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English Medium Instruction (EMI) for Subject Courses Dr. Jia-Yeuan Lee

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1 English Medium Instruction (EMI) for Subject Courses Dr. Jia-Yeuan Lee


3 Purposes of EMI 英語授課目的 Cultivating Students’ Core Course Ability
課程核心能力之培養 Enhancing Students’ English Proficiency 英語能力之提昇 Meeting the Various Needs of Students 滿足多元之學生需求 資料來源:每學期英語授課分享研習會內容、英語授課專家建議。

4 Preparing for the Cultivation of All-Rounded Internationalization Elites.
預備全方位國際化人才之培育 Promoting Campus Internationalization and Students Competitiveness 推動學校國際化,提升學生競爭力

5 We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can always build our youth for the future. …. Franklin Roosevelt

6 Problems: 1. Students’ English proficiency. 2. Teacher’s control of English. 3. Liabilities of Using EMI. a. Low evaluation scores b. Boring Class c. Low motivation

7 Yu-Ying Chang (2010) 370 students and 6 professors
Interviews, questionnaire, face-to-face interviews with professors teaching EMI courses 6 departments in three colleges

8 Result Students do not have a high level of comprehension of their EMI lectures. They do not have negative attitude towards the course. They agreed English instruction helped them improve their English language proficiency especially in listening.

9 Their difficulties in courses might come from their inadequate language ability.
GE courses cannot meet their real EAP needs. Students complained that some professors did not speak good English.

10 Suggestions: EMI subject courses could be regarded as extra opportunities to improve the English language proficiency of undergraduate students. School should increase resources to support their students’ English learning.

11 School support should be oriented toward academic (EAP) rather than general English. ( Evans & Green, 2007) School should offer voluntary non-credit-bearing EAP language courses that students pay for.

12 Restrict participation in EMI courses to only students with higher proficiency.
Provide EMI teachers with more resources and support.

13 Discussion 1. What is the percentage of teacher’s use of English in an EMI class? 2. Should teachers be evaluated when using EMI? 3. What kind of training program is best for teachers to attend to improve their EMI ability?

14 4. Should we demand teachers to teach when they do not have good control of English?
5. Should students be given the EMI courses indiscriminately? 6. What can we do to avoid falling into the quagmire of EMI for EMI?



17 Thank you for your participation! Happy Thanksgiving Day!


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