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“Everyone has a personal best”

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1 “Everyone has a personal best”
This workshop share the partnership and teamwork between Hillingdon Local Authority and Cambian supporting and caring for Serious DS. Understanding his journey, the challenges and supporting him through a number of planned placement moves will be shared Serious DS Workshop agenda Transition objectives Service design Making it happen – a young persons perspective and journey

2 Transitions the objective
To ensure that every young person has the care, education and therapy to reach their full potential The team around the child to be committed to frequent placement reviews monitoring progress Manage risks to ensure that the young person is in the most appropriate placement To deliver long term outcomes and cost savings High Young Person Profile 10 – 16 year olds Looked after child for 5 – 7 years Frequent foster placement breakdowns (+7) Frequent residential placement breakdowns Escalating behaviours including – substance abuse, anti social behaviour, criminality Low /no attanedance and achievement in education An intensive and focussed approach needed for success High cost, high need and high risk young people Anticipated spend of 50% Care, education and therapy are key for success Assessment, intervention and transition is key Individual young people to have care and transition plans Frequent ‘team around the child’ meetings to ensure placement stability and progress is demonstrated Honesty, transparency and partnership is paramount Acuity Transition within service through to care leaver and independence Local Social Service support and partnership helping transition Cambian outreach service access if required Lower supported service Lower fee Low / no therapeutic input Edge of care support Low 14 Age 24 How? Partnership and trust between the Local Authority and Cambian – communication is frequent, progress shared and challenges met with a young person centred approach Early discussion on placement changes managing the risk of placement move and incorporating the voice of the child in every move

3 Making it happen Providing transition between child and adult services requires high quality and an ‘end to end’ care service Partnership between child & adult services is key to successful transition to adulthood and independence Fostering or Independence Care leaver flats (6) Staffing ratio 1:6 1 Bed Solo Service Staffing Ratio 2:1 Stabilisation and assessment service 4 / 5 Bed Complex Needs Staffing Ratio 1:1 Young person development service + Outreach support packages for individual YP’s currently not residing within services 6 – 9 months placement Agreed placement length depending on the transition plan for the young person All placements to be supported by education / vocational training – through care planning engaging the young person into vocational training and increasing attendance / attainment in education requires close partnership between home and educational staff Engaging the young person allowing them to have a discussion and some choice on next steps is key to ‘buy-in’ and support for the step down Time limited placements to ensure that progress is made – placement stagnation should not happen. If timescales are not met we need to establish ‘why’ and then agree how to change what / how the young person is being supported

4 “Everyone has a personal best”
My Journey so far! SDS Serious was with his Mother, and was exposed to risk taking behaviour in 2012, he was brought into care under emotional abuse and neglect, initially under section 20 and about a year later the full care order section 31 was given. Serious has had several placements including a secure placement, and other residential placements.

5 How it started…. I came to Cambian in January 2016 to Weston Avenue, it was a home where I just live on my own with two staff with me every day. They helped me with my anger management and my self esteem as before I came to Weston Avenue I was getting myself involved with the wrong things like drug running and into gangs. I didn’t really see my family anymore and social services helped me and I was given a social worker to support me with my life. When I first came to Weston Avenue I was really angry and upset, I couldn’t manage my emotions and the staff helped me with this and taught me lots of techniques.

6 I also volunteer in a hospice charity shop one day a week
Education…. I also volunteer in a hospice charity shop one day a week I have been attending Chesham school which is part of Cambian too, the staff are really good there and I have achieved so much. Some of the things I have accomplished are: All of my exams in functions skills, and passed! Hair and beauty course in college starting September BTEC in Food Serious DS

7 Me at the home gym HOBBIES
I really enjoy going to the gym and doing weights and getting fit. I also like art, gaming and free running. I have also started doing some modelling as I really like that and I am really interested in photography and have just bought a camera and I go out on walks to take lots of shots on my new camera. Me at the home gym

8 “Everyone has a personal best”
The move to Brodworth The move was planned very carefully with a lot of discussions between Cambian and Hillingdon, Serious went and visited two homes and was such a big part in the planned move for him., it was important to identify a home close by to Chesham school so he could still maintain his education provision. When the move was in progress, Serious visited the home and did a number of planned visits including tea then overnight stays to help him build a relationship with the staff and children and adjust to the new environment, his keyworker that he has had for over a year also transferred to the new home to help him settle in and support his transition. The planned transition took around two-three weeks to complete and there was a lot of discussion between Cambian and Hillingdon on the best interest of Serious, and it was priority to ensure that Serious was comfortable with the move and to ensure his wishes and feelings were heard.

9 Move to Brodworth After a year and a half at Weston Avenue, me and the staff and my social worker thought I was ready to move to a bigger home with other young people so I can live with people my own age. I moved to a home near by that has two other young people in and it was good because I knew one of them from my school, my key worker came over with me too. .I really enjoy living at Brodworth and have made friends in the area and I now go to a local youth club with them

10 Independence I have learnt lots of independence skills and have learnt to cook meals on my own, I am just starting out the independence program at Brodworth where I will be given money each week and have to buy and cook my own meals to get ready for when I live on my own. I know how to wash my clothes, and iron too and have done some work with budgeting with money. I use the bus and the train to get to around town to and this is fun!

11 Contact I have recently had contact with my brother which was really good, and now I can have it 4 times a year Me and my brother

12 Progress made Completed education package Developing social skills
Working towards independence Anger management Seeing my brother Work experience Making friends Going to college in September

13 What is next… I would like to stay in Manchester and to finish my school and more exams and get a semi independent house and go to college and get a job

14 Take away messages Engage the young person in any placement move, take the time to transition to new placements Communication between placement teams, social worker and provider is critical for transition success Placements must be time limited with contingency plans and agreement on next steps if timelines are not met Right placement at the right time can help the young person reach their potential and move to adulthood Significant cost savings for the local authority - £100k per year per placement

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