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Nuclear Binding, Radioactivity

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1 Nuclear Binding, Radioactivity
Physics 102: Lecture 27 Nuclear Binding, Radioactivity Make sure your grade book entries are correct Honors projects are due Monday April 28! Choose your final date in Grade Book by 10 PM TODAY! Review for final: Thursday, May 1, 1-3 PM, 141 Loomis Please fill out on-line ICES forms Deadline for all excused absences, 11:45 AM Thursday 1

2 Strong Nuclear Force Hydrogen atom: Binding energy =13.6eV neutron
(of electron to nucleus) Coulomb force electron proton neutron proton Simplest Nucleus: Deuteron=neutron+proton Very strong force Binding energy of deuteron = or 2.2Mev! That’s around 200,000 times bigger! 12

3 Smaller is Bigger! Example Comparing Nuclear and Atomic sizes
Hydrogen Atom: Bohr radius = Note the TREMENDOUS difference Nucleus with nucl number A: A has radius Example Z Nucleus is 104 times smaller and binding energy is 105 times larger! 13

4 Preflight 27.2 Where does the energy released in the nuclear reactions of the sun come from? covalent bonds between atoms % binding energy of electrons to the nucleus 38% (3) binding energy of nucleons % 15

5 Binding Energy Example
Einstein’s famous equation E = m c2 Example proton: mc2=(1.67x10-27kg)(3x108 m/s)2=1.50x10-10 J Proton: mc2 = 938.3MeV Neutron: mc2= 939.5MeV Adding these, get MeV Difference is Binding energy, 2.2MeV Deuteron: mc2 =1875.6MeV MDeuteron = MProton + MNeutron – |Binding Energy| 17

6 ACT: Binding Energy M1 = Mballs + Mspring
Which system “weighs” more? Two balls attached by a relaxed spring. Two balls attached by a stretched spring. They have the same weight. M1 = Mballs + Mspring M2 = Mballs + Mspring + Espring/c2 M2 – M1 = Espring/c2 ≈ Kg 19

7 Binding Energy Plot Iron (Fe) is most binding energy/nucleon. Lighter have too few nucleons, heavier have too many. 10 Fission Fusion BINDING ENERGY in MeV/nucleon Fission = Breaking large atoms into small Fusion = Combining small atoms into large 21

8 Preflight 27.3 Which element has the highest binding energy/nucleon?
Neon (Z=10) 36% Iron (Z=26) 20% Iodine (Z=53) 44% 22

9 Preflight 27.4 Which of the following is most correct for the total binding energy of an Iron atom (Z=26)? 11% 35% 44% 10% 9 MeV 234 MeV 270 MeV 504 Mev For Fe, B.E./nucleon  9MeV has 56 nucleons Total B.E  56x9=504 MeV 24

10 3 Types of Radioactivity
Radioactive sources B field into screen detector a particles: nuclei Easily Stopped b- particles: electrons Stopped by metal g : photons (more energetic than x-rays) penetrate! 26

11 Decay Rules Example g: example Nucleon Number is conserved.
Atomic Number (charge) is conserved. Energy and momentum are conserved. : example recall 238 = Nucleon number conserved 92 = Charge conserved Comment on preflight only 30% got correct that alpha decay does NOT have charge increase by 2. : example Needed to conserve momentum. g: example 30

12 Preflight 27.6 A nucleus undergoes  decay. Which of the following is FALSE? 1. Nucleon number decreases by % 2. Neutron number decreases by % 3. Charge on nucleus increases by %  decay is the emission of A decreases by 4 Ex. Z decreases by 2 (charge decreases!) 32

13 Preflight 27.7 The nucleus undergoes decay.
Which of the following is true? 1. The number of protons in the daughter nucleus increases by one. 2. The number of neutrons in the daughter nucleus increases by one. decay is accompanied by the emission of an electron: creation of a charge -e. In fact, inside the nucleus, and the electron and neutrino “escape.” 34

14 ACT: Decay Which of the following decays is NOT allowed? 1 2 3 4
238 = 92 = 214 = 84 = 14 = 14+0 6 <> 7+0 40 = 19 = 1 2 3 4 36

15 Preflight 27.8 Decays per second, or “activity”
No. of nuclei present Decays per second, or “activity” decay constant If the number of radioactive nuclei present is cut in half, how does the activity change? 1 It remains the same 28% 2 It is cut in half % 3 It doubles % 38

16 ACT: Radioactivity Decays per second, or “activity”
No. of nuclei present Decays per second, or “activity” decay constant Start with 16 14C atoms. After 6000 years, there are only 8 left. How many will be left after another 6000 years? 1) 0 2) 4 3) 8 Every 6000 years ½ of atoms decay 40

17 Decay Function time 40

18 Radioactivity Quantitatively
No. of nuclei present Decays per second, or “activity” decay constant Survival: No. of nuclei present at time t No. we started with at t=0 Instead of base e we can use base 2: where Half life Then we can write 42

19 You are radioactive! Example
One in 8.3x1011 carbon atoms is 14C which b- decays with a ½ life of 5730 years. Determine # of decays/gram of Carbon. 45

20 Carbon Dating We just determined that living organisms should have a decay rate of about 0.23 events/ gram of carbon. The bones of an ice man are found to have a decay rate of 0.23/ 2 events/gram. We can estimate he died about 6000 years ago. Example 47

21 ACT/Preflight 27.9 The half-life for beta-decay of 14C is ~6,000 years. You test a fossil and find that only 25% of its 14C is un-decayed. How old is the fossil? 1. 3,000 years 2. 6,000 years 3. 12,000 years At 0 years: 100% remains At 6,000 years: 50% remains At 12,000 years: 25% remains 49

22 Summary Nuclear Reactions Decays Nucleon number conserved
Charge conserved Energy/Momentum conserved a particles = nucleii b- particles = electrons g particles = high-energy photons Decays Half-Life is time for ½ of atoms to decay Survival: 50

23 See you next time! Read Textbook Sections 26.1 – 26.7
Take a look at Special Relativity in 14 Easy (Hyper)lessons:

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