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Garlic Sulphur Biochemistry

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1 Garlic Sulphur Biochemistry
Workpackage Four Garlic Sulphur Biochemistry Partner 2: Horticulture Research International Laurence Trueman, Brian Thomas, Linda Brown & Brian Smith

2 To identify developmental control points for CSO synthesis
Objective: 2 To identify developmental control points for CSO synthesis Milestones Feb Analysis of second-year field experiment completed Whole plant labelling studies completed

3 Hydroponic Printanor A=50% total sulphur (d. 102, end March)
B=Start bulbing (d. 130, 20 Apr) C=Start of senescence of root & leaf (d. 170, end May) D=Harvest (d. 230, end Jul) A B C D

4 Hydroponic Printanor Distribution and remobilization
of sulphur taken up early * * * * * * * * * * * every 14d Distribution and remobilization of sulphur taken up late * * * * * * * * * * * every 14d A B C D 34S 32S

5 What we want to know When does nutrient uptake from the medium stop
When does bulb filling start What proportion of S (and N) comes from the roots, leaves and hydroponic medium The form of the S in the root and leaf

6 Hydroponic data Bulb Index Fresh weight Dry Weight

7 To isolate and characterise alliinase cDNA clones
Objective: 3b To isolate and characterise alliinase cDNA clones Milestones Feb Start Expression Analysis

8 Garlic Alliinase Expression relative to total rRNA content

9 Comparison of DNA derived polypeptide sequences
Peptide 1 = Published, 2 = Al48 & 3 = Al41

10 Comparison of Peptide sequences
Al48 has 98.9% identity to other known garlic cDNA’s Al41 has only the N-terminal 50% of the peptide in common with other alliinases The N-terminal portion of this peptide is likely to direct this peptide to the vacuole - Does it act as a storage protein?

11 Is it real? Al Al41

12 Clustering relationship of Messidrome alliinase PCR fragment sequences
l=Leaf Clone b=Bulb Clone


14 mRNA Expression - Method

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