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1 Sounds

2 What will we learn today?
Remember that Alice is a programming tool Alice uses storytelling to teach programming concepts We will learn Importing and playing sounds (Audio Files)

3 Importing and Playing a Sound
There are two ways to import and use audio files for creating sound effects in Alice Import Sound Record Sound (few seconds) All audio files must be in WAV or MP3 format

4 Example-Bunny Nap Time
Someday the bunny was sleeping and the phone ringing wakes bunny, so bunny gets annoyed, shushes the phone and destroys it.

5 Creating Sound We will make the bunny speaks
Click on world in the object tree Go to the properties tab Click on the (+) sign next to Sounds

6 Recording Sound Click on the record sound button.
(Make sure the volume on your computer is on) Type in a name for the sound file, call it bunnyShhhh Click Record, say “Shhhhh” Click Stop when you are done Click play to hear it Your sound will appear on the properties pane under sounds.

7 Importing Sound We will make the phone rings
Click on the import sound button Choose “telepone-ring-2.mp3” sound file from the pop-up window Click import Your sound will appear on the properties pane under sounds

8 Adding the Sound to the Code
Drag a Do together into your code above the bunny say, then drag the say method into it. Find your sound again in world properties, and then drag it into the Do together with your say method.

9 Changing Duration Set the duration of your say method so it matches approximately the length of your sound file. If your sound file is big, try to make it in 2 or more sound files and play then consecutively

10 Lets Work with Alice Design and implement a simulation were a Policeman walks around AlZubarah Fort and presents some historical information about the fort’s structure The police man should speak out information about different parts of the fort, types of materials used and purpose of using these parts The best simulation will be selected as the winner * Al zubarah fort and the police man will be find in the middle east gallery folder

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