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Chapter 14 sec 4 Political Thought.

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1 Chapter 14 sec 4 Political Thought

2 Natural Laws Laws that govern human nature
Use of reason to analyze human nature to come up with rules based on morality. Laws for murder and stealing

3 Thomas Hobbes-Political Thinker
Hobbes believed that the nature of humans was that they were naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish. If people were not controlled they would rob, fight, and oppress one another. Wrote the book Leviathan. Social contract – a contract between the people and the government to have a stable organized society. He believed a powerful government was needed - Monarchy

4 John Locke – Political Thinker
Locke believed that people are reasonable and moral. Believed that people deserved natural rights from birth (life. Liberty, and property). Tabula Rosa – (Blank Slate) Nature vs. Nurture

5 John Locke – Political Thinker
Locke’s view of government was one that had limited power and accepted by all citizens. The government has an obligation to the people it governs. If it fails or violates people’s natural rights then the people have the right to overthrow it. Wrote the Two Treaties of Government

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