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6ème édition des Journées des Doctorants

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1 6ème édition des Journées des Doctorants
26-27 Avril 2017 Campus SophiaTech Salle 101 – Bâtiment Forum

2 Objectives A friendly place for our students and more generally for all the members of our laboratory Students are invited to orally present their thesis subject as well as their research works progress Almost all the presentations will be available on the web site:

3 Where our students come from?
31 students from 19 different countries

4 Florence NSENGIYUMVA 12/07/2016
Who are Doctors now? 4 students successfully defended their PhD since JDD2016… Florence NSENGIYUMVA 12/07/2016 Oualid MAKHLOUF 06/12/2016 Abdellah ROUSSAFI 13/12/2016 Emilien KOFMAN 27/02/2017

5 PhD thesis per year PhD year distribution

6 PhD per team LEAT teams distribution

7 Type of Grants Type of grants distribution

8 JDD 2017 Program Program over 2 days (10, 15 and 20 minutes presentation) Information for PhD students ! PhD students in CIFRE Information for PhD students ! DART Contest on Wednesday afternoon !

9 JDD 2017 Program Informations sur le Parcours Enseignant/Chercheur (Alain Pegatoquet)  Mercredi 26, 15:10 – 15:30 Le potentiel scientifique et technique d’un laboratoire de recherche (Jean-Pierre Damiano)  Jeudi 27, 09:00 – 09:15 Get your 1/2 ECTS by attending the JDD2017  Sign the attendance sheet !!

10 JDD 2017 Program 3 keynote speakers Nadia Maïzi (CMA Mines ParisTech)
Rémi Baqué (ONERA) Stéphane Boudaud (Abeeway)

11 JDD 2017

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