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Presentation on theme: "Billing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Billing

2 Structure of the Billing Document
Billing documents are similar to sales documents in their structure. n The header contains information for the entire invoice. Line items contain information about the parts being invoiced. Item 1 Header Item 2

3 Header Data of Billing Document
The Header contains information organized on different views such as: n Pricing Partners Text Output Business detail data containing the payment terms that apply to the entire invoice. Item 1 Header Item 2

4 Line Item of Billing Document
Line items contain information organized on different views such as: n Pricing Text Partners Business details such as sales, shipping and billing information for each line item Item 1 Header Item 2

5 Billing Document Screens
Item Header Overviews Details Pricing Output Texts Billing document items overview Foreign trade Document flow Purchase order data Configuration Billing plan Partner Accounting

6 Types of Billing Document
Billing types Invoice External transactions list Cancellation Intercompany billing Returns Credit/debit memo Cash sale Pro forma invoice

7 Credit and Debit Memos Credit memo Debit memo Invoice Delivery Order
request Debit memo Chemical Factory OK Customer Goods are damaged

8 Returns Delivery Returns delivery Invoice Credit memo Order

9 Cancellation 100 80 Correct price Reset billing status Order
Customer account 100 80 Incorrect price Invoice Cancellation Delivery 1. 2.

10 Pro Forma Invoices Pro forma invoice (F5) Order Delivery Billing doc .

11 The Billing Process Accounting Shipping Sales Billing Credit memo
request Cancellation invoice Invoice Order Delivery $100 $10 Accounting Shipping Sales Billing

12 Delivery-related Invoices
Order Delivery Item 10 order - related 20 delivery

13 Order-related Invoices
Delivery Item 10 order - related 20 delivery

14 The Billing Method Collective invoice
Sales order Delivery Invoice 1 Separate invoice for each delivery Sales order Delivery Invoice 2 Collective invoice Sales order Delivery Invoice 3 Invoice spilt

15 Automatic Invoice Split
Order Delivery Invoice Sold-to party : C1 Terms of payment ZB01 Item Mat . Qty 10 M1 pc Payer : C1 Terms of payment : ZB01 Item Mat . Qty 10 M1 10 pc Ship -to party : C1 Item Mat . Qty 10 M1 10 pc 20 M2 20 pc Sold-to party : C1 Terms of payment ZB02 Item Mat . Qty 10 M2 20 pc Payer : C1 Terms of payment ZB02 Item Mat . Qty 10 M2 20 pc

16 Creating Invoices Delivery 1 Delivery 2 Invoice Delivery 3 Customer Billing due date Receiving country Invoices can be grouped using selection criteria, such as customer, billing due date, and receiving country. Customer 1 Customer 2

17 Interface to Financial Accounting
Billing document Accounting Billing document Posting block Release Accounting

18 Effects of Creating an Invoice
Automatically creates an accounting document that updates the general ledger account for revenue Updates the status in all related sales, delivery, and billing documents Updates the customer credit record Updates sales statistics for the Sales Information System Updates controlling elements such as profitability analysis and profit center accounting A/R X Delivery Sales order Customer Credit Record Sales Information System Invoice 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 Profitability Analysis

19 Document Flow Document flow Order Billing Doc Item Header Document .
Delivery . . Goods issue Invoice Accounting doc Environment Display document Document flow Date 06/05 06/09. 06/09 06/30 Qty 10 UoM pc 374410/10 /10 /1 /10 Billing Doc Sent to financial accounting

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