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Spanish 1.

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1 Spanish 1

2 Agenda Introduction Course Overview What do we do / How do we do it
Academic expectations Grading system Behavioral expectations

3 Introduction Señor del Palacio I am originally from Spain
Graduated from Universidad de Sevilla, Spain Major in Linguistics

4 Course Overview Spanish 1 is an introductory course designed for students who have never taken Spanish. Educational objectives in this course are aligned with the State Standards for teaching Foreign Languages

5 Spanish 1 Course Overview
Classroom phrases Personal information in the first person Likes and dislikes Express feelings Question words Dates Possessives

6 Adjectives Ser and estar Conjugations in the third person Weather and seasons Structures with tener Places Food

7 Body parts Time Family Ir a + infinitive to express future Direct object pronouns Present participles and Present Progressive

8 Aimed to introduce the students to the Spanish language in regards to oral communication, reading, and writing Students will be exposed to various aspects of the Spanish culture such values, traditions, perspectives, geography and history.

9 Objective The main Objective of this course is to prepare students to be ready for Spanish 2.

10 Our Program The Spanish Department follows a TPRS method aligned with the California Content Standard for Foreign Languages. ¡Cuéntame más! TPRS is Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling. ¡En español! 1

11 Basically, there are 3 steps.
1. Establish meaning [usually there are three phrases that are your teaching objective for the day] 2. Ask a Story [the teacher, with the help of the students, creates a story around the target structures] 3. Extended Reading [this is reading that helps the students see the structures that they have learned and reinforces what they learned in the story the day before]

12 How can you help Making sure that your student is doing his/her homework Practice, practice and more practice Checking Parent Portal and Google Classroom

13 Academic Expectations
Immersion = Most of the instruction is conducted in the target language (Spanish) Students are expected to use the target language while in class and within their capacity Homework: Google Classroom Absent students must make up lessons, tests, quizzes as soon as they return.

14 Grading System Grading will be awarded based on skills, and effort. Grades are earned on a point system, which translates to a letter grade. 90% - 100% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D 59% - 0% = F Department Policy: Round up from .5

15 Behavioral Expectations
Classroom Rules Be on time and prepared to class. 5th tardy= referral Be respectful to others Raise your hand if you have a question Stay in your seat Take good care of school property

16 Misconduct First violation will result in an oral warning
Second violation will result in a written warning (Detention), a letter and/or call home Third violation will result in a referral to the assistant principal

17 Communication E-mail is the best way to communicate
When you contact me please include your student’s first and last name and if possible the class period If you need a conference with me, I am available after school or during 4th period (Please make an appointment)

18 Thank you for coming! ¡Gracias por venir!

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