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Presentation on theme: "APANPIRG ACTIVITIES – OUTCOME OF APANPIRG/23 DP/3/1"— Presentation transcript:

Presented by the International Civil Aviation Organization

2 History of Meeting APANPIRG/23 was held from 10 to 14 September 2012 at ICAO Regional Office, Bangkok; 118 participants from 26 States, 2 SARs and 5 International Organizations (CANSO, IATA, ICCAIA, IFALPA, and IFATCA) ; The full meeting report is available on the regional office web site:

3 History of Meeting APANPIRG/23 adopted 46 Conclusions and 7 Decisions
ATM- 13 Conclusions and 3 Decisions CNS- 20conclusions and 2 Decisions MET- 7 Conclusions Air Navigation deficiencies- 1 Conclusion Environment- 1 Conclusion Others- 4 conclusions and 2 Decisions

4 Regional Air Navigation Planning and Implementation- Summary of APANPIRG Outcomes
Key Outcomes Transition to New flight Plan Format – States urged to commence operational acceptance and processing of both Present and New Flight Plan Format FPL and ATS messages no later than 12 November 2012 in order to avoid the risks involved in the direct transition from Present to New processing. South East Asia Route Review Task Force and Bay of Bengal Reduced horizontal Separation Task Force dissolved and any on going tasks delegated to existing bi-lateral /multilateral groups and coordination groups respectively. The Asia Pacific Regional Search and Rescue Task Force established reporting to the ATM Sub group

5 Regional Air Navigation Planning and Implementation- Summary of APANPIRG Outcomes
Inter regional APAC/NAT AIDC Task Force established. States having experience of AIDC implementation encouraged to participate and contribute. States urged to share their AIDC implementation plan with the neighbouring States in order to implement AIDC in a timely manner. AN Asia/Pacific GNSS landing System(GLS) seminar will be convened by ICAO to provide information on emerging GLS technology, airport and airline GLS planning and development of applicable standards. States urged to share ionospheric data from their national sources to support development of regional ionospheric models for GBAS and SBAS.

6 Regional Air Navigation Planning and Implementation- Summary of APANPIRG Outcomes
Developed the revised Navigation and Surveillance Strategy for the Asia and Pacific Regions Australia requested to establish and maintain a data base of Black list airframe broadcasting misleading ADS B data; ICAO with the assistance of OPMET/M/TF will continue its efforts to improve the availability , timeliness, and regularity of OPMET data at the RODBs, SADIS and WIFS through regular monitoring and testing; Continue efforts for standardized procedures for the issuance of MET data and improve the issuance of OPMET data with respect to timeliness, regularity and availability

7 Regional Air Navigation Planning and Implementation- Summary of APANPIRG Outcomes
States reminded on Annex 3 provisions concerning the quality management of meteorological information to be supplied to users ICAO in coordination with the World Meteorological Organization will develop strategies to foster the implementation of quality management systems for meteorological services amongst States in the APAC region on Annex 3 provision; The Asia/Pacific Position Statement on the ASBU initiative developed for use by States as a reference in formulating their position for the 12th Air Navigation Conference. Promoted the use of IFSET or an advance tool /measurement capability available to estimate environment benefits accrued from operation improvements and report the benefits on a quarterly basis to ICAO.

8 Action by the Conference
The Conference is invited to: note the information on the important role of the APANPIRG in the Asia/Pacific Region; note the outcomes of the Twenty Third Meeting of APANPIRG reiterate the need for strong support by all States in the Region for APANPIRG on a continuing basis.



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