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TARGIT DECISION SUITE 2013 Presenter: Adam Thomas

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Presentation on theme: "TARGIT DECISION SUITE 2013 Presenter: Adam Thomas"— Presentation transcript:

1 TARGIT DECISION SUITE 2013 Presenter: Adam Thomas
TARGIT BI - Customer Success Manager (813) 774 – 4256 @adam_w_thomas

2 Agenda Overview of Every Day Challenges & TARGIT’s Solution
Introduction to TARGIT – philosophy, features, benefits TARGIT Platforms Live TARGIT product presentation Q&A

3 Solution Every Day Challenges
TARGIT makes it easy to access and share information TARGIT improves the decision making process Easily accessible BI & Analytics solution Reduced risk of bottle necks when everybody can make analyses and reports TARGIT is standard software that presents all data sources Every Day Challenges Lack of overview Decisions NOT made based on facts It takes too much time to generate a report Current tools for analyses and reports can only be used by experts or external consultants You have more disparate data sources that cannot be analyzed together Your everyday challenges? - Lack of overview of company data and performance. TARGIT makes it easy to access and share information - Decisions are NOT made based on facts - do you know which facts are right? TARGIT improves the entire decision making process. Every employee has the same world view. - It takes too much time to generate a report from the current system(s) BI that is user-friendly. TARGIT is few clicks. - Current tools for analyses and reports can only be used by experts or external consultants. Reduced risk of bottle necks when everybody can make analyses and reports. - You have more disparate data sources that cannot be analyzed together. TARGIT is standard software that presents all data sources.

4 TARGIT offers you a complete solution with fully integrated features.
Analyses Reports Dashboards Notification Agents s Storyboards TARGIT offers you a complete solution with fully integrated features. TARGIT gives you and your organization the courage to ACT! TARGIT offers you a complete solution with many fully integrated action features that makes you able to make well-founded decision that you can act upon: Create your own analyses and find the information you need. Build reports and distribute them via or websites. Get an overview of your performance in your intelligent dashboard. Get alerts from intelligent agents and react if necessary. Search for Sentinels and get warnings faster than ever before Share knowledge with the entire organization via storyboards Get critical business insight directly on your iPhone or iPad

5 All features are developed with the action loop in mind
Decision Based on Facts Use all available information Action Changes Communication Reaction/Action Whenever you observe a deviation, get into the loop Observation, Orientation, Decision, (courage) and Action. That’s the OOD(c) A loop. All features are developed with the philosophy in mind. This simple model illustrates the process by which an organization should react to any event. The process starts with an observation before cycling through the loop. And courage is that special human element, you need in order to take action on your decisions. Remember, time is also a critical factor when going around the loop. The faster you go through the stages, the more competitive you will be. And with TARGIT, progression within the loop, from observation through orientation and decision to action, is just a matter of a few user interactions. Intelligent dashboards, agents and reports ensure that you’re completely updated on operations. If there’s a slight deviation, you’ll know it instantly. While other BI & Analytics solutions generate reports in one system and analyses in another, TARGIT is designed with all its functions mutually interactive. You just need to add the courage to act… Orientation Analysis Simulation Observation Dashboards Reports Agents

6 Four Platforms Windows Client Web Client Mobility Client - iPad
- iPhone Desktop Client

7 Q & A Adam Thomas Customer Success Manager TARGIT US
Phone: Mobile:

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