Planning Co-create a shared understanding of the wider context and its impact on strategic planning. Use systems mapping approaches to explore inter relationships with key stakeholders

3 Andrew Zolli, futurist (co-author ‘Resilience’)
‘We shape the world by the questions we ask’ John Wheeler, theoretical physicist ( ) ‘The growth of our challenges and the growth of our capacities are growing faster than we are yet able to comprehend’ Andrew Zolli, futurist (co-author ‘Resilience’) ‘The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence – It is to act with yesterday’s logic’ Peter Drucker, management consultant (1909 – 2005)


5 Gerd Leonhard

6 Simon Western Leadership: A Critical Discourse


8 Transactional – getting tasks done
3 Key Leadership Styles Transactional – getting tasks done Transformational – winning hearts and minds Systems / Network / Eco – enrolling across networks, co-creation and innovation

9 ‘Teal’ Organisations - Laloux, F. (2013) Re-inventing Organisations
Self-management Wholeness Evolutionary purpose Why does it matter to you?

10 Polarities – challenges to be managed, not problems to be solved
Competing AND Collaborating Individual AND Team Control AND Freedom Consistency AND Flexibility Quality AND Cost Internal focus AND External responsiveness Reflection AND Action

11 Polarity of organisational and network leadership
What are the strengths and limitations of each? Where are we situated in terms of our preferences – what impact is that having? How do we achieve more of the strengths and less of the downsides? What higher purpose will that help us to achieve? What happens if we don’t?

12 PESTLE ANALYSIS P Political E Economic S Sociological T Technological
L Legal E Environmental

13 What is your question to the system you wish to represent?
Identify the system and its boundaries. Identify key elements which need to be represented – people, groups, things, forces. What feels ‘true’? (consider distance, direction, relationship to boundary of different parts of the system) What’s it like for each of the parts? What would they say to each other? Is there anything missing? What would be better? Pay particular attention to: TIME - Who / what came first? PLACE – Does everything have its place? EXCHANGE – Is there a free flow of exchange? Systems Mapping

14 Johari Window

15 Katherine Long EvolutionOD
  Theory U and the power of conversation in achieving better healthcare outcomes Katherine Long EvolutionOD

16 Co-initiating Co-evolving Co-sensing Co-creating Pre-sensing

17 downloading from the past
Katherine Long

18 Katherine Long

19 downloading from the past
Katherine Long VoJ open mind

20 downloading from the past
Katherine Long VoJ open mind VoC open heart

21 downloading from the past
Katherine Long VoJ open mind VoC open heart VoF open will

22 downloading from the past
Katherine Long VoJ open mind VoC open heart VoF open will Letting go Letting come Who is my self? What is my work?

23 downloading from the past
Katherine Long VoJ open mind Embedding VoC open heart Prototyping VoF open will Crystallising Letting go Letting come Who is my self? What is my work?

24 applications in healthcare…

25 Examples of applications
Katherine Long Examples of applications U-Lab Scotland Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – Maternal Mortality in Namibia Zambian Cross-sectoral leadership for Collective Action on HIV and Aids Lahn-Dill healthcare initiative

26 Lahn-Dill healthcare initiative
Katherine Long Region of approx 300,000, north of Frankfurt Sparked by impasse in negotiations between insurance company and doctor network 1-day U-Process launched involving doctors and patients, supported by facilitators in Theory U Sparked further dialogue groups, which over time generated a number of changes including interface between hospitals and local GPs, and out of hours services

27 Katherine Long
“The most striking development that I have seen is that the patient complaints from this region dropped virtually to zero. That is in stark contrast to other regions, where we have many, many complaints and lawsuits.” Dr Eckert, Head of Regional Supervisory Board Costs of emergency care falling, ambulance usage declined (whilst rising in other areas), local hospitals requiring just half the number of night-time emergency doctors employed under the old system.

28 Katherine Long
Qualitative changes

29 Katherine Long
“My relationship to patients has become more like a partnership, more a thinking-together” “I am more able to elicit and reformulate the thinking of patients – to help them to see what they think and to become aware of what they really want.” “In my case, I have re-discovered the joy of work. That wasn’t the case earlier – I had lost it.”

30 Katherine Long
“The experience of shaping something gives you power. You also learn to see the meaning of your work in the context of the whole region, and that, too, is empowering. Through better knowledge about how the system in the region works, and through getting to know a lot of people, you end up having access to making things work. Today we are in a different position to make things work, because we are seeing the whole more clearly, and because the whole network of personal communication relationships flows more smoothly”

31 Katherine Long

32 Part of a systemic leadership model
Katherine Long Part of a systemic leadership model Engaging multiple interests and networks / stakeholders Ability to creatively manage polarities and tensions Working with emergent change principles Use of self – combining spiritual, somatic and systemic intelligences Working for the greater good – an ecological perspective

33 Be the change you wish to see in the world
Be the change you wish to see in the world Be a host to dialogic conversations Be bold in widening stakeholder groups Build an evidence base Believe in shared purpose

34 Katherine Long

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