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T+2 UPDATE Keith Evans Executive Director – CCMA

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1 T+2 UPDATE Keith Evans Executive Director – CCMA
FAS Update – Sheraton Hotel December, 2015

2 Agenda What’s happened since Whistler? Committee & Working Group Update UST2 Update What’s Next? Questions?

3 What’s happened since Whistler?
CCMA Board of Directors T+2 Steering Committee (T2SC) Co-Chair – Keith Evans (CCMA) Co-Chair – Jason O”Born (RBCCM) CCMA (Executive Director) Operational Working Group (OWG) Co-Chair – Domenic Sgambelluri Co-Chair - Michael Holmes Legal/Regulatory Working Group (LRWG) Chair – Jamie Anderson Communication/Education Working Group (CEWG) Chair – Barb Amsden

4 Steering Committee Update
Currently has 75 members Has met three times Currently getting readiness updates from vendors/utilities Little in the way of major work Funding is not an issue Many are holding customer meeetings Working to complete intial work by end of January

5 Legal And Regulatory WG
Currently has 35 members Has met once Working to identify any rules to be addressed So far NI NI IIROC 800 There will be changes required….but nothing major Individual industry groups will need to champion changes

6 Communication & Education WG
Currently has 25 members Has met once Working to identify major milestones How will we use the media Marketing/Education Benefiting from T+5 to T+3

7 Operations WG Currently has 130 members Has met twice Working to identify all issues to be addressed So far they have identified 21 issues Industry wide testing International trade allocations Trade funding Set up a Sub Working Group to deal with Mutual Funds There will be changes required….but nothing major Vendors are included

8 UST2 Update

9 UST2 Update Implementation Plan Due to SEC by December 18, 2015 Using a four letter word? High-Level Industry Test Plan Three streams 1 Trade Execution 2 Trade Confirmation 3 Asset Servicing Scripted vs Open Mandatory vs Voluntary There is no consensus

10 What’s Next? Complete first pass Start issue resolution Complete major milestones Monitor the UST2 Update the CCMA website Working Groups to continue to meet regularly

11 Questions?

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