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CIS 376 Bruce R. Maxim UM-Dearborn

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Presentation on theme: "CIS 376 Bruce R. Maxim UM-Dearborn"— Presentation transcript:

1 CIS 376 Bruce R. Maxim UM-Dearborn
User Interface Design CIS 376 Bruce R. Maxim UM-Dearborn

2 Usability Engineering
The process of basing design on user needs, not technology availability. When two products have the same functionality, users will choose the on which seems to be more "usable".

3 What is design? Process not a state Design process is non-hierarchical
Design process involves radical transformation Involves discovery of new goals

4 Three Pillars of Design
Guideline documents and processes User interface software tools Expert reviews and usability testing

5 Logical User-Centered Interactive Design (LUCID) Methodology
Develop project concept Perform needs analysis Design concepts and key-screen prototypes Iterative design and refinement Implement software Provide rollout support

6 LUCID requires the following activities to be performed at each stage:
Product definition Business case Resource analysis Physical environment consideration Technical environment consideration User needs analysis Functionality analysis Prototype construction Usability assessment Design guidelines Content analysis Documentation, training, help

7 Ethnographic Observation of Users
Preparation Field study observe without questioning interview users after the fact give users hypothetical problems to solve assume the user’s role Analysis of objective and subjective field data Reporting results

8 Participatory Design Advantage: Disadvantages:
users buy in to final product Disadvantages: increased cost and time potential alienation of some user groups whose input is not followed

9 Task Scenario Construction
Similar to OOA/OOD scenario work Scenario Design Tools Tables (e.g. user groups vs user tasks) Flowcharts Transition diagrams CRC cards

10 Social Impact Statement
Describes new system and its benefits Addresses concerns and potential barriers Outlines development process

11 Relevant Legal Issues Privacy Safety and reliability
Copyright protection Freedom of speech

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