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Fframwaith Credydau a Chymwysterau (FfCCh)

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1 Fframwaith Credydau a Chymwysterau (FfCCh)
Qualification and Credit Framework(QCF) Fframwaith Credydau a Chymwysterau (FfCCh) Q: Can everyone hear or see me? Introduce myself. Care Council for Wales Cyngor Gofal Cymru

2 Aim of presentation Bwriad y cyflwyniad
To provide a brief overview of the Qualification and Credit Framework (QCF) Darparu trosolwg byr ar Fframwaith Credydau a Chymwysterau (FfCCh)  After my presentation you should be able to understand: What is happening to vocational quals across UK  How the new Qualification Credit Framework will work   What this means in practice for social care employers, the workforce and learning providers

3 Background to QCF Cefndir FfCC UK Vocational Reform Programme
Welsh ministerial approval November 2008 UK partnership SfCD Contributions CQFW Rhaglen Diwygiad Galwedigaethol DU Cymeradwyaeth Gweinidogaethol yn Nhachwedd 2008 Partneriaeth Sgilliau Gofal a Datblygu Cyfraniadau FfCChC Q: Familiar with QCF? NQF: qualification only accreditation framework. too inflexible and too large - e.g. 328 quals approved for our sector! Now 60. Qualifications had to be completed in one go, with no perceived value for partial completion. Other sectors: e.g. construction, retail, leisure and tourism QCF: successfully tested and trialled over 3 years SfCD - Wales, Northern Ireland and England. Scotland retaining SVQs. Contributed: Social care employers (adults and childrens’) across the sector, service users and carers, learning providers, assessors/verifiers, awarding organisations (QFRG/OSG, unit scrutiny, sent out for feedback) Quals accreditied: Currently 14, 5 left to do and all will be on QCF ready for learners to start registering from 1 January 2011. CQFW: QCF part of the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales- overarching framework. CQFW has demonstrated successful use of credit based quall in Wales.

4 Sut mae FfCCh yn gweithio ?
How does QCF work ? Sut mae FfCCh yn gweithio ? Units Credits – 1 credit = 10 hours learning Unedau Credydau – 1 credyd = 10 awr o dysgu All QCF quals built up from units, which combine into a whole qualification. Shared, mandatory, optional units Units consist of: LO- state what learner needs to know, understand or do as a result of learning – AND – Assessment Criteria, which specify if learner has met specified outcomes to a defined level. LO very similar to employers training objectives so employers can commission or design/adapt training based on these LO. Limited number of knowledge only units- are usually context units e.g. Understanding sensory loss, Learning Disability etc. Credits Reflect the average amount of learning required to complete the qualification. More credits come from the competence units than the knowledge units.

5 Sut mae FfCCh yn gweithio ?
How does QCF work ? Sut mae FfCCh yn gweithio ? Lefelau 1 – 8 Meintiau – Gwobrau, Tystysgriafau, Diplomau Cymhwyster / ROC Cynnwys FfCCh, maint a chymlethdod = NVQ Levels 1-8 Sizes – Awards, Certificates, Diplomas Qualification/ ROC QCF content, size and complexity = NVQ Levels - indicate the challenge and complexity of a qual Unit based on what role delivers, measured against OFQUAL and Level descriptors. Need to choose units that reflect their role but with an eye on progression. L5=L5- when NVQ 4 was measured it was realised that it is actually a L5, therefore called L5 in Diploma. Happened across all sectors. ROC- Rules of Combination used to ensure that appropriate units grouped together to provide a qual that is suitable for the sector. Sizes Awards, Certificates and Diplomas – indicate the size of the qualification, not the level of difficulty: Awards 0-12 Certificates 13-36 Diplomas 37+ Replacement QCF for NVQs in Wales are all Diploma size

6 Time Scales Graddfa Amser
National Qualifications Framework closes 31st December 2010 to vocational qualifications Last NVQ registration therefore 31st December 2010 QCF fully operational from January 2011 Fframwaith Cymwysterau Cenedelaethol yn cau ar 31 Rhagfyr 2010 i gymwysterau galwadigaethol Cofrestridau olaf NVQ ar 31 Rhagfyr 2010 FfCCh yn weitheredol yn llawn o Ionawr 2011 NQF AIMS to close to vocational qualifications by 31 Dec . Will still be open to qualifications such as GCSEs and A levels. Workers part way through an NVQ will get usual amount of time to complete it i.e. 2 years for L2, 3 years for L3 & L4. . There will be a period of transition where social care workers will be working to complete NVQs or have commenced on new qualifications. End date 2013 for NVQs. QCF will be fully operational by 1 Jan 2011 for our part of the sector.

7 Useful Links Cysylltiadau Defnyddiol
Search - NDAQ lists all the accredited qualifications available Chwyliwch – Mae NDAQ yn rhestru’r cymwysterau achrededig sydd ar gael Handout.

8 WD Team- 02920 226257 (Reception) or email qualifications@ccwales. org
WD Team (Reception) or Tim Datblygu’r Gweithlu – (Derbynfa) Did you find that useful?

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