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Presentation on theme: "TRANSPORT PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: BRIEFING ON THE ROAD MAINTENANCE FUNDING PLAN 02 November 2010."— Presentation transcript:

02 November 2010

2 Presentation Outline Background SA road network
Road maintenance allocations Budget & expenditure for CAPEX and maintenance per province for EPWP EPWP Up Scaling Allocations per Province Challenges Progress Strategic interventions Resolutions of the road construction and maintenance summit Conclusion

3 Background

4 South African Road Network
(Status Quo of roads) Authority Paved Gravel Total SANRAL 16,170 Provinces - 9 48,176 136,640 184,816 Metros - 9 51,682 14,461 66,143 Municipalities 37,691 302,158 339,849 153,719 453,259 606,978 Un-Proclaimed (Estimate) 140,000 Estimated Total 593,259 746,978 Un-Proclaimed Roads = Public roads not formally maintained by any Authority

5 SUMMARY OF ROAD NETWORK (Status Quo of roads)
The problem statement in May was defined as follows: Roads have reached design life Migration from rail to road Lack of adequate funding Competition in the fiscal funding – infra vs social Annual Maintenance Backlogs Historic Maintenance Backlogs Construction Backlogs The optimal expenditure split for Maintenance & Capital? (Prioritising Existing & New Roads)

6 Road maintenance allocations…..
2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 R million Outcome Pre-audited outcome Medium term estimates EC FS GP KZN LP MPU NC NW WC 424 192 363 656 321 197 80 253 573 566 347 171 821 328 246 83 267 657 668 163 972 443 113 210 813 180 777 1 855 387 541 116 621 749 296 1516 377 432 142 288 558 704 289 876 1 706 520 297 744 723 304 930 1 809 490 546 166 331 791 Total 3 058 3 485 3799 5 543 5 026 5 702 6 089 Maintenance as a percentage of the total provincial road and transport expenditure 18.5% 22.0% 22.8% 23.7% 13.7% 15.5% 21.8% 13.5% 32.3% 22.5% 24.1% 9.9% 27.5% 13.1% 19.3% 20.2% 12.8% 29.1% 22.6% 11.3% 10.2% 27.0% 11.6% 24.3% 19.1% 10.4% 28.0% 21.5% 9.2% 24.4% 32.2% 12.8% 24.9% 15.8% 11.0% 18.6% 15.2% 13.8% 24.6% 10.2% 16.5% 17.9% 15.6% 29.8% 10.7% 20.1% 16.4% 25.1% 17.5% 12.7% 23.8% 29.3% 11.5% 19.4% 17.7% 11.1% 25.9% 20.2% 20.3% 19.0% 21.6% 16.7% 19.9%

Total budget access roads Rands (’000) Capex Budget Maintenance Budget Target Work Opportunities Achieved Work Opportunities Total spent Rands (’000) EC 330,870 195,088 135,782 6563 23173 282,658 FS 288,761 284,261 4,500 3296 1828 206,329 GP 347,127 4980 3428 238,993 KZN 496,002 215,204 280,798 8229 44185 505,059 LP 108,700 93,100 15,600 4444 2837 80,601 MP 57,049 30,292 26,757 4681 2964 45,541 NC 265,319 256,259 9,060 3093 2022 230,112 NW 7,850 1030 858 3,899 WC 378,154 122,306 255,848 2557 5370 321,799 Total 2,279,836 1,543,639 (67%) 736,196 (33%) 38,872 86,665 1,914,997

8 EPWP Up Scaling Allocations per Province over the 2010 MTEF (DORA)
2010/11 Rands (‘000) 2011/12 2012/13 Total per province over MTEF EC 392,707 487,829 579,506 1,460,042 FS 187,422 232,820 276,574 696,816 GP 237,828 295,436 350,957 884,221 KZN 471,881 586,181 696,341 1,754,403 LP 294,744 366,137 434,945 1,095,826 MPU 228,833 284,262 337,683 850,778 NC 152,708 189,698 225,348 567,754 NW 121,404 150,811 179,153 451,368 WC 148,051 183,912 218,474 550,437 Total 2,235,578 2,777,086 3,298,980 8,311,644

9 Challenges DoT’s mandate is limited to working on National Roads assets DoT as the lead Department is not sufficiently resourced Most existing roads have exceeded their design life Construction and upgrading of rural access roads is not fast enough. The critical requirement is a decision support system (pavement asset management system) at local and municipal level Input into the pavement asset management system has to be ongoing The overall level of road funding is lagging. This implies that backlogs are created rather than addressed.

10 Strategic Interventions
National Infrastructure Maintenance Strategy (NIMS) Headed by National Treasury (CIDB). The Following Challenges being addressed by NIMS Asset Management Practices Norms and Standards Budget constraints and backlog Skills Capacity Institutional arrangements Construction and Maintenance Summit (May 2010) Fiscal and non fiscal funding options Asset preservation – Guidelines and best practice (RISFSA) Efficiency Outcomes /Performance based Development of Women Enterprises in Transport (SANWIT) Road Safety Minister announcement re: dedicated roads funding from fuel levy


12 resolution of the road construction and maintenance summit:
Delivery models Funding and asset management systems Capacity development BEE and women empowerment Road safety

13 Construction and maintenance summit resolutions and progress….
Delivery model resolutions: Progress Up scaling of Zibambele across the country Up scaling funds should be directed to access roads Creations of more jobs to attract EPWP incentive funding Provide infrastructure cost effectively Department is developing a flagship national programme for the creation of jobs and maintenance of infrastructure. (SSP) The discussions in this session looked at case studies of roads delivery models in KwaZulu- Natal (Zibambele) and the Western Cape (Koeberg Interchange project) as well as changes in EIA regulation as they impact on roads. The models emphasised the provision of access to community facilities and the need for integrated planning, correct design for purpose, the need for job creation to be central in road infrastructure delivery, making recommendations that relates to design, funding and other strategic processes that affects roads delivery e.g. implementation of freight logistics strategy regarding the movement of freight from road to rail. The main resolution was with regard the up-scaling of Zibambele across the country which should be directed to access roads, the need for authorities to increase job creation in order to access the EPWP incentive of additional funds. Other resolutions include: Build Capacity within the sector for improved timeous approval process Include EIA in the integrated planning Align business process and regulatory framework to ensure the achievement of broader economic and social objectives and targets We need to have capacity including skills and numbers Provision of cost effective service delivery Correct utilisation of funds 13

14 Possible benefits from a National Rollout of Zibambele
Potential Targets RSA KZN - DOT Existing Kilometers of roads 750,000 27,998 Number of contractors 875,000 40,000 Potential kilometers of roads 438,000 28,000 Person days of employment 84,000,000 3,800,000 Full Time Equivalents 366,000 16,700 Budget Estimates R4,945 Billion R225,6 million

15 Construction and maintenance summit resolutions and progress….
Sustainable funding: Progress Dedicated funding from fuel levy Budget increases and capacity need to be phased in. Need to ensure allocated budgets are spent on roads Restructuring of Infrastructure Grant to Provinces process now underway providing scope for funding and budgeting process reforms to be considered including measures to address efficiency of spending by authorities Discussions with National Treasury re: DOT responsible for the Infrastructure Grant to Provinces which should enable establishment of a fully fledged national programme, maximising decent job creation Engagement with National Treasury: developing a framework for DOT to take full responsibility for Infrastructure Grants for Provinces in order to address the resolutions

16 Construction and maintenance summit resolutions and progress….
Progress/process to date Asset management system resolution Development of an asset management framework Need to ensure that portion of budget is allocated for Preventative Maintenance Need to ensure that portion (at least 60%) of maintenance budgets are allocated for preventative maintenance (routine and periodic) MOU with DBSA to deal with : - Asset management system - Funding model - Sector skills - Review of roll-out of ITPN’s Implementation of NIMS - Mechanism for enforcing through MINMEC and COTO to be developed Assessments on higher volume roads: additional automated condition surveys – Roughness, Rut Depth etc. The issue of technical skills for road assement management system: It is important to ensure that appropriate technical skills are available at all government levels, for proper Asset Management and project identification, to ensure appropriate design standards are applied, ensure quality of work, sharing of resources between government levels. A need to streamline government procurement procedures was also emphasised which will require the standardisation of tender documents, as well as tender evaluation and award procedures. Training and Quality Control procedures Will also need to be developed.

17 Conclusion Present allocations should be streamlined to achieve effectiveness DoT to streamline a flagship programme: Key regional economic routes / NATMAP Rural transport development Labour intensive roll-out Road safety DoT to develop implementation proposals with provinces to seek funding DoT to refocus from policy development to implementation coordination

18 Thank You


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