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Optical Survey Astronomy DATA at NCSA

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1 Optical Survey Astronomy DATA at NCSA
Don Petravick

2 NCSA Projects Dark Energy Survey Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
5000 Square Degree Survey using the 4m Blanco Telescope at the Cerro Tololo Oberservatory in Chile. Currenty in year five of Observing. Large Synoptic Survey Telescope 8.4 m LSST telescope under construction on nearly ridge. Operations Planned for 2023 Construction underway.

3 DES Data Relases Unprocessed Images files are available to the community from the NOAO Science Archive one year after the images were taken. DES public Data release One will occur in December 2017, based on processed data taken in the first three years of the survey. A second public data release will occur at the end of survey data processing.

Raw data: science, calibrations and conditions. Detection of transient objects. Data release processing – annual reprocessing of all data with best software and calibrations.

5 Data Access for LSST The LSST project builds and funds Data Access Centers at NCSA and at La Serena, Chile. These centers will provide authorized users the ability to Downloading data. Querying Data in relational databases. A limited amount of computing, currently seen as Jupyter and batch computing.

6 Transients Real-time detection of “transients”
Expect 10,000 per minute Orbiting or otherwise moving objects. Variable Brightness, or otherwise ephemeral. Delivered to the community at large via “event brokers” Event brokers provide additional classification of data. Deliver manageable data streams. Brokers are to be Provided by the Community LSST will provide a less functional “Mini Broker”. Data Rights holders also have access to an offline catalog of transients

7 Data Release Processing
Data releases are an annual reprocessing of all LSST data with best software and calibrations. Two releases in the first year, annually thereafter. The Annual release include preprocessing of the wide field survey (the static sky) and transient data products.

8 LSST LSST Data rights Considerable policy work is underway to make the following more precise. Data have a proprietary period followed by an open period. Types of proprietary users. All US and Chilean academic astronomers. Named individuals from other countries.

9 Summary NCSA has a program of supporting Data Management for Survey Astronomy. DES is well underway; NCSA and NOAO will jointly host the initial Pubic Data Release of DES data this coming December. The LSST construction project is planning Data Access Centers at NCSA and In Chile. Operational Data taking is scheduled to begin in 2023.

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