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PASSWORDS Unique is Good.

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1 PASSWORDS Unique is Good

2 Three types of Passwords
Password: A String of characters, numbers and symbols used to access secure information. Password + Token: A password and an item required to jointly access secure information. (eg PIN and Bank Card) Biometric Password: A non reproducible (unique) biological feature used to access secure information. EG A retinal scan or fingerprint reader. Intro Weak Better Strong

3 Weak Passwords Intro Weak Better Strong PIN – 4 Digits
How many permutations? (# of Symbols)(Number of Digits) 104 = different permutations Intro Weak Better Strong

4 Better than Weak Intro Weak Better Strong
Password with just letters (six characters max) How many permutations? (# of Symbols)(Number of Digits) 526 = Intro Weak Better Strong

5 Strong Password Intro Weak Better Strong
This is what your password SHOULD be Letters, Numbers, Special Characters Minimal repetition No personal info No dictionary words Minimum 8 characters Hard to guess Intro Weak Better Strong

6 Strong Password Intro Weak Better Strong
The Math (# of Symbols)(Number of Digits) 948 = Tough to crack… Intro Weak Better Strong

7 How to remember? Intro Weak Better Strong Tpftci2h4U2G! CTCi-0tbc$cb
The password for this computer is too hard for you to guess! CTCi-0tbc$cb Cinnamon Toast Crunch is bar none the best cereal money can buy Intro Weak Better Strong

8 Password Humour Intro Weak Better Nutty
During a password audit at a local company, it was discovered that an employee was using the following password (it was too long…): MickeyMinniePlutoHueyLouieDeweyDonaldGoofyOttawa When asked why they were using such a long password, the employee responded with, “I was told the password needed to have eight characters and a capital…” Intro Weak Better Nutty

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