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APICS CPIM Learning System: Part 1 & Part 2

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Presentation on theme: "APICS CPIM Learning System: Part 1 & Part 2"— Presentation transcript:

1 APICS CPIM Learning System: Part 1 & Part 2
Carrie Dahl APICS Regional Manager- CSCP, CLTD, and CPIM / Holmes Corporation

2 Agenda CPIM Launch CPIM Sales & Marketing CSCP & CLTD update

3 CPIM Launch 550 Part 1 Learning Systems 500 Part 2 Learning Systems 200 Part 1 Instructor kits 150 Part 2 Instructor kits 180 Bundles Part 1 Iks started to ship July 19 Presale Aug 7-Aug 31

4 CPIM Instructor materials
Available for download on Partner Resource Central PowerPoint Slides Classroom Activities Optional final exam & Answer Key Mapping docs Michele contacts each chapter after an order is placed the first time for CPIM materials to make sure they know about next steps for instructor set up (assigning instructor kit license first before you can access materials) and adding the instructor to a session prior to seeing online learning system, group reports, facilitator tools.

5 CPIM Instructor tools – Learning Analytics Center
Accessing the online Learning System, Reports and Facilitator tools 3 steps: Assign Instructor kit license to instructor Set up a class session & enroll instructor Go to LAC Instructors must be entered into a class session in order to access online tools of the learning system, reports and facilitator tools After chapter orders are placed, Michele sends a communication with the instructions to the person who placed the order.

6 CPIM Learning System Demo Practice Question Tool
This link should be available on your chapter website Education selector will provide a high-level comparison of all cert programs Click into CPIM to try the LS demo, try out the Practice Question tool, read about program benefits, etc… For a more direct link add:

7 Webinar Resources CPIM Learning System Preview (recorded May 24)
Launching Q4 CPIM Courses: An Intro to PRC (recorded June 13) Teaching APICS Certification Prep Courses using Online Tools (recorded July 27) CPIM Transformed for Today’s Busy Professional (recorded Aug 8) November 14th Webinar - Teaching APICS Certification Prep Courses; Best Practices Available on YouTube & PRC and were included in Michele’s newsletters

8 APICS International Conference: CPIM Workshop
CPIM Reconfiguration Workshop and Instructor Demonstration Date:  Monday, October 16th Time:  5:30-6:45 p.m. US-CT This session will discuss: CPIM reconfiguration Demo the CPIM Learning System Manufacturing Planning and Control class activity using flipped classroom techniques CPIM SME Presenters: Tony Zampello Sue Franks Rob Van Stratum

9 CPIM Learning System Pre-Launch Kit
VERSION 2.0 CPIM LEARNING SYSTEM PRE-LAUNCH KIT AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD on Partner Resource Central (PRC) Learning System component descriptions Mapping Documents PowerPoint Samples Suggested instructor-led course roadmap High level course timing Suggested course agendas Table of contents with objectives Sample reading excerpt for SMR Go-To-Market Selling Points Located in Product/Credential folder This is a tool that can be helpful to someone or a chapter that isn’t quite ready to purchase materials but still would like to better understand the changes to CPIM.

10 CPIM Marketing Tools Partner tools: Course flyer template
CPIM Road Map flyer template Two course marketing templates CPIM Learning System brochure to customize CPIM Learning System product images Marketing copy blocks to adapt for your needs PPT template to adapt for upcoming presentations SmartPlan (Marketing Planning Tool) Course Implementation Plan Checklist Handout is the customizable Course flyer template –plug in chapter details and make available to your contacts via or in print form

11 CPIM Marketing Tools on Partner Resource Central (PRC)
Location for marketing tools, highlight customizable LS brochure (handout) found in the Promote My Course folder

12 The APICS CPIM Learning System
Web-based study tools Access educational activities to support reading module content with over practice questions. Pretest and Posttest SmartStudy plan and Reporting track progress Section quizzes, Case Study, Glossary and Flashcards Practice exams - emulate the weighting and timing of the computer-based exam format Resource Center includes a complimentary download of APICS CPIM ECM Mobile access to reading modules, study tools and resources Online access for one year Reading Modules (print and digital) Over 1500 pages of content CPIM Part 1 CPIM Part 2 Module 1: Basics of Supply Chain Management Module 1: Strategic Management of Resources Module 2: Master Planning of Resources Module 3: Detailed Scheduling and Planning Module 4: Execution and Control of Operations The recommended preparation for the CPIM certification is using the APICS CPIM Learning System. The CPIM Learning System contains both printed books and web-based study tools. The printed books are also available in e-reader format and PDF download. The web-based study tools are a collection of educational activities that support the reading material. There are both a pretest and a posttest, section quizzes, flashcards, online activities and case studies, videos and many other helpful tools including practice tests. The full online kit includes than 2000 questions for the entire CPIM program.

13 APICS Partner Online Order Tool
Special link to access partner pricing Partner pricing shows after you log in Michele has set up over 225 individual chapter accounts for individuals authorized to order materials. Each account is pre-loaded with billing information and chapter pricing. Partner pricing is presented AFTER the user logs in. Ordering online is going to be the more efficient way to order your materials. Once you submit the order, it goes into our order processing system and online licenses are automatically added to your PRC account so you can begin assigning licenses. The volume is such now that it’s becoming more and more difficult to handle orders over the phone or via so online ordering is great appreciated, that said, Michele welcomes your calls and s

14 4 Ways to Sell APICS Learning System Cert Prep
Marcus Domestic Your Sample ideal customer Communicate this value proposition in all your marketing communications. This is what differentiates your training product from others. It’s no longer good enough to compete solely on price — you need to focus on why customers buy from you. See appendix for other personas. What would you say to Marcus to convince him to your CPIM course?

15 4 Ways to Sell APICS Learning System Cert Prep
Crafting Your Elevator Pitch Answer the following questions to help you draft an elevator pitch that can be used in everything from face to face meetings to all your marketing efforts. Once you’ve answered the questions, write down your pitch on the backside of this worksheet. A good elevator pitch should last no longer than a short elevator ride of 20 to 30 seconds, hence the name! 1st Floor: Who are you? 2nd Floor: What do you do? 3rd Floor: What is your expertise? 4th Floor: What do you deliver? 5th Floor: Why do people choose you? 6th Floor: What sets you apart from your competition?

16 4 Ways to Sell APICS Learning System Cert Prep
Sample Value Proposition/Elevator Pitch At (chapter) , we are leaders in Supply Chain and Logistics training and APICS certification preparation in the (city/region) area. As one of only 300 approved APICS Authorized Partners in the world, we are committed to helping SCM professionals advance their knowledge, competencies and skills, and have been doing so for years. Certification candidates and employers trust us to provide comprehensive and interactive APICS exam preparation, delivered by experienced Supply Chain and Logistics professionals and based on the APICS Learning System. We are very proud that % of our (course name) students pass their exam on the first attempt and go on to become recognized experts and leaders in Supply Chain and Logistics. Communicate this value proposition in all your marketing communications. This is what differentiates your training product from others. It’s no longer good enough to compete solely on price — you need to focus on why customers buy from you. See appendix for other personas.

17 4 Ways to Sell APICS Learning System Cert Prep
2. Highlight the Value of the Learning System Scalable training that transcends geography Streamlined program delivered through the comprehensive learning system significantly reduces employee time away from work Time-saving learning tools and practice questions help participants gain critical competencies to drive efficiencies and contain costs Trackable employee progress and engagement to allow organizations to measure ROI Tailored learning experiences Consumers of training are becoming increasingly sophisticated and they expect engaging learning experiences Here are a few tips for building engaging training with the Learning System  that meets customers’ needs and has them coming back to buy more. Adult learners like to be challenged. Spoon-feeding them information is a sure way to bore them and have them forget what you’re trying to teach. Adult learners like to prove to themselves that they understand what they’re being told or asked to do.

18 4 Ways to Sell APICS Learning System Cert Prep
3. Engage Your Audience With Training To Meet their Needs 4 Ways to Sell APICS Learning System Cert Prep Feature Bite Size Training CPIM Videos Pinpoint learning needs with hundreds of practice exam questions and section quizzes Build global vocabulary with the virtual flashcards and glossary Link to YouTube videos through Announcements Manage their time efficiently with the Smart-Study Tool Promote variety of tools for different learning styles Applied learning with case studies Mobile friendly Engaging, online discussion activities Reading materials delivery modes to meet unique needs of each user Build confidence & test taking skills with a Practice Exam that emulates the actual experience Announcements feature allows instructor to link to outside content that enhances material (videos, audio links, recent articles) Here are a few tips for building engaging training with the Learning System  that meets customers’ needs and has them coming back to buy more. Bite-sized learning enables participants to quickly and conveniently consume content, particularly on mobile devices. One of the biggest benefits is it can be consumed during gaps in busy work schedules. Consider having them watch one of the six CPIM instructional videos or complete a section quiz outside of the classroom. Adult learners like to be challenged. Spoon-feeding them information is a sure way to bore them and have them forget what you’re trying to teach. Adult learners like to prove to themselves that they understand what they’re being told or asked to do.

19 4 Ways to Sell APICS Learning System Cert Prep
4. Create a Roadmap to Success 4 Ways to Sell APICS Learning System Cert Prep Utilize a plan that highlights What you need to do, When you need to do it and Tools to help you get it done… Here are a few tips for building engaging training with the Learning System  that meets customers’ needs and has them coming back to buy more. Bite-sized learning enables participants to quickly and conveniently consume content, particularly on mobile devices. One of the biggest benefits is it can be consumed during gaps in busy work schedules. Consider having them watch one of the six CPIM instructional videos or complete a section quiz outside of the classroom. Adult learners like to be challenged. Spoon-feeding them information is a sure way to bore them and have them forget what you’re trying to teach. Adult learners like to prove to themselves that they understand what they’re being told or asked to do.

20 Customer Personas for CSCP and CLTD

21 Persona Hypothesis: Sara and James Domestic, CSCP
Background Senior supply chain manager Education: Bachelor’s or Master degree Over 6 years experience Top 100 and mid-sized manufacturing and operations management industries Demographics Skews male, emerging female Age Suburban US Identifiers APICS member Working toward CSCP Strong membership prospect

22 Persona Hypothesis: Sara and James Domestic, CSCP
Goals Gain recognition Earn higher salary Impact decisions at a higher level Challenges Course and exam cost Travel schedule Employer is not aware of APICS Preparation How we can help Provide in-person, online and self-directed courses Provide tools to sell APICS Have local chapters and partners connect

23 Persona Hypothesis: John Domestic, CLTD
Background Logistics Manager Education: Bachelor’s degree Over 3 years experience Top 100 and mid-sized manufacturing and distribution and logistics industries Demographics Skews male Age United States, EMEA and APAC Identifiers New APICS customer Working toward CLTD May join

24 Persona Hypothesis: John Domestic, CLTD
Goals Gain recognition Earn higher salary Impact decisions at a higher level Challenges New certification/market Employer is not aware of APICS/CLTD Preparation How we can help Provide in-person, online and self-directed courses Provide tools to sell APICS Have local chapters and partners connect

Minor updates scheduled for early November 2017 CLTD: JTA 2017, Dev 2018, Major Update 2019 CSCP: JTA 2019, Dev 2020, Major Update 2121 Expect a communication from Michele mid October with instructions for ordering updated materials. You will order updates online and the price is expected to be $150 per instructor kit. The 2018 CSCP & CLTD will include the new e-reader tool and the social learning tools that are included in the CPIM program. *You can point out that CLTD is officially a minor update, however, because it’s the first one, this will be a more significant update.

26 CLTD Success Stories (
Brand new CLTD success stories – one is a handout, use these to help sell your classes!

27 Q&A Q&A Period

28 Phase-Out Timeline - CPIM Version 5.0 (Legacy)
JULY 7, BSCM exam credits and ATT’s purchased after July 7 will expire January 7, AUGUST 31, 2017 Discontinue BSCM courseware and exam sales (BSCM Participant Workbook and Self-Study Kit). The BSCM exam will only be available for purchase to candidates who failed the BSCM previously and need to retake the exam.  Discontinue MPR/DSP/ECO/SMR courseware and exam sales (unless you’ve purchased one of the four non- BSCM modules) CPIM ATTs valid through expiration date JANUARY 7, Last day to take the BSCM exam. Unused exam ATTs will expire and cannot be transferred. JULY 1, Discontinue sales of MPR/DSP/ECO/SMR Participant Workbooks, Self-Study Kit, and exams (except for retake exam ATT)  DECEMBER 31, Last day to take the legacy MPR/DSP/ECO/SMR exams!

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