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Density effect and beyond
Aspects of holography July 14 (Mon), 2014 ~ July 23 (Wed), 2014 APCTP, Pohang, Korea Holographic QCD: Density effect and beyond 제목 Bum-Hoon Lee Sogang University Seoul, Korea
Contents I. Introduction – Motivation and Basics
String theory as a tool for the strongly interacting systems II. AdS/QCD : the D7 in black D3/D-instanton geometry III. Holographic meson mass splitting in the Nuclear Matter IV. Holographic QCD : towards nonequilibrium V. Summary
I. Introduction : Motivation & Basics
Q : How to understand the nonperturbative QCD, especially density dependence? Ex1) confinement, chiral symmetry breaking, phases (with or w/o chemical potential), meson spectra etc. ? Ex) How to understand the phenomena in the Strongly correlated condensed matter systems? Strange metal superconductor Fermi liquid Pseudo -gap antiferromagnet Temperature Hole doping Ex2) Nonequilibrium phenomena (such as heavy ion collision)? AdS-CFT Holography : dim. QFT ⇔ 4+1 Classical Gravity Theory Useful tool for strongly interacting systems,e.g., QCD, Condensed Matter, etc.
Holographic QCD - AdS/QCD
Goal : Using the 5 dim. dual gravity, study 4dim. QCD properties such as spectra & Phases (confining, deconfining, etc.), etc., in terms of parameters (Nc, Nf, mq, T and μ, χ-symm., gluon condensation, etc.) Needs the dual geometry of QCD. Approaches : Top-down Approach : rooted in string theory Find brane config. or SUGRA solution giving the gravity dual (May put the probe brane) Ex) Nc of D3(D4) + M of D7(D8), 10D SUGRA Sakai-Sugimoto Model, etc. Bottom-up Approach:phenomenological Introduce fields, etc. (as needed based on AdS/CFT) 5D setup → 4D effective Lagrangian * Kaluza-Klein modes – radial excitations of hadrons * Confinement in Hard/Soft Wall Model - by IR brane/dilaton running Figure from Erdmenger, EPJA(2008)
AdS/CFT Dictionary ( , ( , ) Partition function of bulk gravity
Witten 98; Gubser,Klebanov,Polyakov 98 Parameters z= 1/u boundary ( , ( , ) Partition function of bulk gravity bdry value of the bulk field Generating functional of bdry QFT : source of the bdry op. : scalar , Correlation functions by 5D bulk field Operator w/ 5D mass w/ Operator dimesion 5D gauge symmetry Current (global symmetry) Radial coord. r in the bulk is proportional to the energy scale E of QFT
(Operator in QFT) <-> (p-form Field in 5D)
: Conformal dimension : mass (squared) Ex) Gluon cond dilaton baryon density vector w/ U(1) fields in gravity massless dilaton scalar field with m=0 vector field in the gauge group operators of QCD gluon condensation chiral condensation mesons in the flavor group (or isospin group) dual
AdS/CFT at finite temperature
(for the pure Yang-Mills theory without quark matters) Witten ‘98 (thermal) AdS space(w/IR cutoff) no stable AdS black hole Low T (confining phase) : tAdS QCD Phase transition Hawking-Page transition at β(=1/Tc) dual =Transition of bulk geometry 2) High T (deconfining phase) : AdS BH Schwarzschild AdS blackhole is stable
2. Dual geometry for finite chemical potential
boundary bulk field dual operator ( quark number density ) Chamblin-Emparan-Johnson-Myers,1999 Cvetic-Gubser,1999 5-dimensional action dual to the gauge theory with quark matters Euclidean Equations of motion 1) Einstein equation 2) Maxwell equation Ansatz :
Solutions most general solution, which is RNAdS BH (RN AdS black hole)
S.-J. Sin, 2007 most general solution, which is RNAdS BH (RN AdS black hole) black hole mass black charge quark chemical potential corresponds to the deconfining phase (quark-gluon plasma) quark number density Note The value of at the boundary ( ) corresponds to the quark chemical potential of QCD. 2) The dual operator of is denoted by , which is the quark (or baryon) number density operator. 3) We use
We call it tcAdS (thermal
What is the dual geometry of the confining (or hadronic) phase ? find non-black hole solution (BHL, Park ,Sin JHEP 0907,(2009)) baryonic chemical potential We call it tcAdS (thermal charged AdS space) baryon number density Note : Solutions in both phases are valid for arbitrary densities Hawking-Page phase transition (in dense matter) Phase : hadronic phase deconfined phase Geometry: tcAdS ↔ RNAdS BH (q = 0) Geometry : thermal AdS ↔ AdS BH (Geometries of Hawking-Page Tr. w/o chemical potential)
For the fixed chemical potential For the fixed number density
dimensionless variables Legendre transformation, the Hawking-Page transition occurs at
1. Vector meson 2. Axial vector meson 3. pion
Light meson spectra in the hadronic phase Jo, BHL, Park,Sin JHEP 2010, arXiv: Turn on the fluctuation in bulk corresponding the meson spectra in QCD X is the dual to the quark bilinear operator <qbar q >. 1. Vector meson 2. Axial vector meson 3. pion
II. AdS/QCD based on the D7 embedding in black D3/D-instanton geometry
B. Gwak, M. Kim, BHL,Y.Seo, S.-J. Sin, PRD86 (2012) II. AdS/QCD based on the D7 embedding in black D3/D-instanton geometry Motivation Alternative to the Geometrical phase Transition for in AdS/CFT ? Baryon Vertex (phase) and confinement at finite T (Black Hole Background) ? Finite Temperature with Dilaton background (Solution of Type IIB SUGRA) Hawking Temperature Zero Temperature Limit : becomes near horizon geometry of D3-D(-1) (Liu & Tseytlin ) AdSxS5 at UV Flat at IR (w/ dilaton singular) N=2 (with gluon condensation)
Ex) Zero Temperature and without density
AdSxS5 at UV Flat at IR (w/ dilaton singular) N=2 (with gluon condensation) Background Metric by D3 & D-instantons (Liu & Tseytlin ) D7 Brane as a Probe Induced metric on D7 DBI action of D7 becomes ( D7 wraps S3 of S5) Rho->infty, AdS5xS3 Rho->0, rad (S3)->0 Embedding solution :
mq = 0 mq = 5 q = 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1,3,5,10 from bottom to top
Ex) Finite Temperature and without density
Finite Temperature (Black Hole geometry) of D3/D-instanton system T Quark-Gluon Hadron Rewrite in terms of dimensionless parameter or where
Minkowski and Black Hole embedding
Induced metric on D7 DBI action of D7 Minkowski and Black Hole embedding (from below) ‘Repulsion’ by q > ‘attraction’ by BH Phase transition temperature increases as q increases
Finite Temperature and with finite density
Turn on U(1) gauge field on D7 brane DBI action of D7 Minkowski and Black Hole embedding
Quark Phase Regularity condition As q increases, the repulsion effect on D7 also increases. F1 strings connect BH horizon and probe brane Physical object is freely moving quark
In mq→ 0 limit, we have two phases
(Note : If q=0, then the trivial flat embedding is the unique solution for mq→ 0.) Finite quark mass mq ≠ 0
Baryon Phase F1’s connect spherical D5 & probe D7 Phys. Ob. = baryon vtx (bd state of Nc quarks) χ-symm. broken Background metric Induced metric on D5 DBI action D7 brane at the tip of D5 with force balance condition
Density dependence of free energy (for mq = 0 and q=15)
quark phase (χ –sym) Baryon phase Q quark phase (χ –broken)
Phase Diagram Zero quark mass Finite quark mass
III.Holographic meson mass splitting in the Nuclear Matter
BHL, S. Mamedov S. Nam, C. Park JHEP 1308 (2013) 045 Nuclear medium in the hard wall model action flavor symmetry group the thermal charged AdS (tcAdS) geometry (for confined phase)
the total nucleon number density
the grand potential defined in the grand canonical ensemble gives where In the confining phase the total nucleon number density the density difference between proton and neutron
Light meson spectra in the nuclear medium
the vector fluctuations the axial vector and pseudoscalar fluctuations
Vector mesons Take the Fourier mode expansion at the rest frame
the equations of motion for ρ-mesons or
The ρ-meson mass splitting
The a1-meson mass splitting Pseudoscalar mesons Binding energy of a heavy quarkonium
IV.Holographic Approach to the nonequilibrium physics
Two scenarios of Far-from-equilibrium dynamics Blue routes : Condensation Process · Non-equilibrium evolution of an unstable configuration Red routes: Quantum Quenching · Dynamical response to a sudden injection of energy · Condensate undergoes an exponential growth - Phase transition in “real” time !
Condensation Process on Anisotropic Background - evolution of scalar field
X. Bai, B-HL, M.Park, and K. Sunly arXiv: Exponential growth!
Temperature d dim. CMT SC phase Normal Phase d+1 dim. Gravity Black Hole with hair Black Hole no hair
Quasinormal modes (QNMs) - linearized fluctuation
· Matching between QNMs (dashed) and non-equilibrium evolution (solid)
V. Summary QCD using Holographic dual Geometry - w/o chemical potential - phase : confined phase ↔ deconfined phase transition Geometry : thermal AdS ↔ AdS BH Hawking-Page transition Holographic QCD model in D3/D-instanton background Two phases and phase transitions : for given T and density quark phase : physical objects : quarks baryon phase : baryon (vertex) as a physical object We study phase structure with and without quark mass We also study density dependence of chemical potential (eq. of state) and phase structure in grand canonical ensemble Future works : Meson spectrum & beyond probe approximation, etc.
IV. Summary - continued We also studied the nuclear and isospin density dependence of and phase structure in grand canonical ensemble. Holographic principle can also be applied to the nonequilibrium physics Holographic Principle may provide a new methodology for the strongly interacting phenomena!
Thank You !
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