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Journal – Sentence Analysis:

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1 Journal – Sentence Analysis:
Copy the following sentences. Label the parts of speech. Label subjects, direct objects, and indirect objects. Ashley bought me a meal after work. The dog brought the stick to his owner.

2 Short-Story Comparison Chart
Grab a blank sheet of computer paper. Place the title of each of the following short stories in different corners of the paper: “The Most Dangerous Game,” “The Sniper,” “Cask of Amontillado,” and “The Interlopers.” Determine what similarities the stories have with each other. Draw arrows between the stories, and along each arrow write down what the similarities between the stories are. Using a 4 star rating (0 = terrible, 4 = excellent) rate each story.

3 Theme Statements Example Theme Statement for “Cask of Amontillado” – A person may harbor a grudge and seek revenge when your guard is down. Directions: On the back of your comparison chart write down theme statements for 2 of the remaining stories.

4 Vocabulary Practice 1: penury, err, conflagration, rescind, irrevocable, pious When you _____, it is important that you admit fault and seek to rectify the situation. After I heard his rude comments at work last week, I chose to _______ our offer to have him over for dinner. He was such a hypocrite. He preached about living a _____ life, but in reality he embezzled money and stole from the church. A failure to apply yourself to some kind of work will lead to you being fired form jobs and living a life of __________. A tweet is _______. Sure you can take it down, but once it is up, there is a permanent digital copy. The firebombing of Dresden lead to complete __________ of the city.

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