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Impact of Data Releases

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1 Impact of Data Releases
Released: 12:00 GMT, 13th September, 2016 Next release: 12:00 GMT, 19th October, 2016 China economic growth rate accelerating slightly The China NCI™ is at for October, compared to for September, and is forecast at for November. The level of the NCI™ series has been revised downward to account for the negative balance of surprises in the economic data released during the past month, particularly Industrial Production for September. NCI™ Release Dates reference period 13/09/2016 19/10/2016 Sep-16 60.41 (A) 58.41 (U) Oct-16 62.72 (F) 59.16 Nov-16 -- 60.19 Notes: (A), ACTUAL, denotes the estimate of economic activity for the current month; (F), FORECAST, the forecast for next month; (U) UPDATED, denotes updates reflecting data released since the last NCI publication date. Source: Now-Casting Economics Ltd Impact of Data Releases Release Reference Model China NCITM Date Name Period Unit Value* Expectation September October 19/10/2016 Newly Started Construction Sep-16 YoY % 6.83 -6.21 -0.07 -0.16 Industrial Production 6.10 6.92 -1.61 -2.91 Electricity Production 8.03 6.32 0.11 0.33 13/10/2016 Imports -1.90 -0.74 -0.06 -0.13 Exports -10.00 -1.11 -0.43 -0.91 08/10/2016 HSBC/Markit PMI: Services Index 52.01 52.34 -0.10 -0.24 01/10/2016 Official PMI: Nonmanufacturing 53.70 53.84 -0.08 -0.17 Official PMI: Manufacturing 50.40 50.15 0.09 0.18 30/09/2016 HSBC/Markit PMI: Manufacturing 50.09 49.73 0.26 0.58 22/09/2016 Freight Traffic Aug-16 3.16 3.88 -0.05 -1.94 -3.51 Note: Released values are expressed in Model Units Source: Now-Casting Economics Ltd and Official Data Sources


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