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The European Dream "Ode to Joy"

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1 The European Dream "Ode to Joy"
from Beethoven’s 9th Symphony Freude, schöner Götterfunken Töchter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligtum! Deine Zauber binden wieder Was die Mode streng geteilt; Alle Menschen werden Brüder, Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt. Ludwig van Beethoven born Bonn, Germany: December 17, 1770 died Vienna, Austria: March 26, 1827

2 "Ode to Joy" - from the Ninth Symphony
The European Dream "Ode to Joy" - from the Ninth Symphony composed in 1823 by Ludwig Van Beethoven the anthem not only of the European Union but also of Europe in a wider sense - Beethoven set to music the "Ode to Joy" written in 1785 by Friedrich von Schiller; this poem expresses Schiller's idealistic vision of the human race becoming brothers - a vision Beethoven shared in 1972, the Council of Europe (the same body that designed the European flag) adopted Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" theme as its own anthem - without words, in the universal language of music, this anthem expresses the ideals of freedom, peace and solidarity for which Europe stands in 1985, it was adopted by EU heads of State and government as the official anthem of the European Union; not intended to replace the national anthems of the Member States but rather to celebrate the values they all share and their unity in diversity

3 Schizophrenic Europe? What are we? Where are we going?
a disunited hotch-potch of selfish, squabbling and globally-impotent nation states? a united continent of federated states able to stand up to the USA and other emerging power blocs? an embryonic superstate one day to be ruled from Brussels and become one of the four major economic and military powers in the world? Where are we going?

4 Europe from Space But what exactly IS Europe?

5 Factfile EUROPE

6 The Continent Of Europe?

7 The geology Of Europe

8 Our Climate

9 Our Climate


11 Mean Temperatures in January

12 Mean temperatures in July

13 Annual Rainfall


15 The Pasterze Glacier, in Austria

16 Vegetation

17 European Nation States

18 The Iron Curtain

19 total: 35,980 sq km land: 32,260 sq km water: 3,720 sq km
EU Factfile For comparison TAIWAN total: 35,980 sq km land: 32,260 sq km water: 3,720 sq km

20 The Disunited States of Europe?

21 EU Factfile

22 Population Density

23 EU Factfile

24 Industrial Centres

25 EU Factfile - EU Trading Partners

26 EU Factfile - EU Trading Partners




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