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Language initiation French for pre-school children till 4th class

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Presentation on theme: "Language initiation French for pre-school children till 4th class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Language initiation French for pre-school children till 4th class
Flonflon, c’est moi Language initiation French for pre-school children till 4th class

2 Every theme follows 3 steps:
7 themes based on 7 songs A doll called ‘Flonflon’ the sheep Every theme follows 3 steps: Creating context Initiation itself Processing activities

3 Different specific activities
How creating context Different specific activities Do-it-yourself activities (eg. cooking, …) Interest point Visit of a person, animal, … Group discussions A walk or trip The context story Applying the story Reading the story Support the story with pictures Discuss the story Focus on the elements that are used in the story

4 Teach the song with the aid of the target word map
Initiation itself Teach the song with the aid of the target word map The spontaneous song playing in the background Step by step applying the song Support the song with target word cards Fully understand the song Song playful practice Sing the song frequently (preferably daily) Accompany the song or use the karaoke version

5 Processing activities
1. Activities within the curriculum visual arts drama move music media 2. The short story Five short and easy sentences 3. Computer activities A listening - click game game with connect, slide, click, …

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