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Menander’s The Grouch and New Comedy

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1 Menander’s The Grouch and New Comedy
Ancient Greek Comedy Menander’s The Grouch and New Comedy

2 Learning Objectives Identify the characteristics of Ancient Greek Old and New Comedy (1). Outline the plot, central message and significance of Menander's The Grouch (2). Examine The Grouch as New Comedy (1). For what purposes is this story adapted in the modern era or in what way(s) is Menander’s The Grouch relevant now? (5)

3 Greek Comedy As genre and origins Structure Two surviving early comics
The theatron



6 Menander Menander, Bust from Ephesus, Museum of Selçuk (Turkey)
(Archaeological Museum of Selçuk) Marble 4th century AD BCE

7 Your Thoughts Fill in

8 The Grouch-Central Message
justice nation citizen characters who were slaves class conflict women characters

9 The Grouch as Comedy What characteristics of the genre of old/new comedy are present in this work?

10 Examples of Grouch Reimagined
Screwball Comedy It Happened One Night (1934)

11 The Grouch-Quick Summary
Fill in Prologue Parodos First Episode First Stasimon Second Episode Second Stasimon

12 The Grouch-Quick Summary
Fill in Prologue Parodos First Episode First Stasimon Second Episode Second Stasimon

13 Things to consider How is Myrrhine treated? Women generally?
Why do Gorgias and Sostratos exchange sisters to marry? Why is Kallippides fortune a focus toward the end? Why does Socratos go to the field? Is Knemon a mad man? Should we dismiss him? Is he the defeated? The party shows up and takes over his land and house without his consent. Does Menander try to alleviate class conflict by intermarriage? Or the conflict between Macedonia and Greece by intermarriage? Identify multiple narratives within the play. Men reconquering or returning to greatness Slaves finding justice Equalizing economic status ??

14 Learning Objectives Identify the characteristics of Ancient Greek Old and New Comedy (1). Outline the plot, central message and significance of Menander's The Grouch (2). Examine The Grouch as New Comedy (1). For what purposes is this story adapted in the modern era or in what way(s) is Menander;s The Grouch relevant now? (5)

15 Learning Outcomes * from syllabus
1. Identify, and explain major cultural expressions and developments. Determine what expressions do or do not belong within a given cultural context. 2. Recognize the relationships between cultural expressions and the time and place they represent, the audience to whom they are addressed, the person who created them, and their formal characteristics. This can include demonstrating how an expression of art, music, literature, philosophy, and religion illustrates a cultural period or stylistic concept. 3. Explain causal influences in the chronological development of arts and ideas. This can include applying what they have learned about one culture or cultural expression when learning about another. 4. Interpret and analyze cultural expressions: i.e. works of art, works of music, philosophical arguments, religious beliefs, and social theories. This can include comparing and contrasting expressions of art, music, literature, philosophy and religion. 5. Compare how the situations of the persons they study may be similar to their own. Better understand their experience within the context of the contemporary global society. Defend positions regarding course themes using relevant and scholarly evidence and tone.

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