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Vocab Unit 2 Jeopardy Eng 4

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1 Vocab Unit 2 Jeopardy Eng 4

2 Words that are hard to say
Definitions Synonyms Antonyms Complete the Sentence 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 Definitions Points What means… protection?

4 Definitions Points aegis

5 Definitions Points Which word means… A confused struggle?

6 Definitions Points melee

7 Definitions Points What means…. To inform of ??

8 Definitions Points apprise

9 Fond of or inclined to drink?
Definitions Points Which word means… Fond of or inclined to drink?

10 Definitions Points bibulous

11 Having a ruddy complexion ?
Definitions Points Which word means…. Having a ruddy complexion ?

12 Definitions Points sanguine

13 Vassals of the king of France
Synonyms 100 Points Vassals of the king of France

14 Synonyms 100 Points a servant; a minion

15 Water-conserving plants indigenous to the desert
Synonyms 200 Points Water-conserving plants indigenous to the desert

16 Endemic means “a plant native to a region”
Synonyms 200 Points Endemic Endemic means “a plant native to a region”

17 The entirely uncritical claque
Synonyms 300 Points The entirely uncritical claque

18 Synonyms 300 Points Fan club!

19 The ruler’s paternalism
Synonyms 400 Points The ruler’s paternalism

20 Synonyms 400 Points benevolence

21 Compiling a lexicon of financial terms
Synonyms 500 Points Compiling a lexicon of financial terms

22 Synonyms 500 Points dictionary

23 Words that are hard to say! 100 Points
Charitable; dependent on charity

24 Words that are hard to say! 100 Points

25 Words that are hard to say! 200 Points
Given to tears or weeping

26 Words that are hard to say! 200 Points

27 Words that are hard to say! 300 Points
To darken or obscure; to confuse or bewilder

28 Words that are hard to say! 300 Points

29 Words that are hard to say! 400 Points
A substandard or ungrammatical usage

30 Words that are hard to say! 400 Points

31 Words that are hard to say! 500 Points
The quality of appearing to be true, real, likely or probable

32 Words that are hard to say! 500 Points

33 A lachrymose expression
Antonym 100 Points A lachrymose expression What is the opposite of lachrymose?Lachrymose means “given to tears or weeping”…so the opposite is??

34 Antonym 100 Points Merry or happy

35 What is the opposite meaning of deracinate? SO the opposite would be…
Antonym 200 Points Deracinate the tribe What is the opposite meaning of deracinate? Deracinate means “to pull up by the roots; to uproot, or dislocate; to eliminate all traces of SO the opposite would be…

36 (help the tribe; build it up)
Antonym Points To NURTURE the tribe (help the tribe; build it up)

37 SO If the letter has bad grammar, what would the opposite be?.
Antonym Points A letter distinguished by its solecisms Solecisms means “bad grammar; a breach of etiquette” SO If the letter has bad grammar, what would the opposite be?.

38 Antonym 300 Points Correct usage

39 Sanguine about the future
Antonym 400 Points Sanguine about the future What does sanguine mean? “of a naturally cheerful, confident, or optimistic outlook” So the opposite view of the future would be…

40 Antonym 400 Points Pessimistic

41 Obfuscate the issue What does Obfuscate mean? “To confuse or bewilder”
Antonym 500 Points Obfuscate the issue What does Obfuscate mean? “To confuse or bewilder” So the opposite means….

42 Antonym 500 Points Clarify the issue

43 Complete Sentence 100 Points
The founders of Chicago’s Hull House, one of the nation’s first _______ institutions, were active in promoting political reform as well as social welfare projects. What are the important words? Which word has to do with welfare or charitable organizations??

44 Complete the sentence 100 Points

45 Complete Sentence 200 Points
Usually the White House will _____ members of Congress of classified information solely on a “need-to-know” basis. (they “inform” members on a need-to-know basis)

46 Complete Sentence 200 Points

47 Complete Sentence 300 Points
At the party, the ____ old actor regaled listeners with hilarious stories of his on-and off- stage exploits. (What does the word “exploits”connote?) (Is he a reliable guy?)

48 Complete Sentence 300 Points

49 Complete Sentence 400 Points
After World War I, Palestine was placed under the _____ of a United Nations mandate. (At that time, Palestine needed protection; sponsorship)

50 Complete Sentence 400 Points

51 Complete Sentence 500 Points
The Security Council cannot step in to resolve a civil war since such purely internal matters do not fall within its _____ . Hint: this has to do with jurisdiction….

52 Complete Sentence 500 Points

53 Please study for your test.

54 The Daily Double

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