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How to Use the Assessment Continuum Wiki RAAT Pack Professional Development Bill Conrad and Janice Morrison June 6th, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Use the Assessment Continuum Wiki RAAT Pack Professional Development Bill Conrad and Janice Morrison June 6th, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Use the Assessment Continuum Wiki RAAT Pack Professional Development Bill Conrad and Janice Morrison June 6th, 2008

2 Wiki Workshop Outcomes
Learn what the definition of a Wiki and how it can be used to support our collaborative work as County Assessment and Accountability Coordinators Create a profile on the Wiki Create and edit pages on the Wiki Participate in and Initiate Discussion Threads Download and Upload Resources to the Wiki Discuss continued opportunities for collaboration

3 Where does the term Wiki come from?
Wiki comes from the Hawaiian term “quick” Source:

4 What is a Wiki? A wiki is a collection of web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content, using a simplified markup language. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites. For example, the collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia is one of the best known wikis. Wikis are used in businesses and education to provide affordable and effective intranets and for Knowledge Management. Ward Cunningham, developer of the first wiki software, WikiWikiWeb, originally described it as "the simplest online database that could possibly work". Source: Wikipedia

5 What are some examples of how I could use the RAAT Pack Wiki?
I was unable to attend the CDE Accountability Meeting in Anaheim, California and need a summary of the topics covered at the meeting! One of my school districts is interested in building grade level and department professional learning communities focused on improving student learning. I do not have expertise in professional learning communities. One of my school districts is interested in using short cycle assessments as a formative assessment tool within their district. I do not have any short cycle assessments!

6 How does a Wiki Work?

7 How do you create a profile on the Wiki?

8 How do you create a profile on the Wiki?
Go to your profile add some information about yourself. You will exceed expectations if you add your picture to your profile!

9 How do you edit a Page on the Wiki?

10 How do you add a Page on the Wiki?

11 How do you add a Page on the Wiki?

12 How do you add a Page on the Wiki?

13 How do you add a Page on the Wiki?

14 How do you add a Page on the Wiki?
On the RAAT Pack Page, create a page for your County Office. Write a short introductory paragraph. Within the introduction paragraph, provide some background about your work at within your county office. You will exceed expectations if you use the Easy Edit function to add a link to your County Office web site! Source:

15 How do you start a discussion thread on the Wiki?

16 How do you start a discussion thread on the Wiki?
Go to the page that you created on the RAAT Pack site and add a Discussion thread of your choosing! You will exceed our expectations if you get one of our team members to respond to your Discussion Thread!

17 How do you download a file from the Wiki?
Find a page with an Attachment at the Bottom of the Page. You can download the file to your computer in two ways: Right click on the file and save the file in the folder of your choice on your computer. Double click on the attachment and then save the file to the folder of your choice on your computer. Try it yourself. Go to the RAAT Pack Web site. Find the Summary of the County and District Evaluator’s Meeting file at the bottom of the page and download it to your computer!

18 How do you upload a file to the Wiki?

19 The Wiki FAQ Source:

20 Wiki Workshop Evaluation
Please go to the RAAT Pack Web Page and Respond to the Evaluation Discussion Thread for this Workshop! Thanks for participating in our First Ever online Net Meeting! Bill Conrad (Office) 510-76—5570 (Cell) Janice Morrison

21 How to Use the Assessment Continuum Wiki RAAT Pack Professional Development Bill Conrad and Janice Morrison June 6th, 2008

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