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cCRS quarterly #4 WeBB’S Depth of Knowledge

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Presentation on theme: "cCRS quarterly #4 WeBB’S Depth of Knowledge"— Presentation transcript:

1 cCRS quarterly #4 WeBB’S Depth of Knowledge
April 14-17, 2015

2 It’s not only about the answer… it’s about the question
OUTCOME: Participants will analyze each level of Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) and make connections between DOK and Aspire. What is Webb’s Depth of Knowledge? How does each level connect to Aspire? How does each level look in practice? Is the instruction complex or difficult? Are we doing deeper or wider? So many are asking about DOK and how it connects or is related to Aspire. In order to do that we must first understand what DOK is. In analyzing each level the connection will be made clear. We only have an hour so this will all be surface level. Read outcome and ask participants to consider these questions as we analyze. (May want to make a chart of these questions to continue to refer to during training)

3 What is Webb’s Depth of knowledge?
Basic knowledge of the standards does not bring rigor to the classroom Standards must be implemented: Use local resources Student engagement with activities requiring higher levels of cognitive demand Assessments aligned to standards There is a direct alignment between standards and test items in standardized assessments CCRS + DOK = Aspire SO…“DOK IS THE TOOL EDUCATORS CAN USE TO ANALYZE THE COGNITIVE DEMAND INTENDED BY THE STANDARDS, CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENT TASKS.” Facilitator talk through each bullet. (no investigation for time purposes) Facilitator Note: This information comes from the ‘Overview’ on page 4 of the handout.

4 What Depth of Knowledge is not
DOK is NOT a check of whether a task is completed correctly; it is the kind of thinking involved in the task DOK is NOT about difficulty, it is about COMPLEXITY DOK is NOT additive, it is cumulative DOK does NOT classify the level of each cognitive demand based upon the verb alone – as does Bloom’s Taxonomy, it is the verb plus what follows the verb in the lesson objective / outcome Before analyzing clarify what DOK is NOT (Read Bullets 1 & 2) DOK is the cognitive processes or cognitive demand (the process of our thinking). Each level describes the depth of understanding. As we go through this professional learning consider your current instruction. Think about ways that you may tweak what you are already doing to now include the levels of thinking required by our standards and our accountability piece – ACT and Aspire. (Read Bullet 3) You can’t add a level 1 activity with another level 1 activity and get a level 2 activity. Instead the activities are cumulative; a DOK level 3 activity will contain DOK level 1 and 2 elements. The higher the level, the higher the ‘ceiling’. (Read Bullet 4) In the past we have heard a lot about Bloom’s – the verb. We know better, we do better… The verb is very important and is still considered, but we must go beyond the verb to what follows the verb. Facilitator Note: This information comes from the guidelines on page 5 of the handout.

5 Webb’s Depth of Knowledge:
Level 1: Recall/Reproduction Level 2: Skill/Concept Level 3: Strategic Thinking Level 4: Extended Thinking Again, our accountability piece (Aspire) is built with Webb’s DOK progression. Instruction that includes a progression of thinking (DOK) aligns our standards with standardized assessments. We can’t ‘teach’ the Aspire. We can however teach our students how to think – and that’s what DOK is. So…Let’s analyze what each DOK level is, what that looks like in practice, and how it is connected to Aspire.

6 Potential Activities Possible Products Bloom’s vs. DOK Teacher Role
Dok Level 1 Verbs Teacher Role Student Role Possible Products Potential Activities Bloom’s vs. DOK HANDOUT 1 Intro with slide and then refer participants to HANDOUT 1. Have participants investigate DOK Level 1 on pages 6-9. Participants should annotate their text and make margin notes for discussion after analyzing. Ask participants to refrain from discussion until time is done. (6 mins to investigate) (6 mins to discuss)

7 6 minutes

8 Dok Level 1: Recall Basic tasks
Recall of facts, terms, details, calculations, etc. Simple procedures Only one right answer Following discussion use the slide to recap Level 1 (quickly) Revisit these statements from ‘What DOK is NOT’: DOK is NOT just a check of whether a task is completed correctly; it is the kind of thinking involved in the task…So what kind of thinking is involved in Level 1 tasks??? (Answer: Low cognitive processing – not complex) What kind of thinking is involved in Level 1 tasks? Low cognitive processing Not complex

9 How does Level 1 connect to aspire?
Percentage of DOK Level 1 Items: Reading 14-24% Math 5-16% For facilitator purposes: Information was taken from Technical Bulletin #1 Reading: Table 9 Page 21 Math: Table 14 page 29 Technical Bulletin #1 -

10 What does level 1 look like?
READING: DOK th-5th Grade What sickness is breaking out among Mary’s household? DOK 1 How does Mary survive the cholera outbreak? MATH: DOK 1 - Algebra I What value of x makes this equation true? 5(x + 4) = 3x + 28 4 6 12 24 DOK 1: RECALL Read the content question(s) that applies to you. This is what level 1 looks like… (Math, Grades 8 or 9 (Quality Core) Answer: a. 4 ; Reading questions for The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett) Involves recall of information such as facts, definitions, terms, or simple procedures (M&R) Requires rote or right there responses (M&R) Requires performing a simple, one-step algorithm or applying a well defined procedure (math) Involves locating information in verbatim form to answer a question (reading) Verbs: identify, recall, recognize, use, and measure (math) Verbs: what and how (reading)

11 Potential Activities & Questions Bloom’s vs. DOK
dok level 2 Verbs Teacher Role Student Role Possible Products Potential Activities & Questions Bloom’s vs. DOK HANDOUT 1 Have participants investigate DOK Level 2 on pages Participants should annotate their text and make margin notes for discussion after analyzing. Ask participants to refrain from discussion until time is done. (6 mins to investigate) (6 mins to discuss)

12 6 minutes

13 Dok Level 2: Skill/Concept
Compare or differentiate Apply multiple concepts Classify or sort Describe (predict) or explain (tell why) Provide examples and non-examples Use examples in context for unknown words Usually one right answer Following discussion use the slide to recap Level 2 (quickly) Revisit these statements from ‘What DOK is NOT’: DOK is NOT a check of whether a task is completed correctly; it is the kind of thinking involved in the task…So what kind of thinking is involved in Level 2 tasks??? (Answer: More complex) What kind of thinking is involved in Level 2 tasks? More complex

14 How does Level 2 connect to aspire?
Percentage of DOK Level 2 Items: Reading 38-62% Math 27-38% For facilitator purposes: Information was taken from Technical Bulletin #1 Technical Bulletin #1 -

15 What does level 2 look like?
READING: DOK 2 - 4th-5th Grade When does Mary discover that cholera has killed everyone in her home? MATH: DOK 2 – Algebra I When a student subtracts 18 from a number, the result is ¼ of the number. What is the number? 6 18 24 36 DOK 2: Skill/Concept Read the content question(s) that applies to you. This is what level 2 looks like… (Math (Quality Core) Grades 8 or 9, Answer: c. 24; Reading questions for The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett) Includes some mental processing beyond a rote or habitual response (M & R) Requires students to make some decisions (M & R) Implies that student complete actions requiring more than one step (M & R – making inferences) Includes verbs such as classify, organize, estimate, make observations, collect and display data, and compare data

16 Potential Activities & Questions Bloom’s vs. DOK
Dok Level 3 Verbs Teacher Role Student Role Possible Products Potential Activities & Questions Bloom’s vs. DOK HANDOUT 1 Have participants investigate DOK Level 3 on pages Participants should annotate their text and make margin notes for discussion after analyzing. Ask participants to refrain from discussion until time is done. (6 mins to investigate) (6 mins to discuss)

17 6 minutes

18 Dok Level 3: Strategic thinking
Demands the use of planning Reasoning Higher order thinking Analysis and evaluation Solving real-world problems Activities may have more than one answer & more than one way to reach an answer Provide evidence and reasoning for conclusions drawn Explain and justify thinking In-depth understanding of one text, data set, investigation or key source Following discussion use the slide to recap Level 3 (quickly) Revisit these statements from ‘What DOK is NOT’: DOK is NOT a check of whether a task is completed correctly; it is the kind of thinking involved in the task…So what kind of thinking is involved in Level 3 tasks??? (Answer: Higher cognitive demands… very complex) What kind of thinking is involved in Level 3 tasks? Higher cognitive demands Very complex

19 How does Level 3 connect to aspire?
Percentage of DOK Level 3 Items: Reading 24-48% Math 51-62% For facilitator purposes: Information was taken from Technical Bulletin #1 Technical Bulletin #1 -

20 What does level 3 look like?
READING: DOK th - 5th Grade What does the narrator mean when he or she says, “When people had cholera it seemed they remembered nothing but themselves”? Does Mary believe anyone will come for her? DOK 3 Read Rudyard Kipling’s poem “Cholera Camp.” Compare and contrast how the excerpt from The Secret Garden and the poem describe a cholera outbreak. MATH: DOK 3 - Algebra I Jack, Luka, Tony took a quiz. Luka’s score was 12 less than Tony’s score and three times Jack’s score. If Jack’s score was 1/9 of Tony’s score, what was Tony’s score? 6 12 18 24 DOK 3: Strategic Thinking (Answer: c. 18, Reading questions for The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett) Read the content question(s) that applies to you. This is what level 3 looks like… Makes complex and abstract cognitive demands. (M & R) Requires reasoning, planning, using evidence, and a higher level thinking than Levels 1 & 2 (M & R) Typically requires students to make conjectures and explain their thinking (M & R) Involves drawing conclusions, citing evidence and developing logical evidence, explaining phenomena in terms of concepts, and using concepts to solve problems (M & R)

21 Potential Activities & Questions Bloom’s vs. DOK
DOK Level 4 Verbs Teacher Role Student Role Possible Products Potential Activities & Questions Bloom’s vs. DOK HANDOUT 1 Have participants investigate DOK Level 4 on pages Participants should annotate their text and make margin notes for discussion after analyzing. Ask participants to refrain from discussion until time is done. (6 mins to investigate) (6 mins to discuss) If there is not enough time recap for them (slide 19).

22 DOK Level 4: Extended thinking
Create Extend Produce Extended time / Multiday Project-based / Collaborative More than one answer & more than one way to reach an answer Following discussion use the slide to recap Level 4 (quickly) Revisit these statements from ‘What DOK is NOT’: DOK is NOT a check of whether a task is completed correctly; it is the kind of thinking involved in the task…So what kind of thinking is involved in Level 4 tasks??? (Answer: The highest cognitive demand… highest level of complexity) What kind of thinking is involved in Level 4 tasks? Highest cognitive demand Highest level of complexity

23 How does Level 4 connect to aspire?
Not tested on ACT Bulletin #1 Page 9 Technical Bulletin #1 -

24 Are we going deeper or wider?
Standards based instruction Rigorous Instruction Instructional Practices Connected Strategies / Activities / Relevance Scaffolding Instruction Engagement of ALL students DEPTH OF KNOWLEDGE RECAP of the day…RECAP of the year…. See everything as a whole.. See the big picture as opposed to pieces of a puzzle.

25 What did you learn? GIST In 20 words or less summarize your most valuable piece of learning today… (GIST = Generating Interactions between Schemata and Text) On the table: Other DOK resources for your perusal Resources are on the CCRS web-site

26 Contact Info & Survey link CCRS Educational Administrators Lori Boyd, Gay Finn, ARI Region 11 Instructional Coach Melanie Matthews, Survey Monkey

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