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30 Formation What do you think the Romans are doing? What is the purpose of this?

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Presentation on theme: "30 Formation What do you think the Romans are doing? What is the purpose of this?"— Presentation transcript:

1 30 Formation What do you think the Romans are doing? What is the purpose of this?

2 The Roman Army

3 Romans Rebel In 509 B.C. under the rule of the last Etruscan King the Roman’s rebel. Ending the Monarchy once and for all and sets up a Republic.

4 The Republic A republic is a form of government in which the leader is not a king or queen but someone put into office by citizens with the right to vote.

5 Italy, 500 B.C. Fighting When Rome becomes a republic, it was still a small city, surrounded by enemies. For the next 200 years, the Romans fight war after war against their neighbors.

6 Fighting The Roman Republic 509-270 B.C. Continues
In 338 B.C. they finally defeated the other Latins living nearby. Next they attack the Etruscans and defeat them in 284 B.C. By 267 B.C. the Romans had conquered the Greeks in Southern Italy. With this the Romans became the masters of almost all of Italy.

7 Answer: Because the Romans were excellent Soldiers!!
Why was Rome so Strong? Answer: Because the Romans were excellent Soldiers!!

8 How was the Roman Army organised?
Main part of the army was the LEGION This was made up of 6000 men under the command of one general.

9 Organizing the Army The legion was divided into ten sections
Each section was made up of six centuries The centuries were commanded by a centurion Centuries originally had 100 men

10 Role of the Centurions The centurions were very important men
They were responsible for training the soldiers under their command and making sure everyone obeyed orders. Some were very cruel If you were a deserter you would be killed.

11 Standard bearers Each century had its own emblem or standard.
In battle, standards helped keep units together because the soldiers could see them above the action. This was carried by the standard bearer, a very experienced and trusted soldier To lose your standard was a great disgrace


13 How to become a Legionary!
To become a Legionnaire you had to be a Roman citizen You had to be physically fit and 5’3 feet tall You were expected to stay in the army for 25 years

14 Training Most soldiers joined between 18-20 years old
There were three 18.6 mile marches each month On each march the legionary would carry 55 pounds of equipment New recruits were given shields and swords twice as heavy as the real thing!

15 31 Military 11/7 What would cause you to join to the military and why?

16 The Tortoise

17 The Tortoise

18 Repel Calvary

19 The Last Stand

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