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APW1 Homework Assignment—Chapter 1

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1 APW1 Homework Assignment—Chapter 1
Date Assigned APW1 Homework Assignment—Chapter 1 DAY 1 Print out: (a) Chapter 1 HW assignment + put in your note book, (b) print out APW1 assignment format + rubric instructions which can be found in Ms. O’Rourke’s BxScience page as a PPT Document entitled “Assignment Formats and Rubrics” + put in your notebook, (c) have your parents sign your contract + put in your notebook, (d) name tags—print your first name and first initial to last name on the name tag handouts you received in class; be certain to use a “sharpe” or dark magic marker; students must put their name tags on their desks at the start of every lesson. Organize your notebooks: (a) have 3 folders with pockets in them—one is for your homework assignments, one is for team work/team project assignments and one is for handouts and printouts (these are the reading assignments that you will need to print out at home) in, (b) create an APWI class notes section for your DAILY class notes. 9-8-17 Big Picture due Read Chapter 1. Answer on pp Big Picture Questions #2 + 3 only. THIS MUST BE TYPED AND IN YOUR NOTEBOOK BY TUESDAY MORNING. YOU WILL BE SUBMITTING THIS TO TURNITIN.COM ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT (9/13/17) AFTER MS. O’Rourke reviews it with you in class. As stated in item “b” above, homework formats and rubrics can be found in Ms. O’Rourke’s PPT document. Please read it and follow the format. Also, maintain a copy of this file in your homework folder. Students should always carry their homework with them because you will need this work for in-class team assignments. Students should also keep duplicates of completed homework assignments at home. You can either scan your work or save it on a computer disc. You are responsible for your work. If work “goes missing”, you will need a back up. No credit is given for work that has gone missing so you must protect your work by keeping a spare copy at home. TURNITIN.COM—You can find information about this on the bottom of my Bronx Science page. Documents Due Read documents 1.1 and (pp ). Write in blue or black ink or type out your answers and put them in your homework folder. As stated above an explanation of how to answer these document questions can be found in Ms. O’Rourkes format and rubric ppt document on my BxScience page. Briefly, HW answers should include the following: Read and outline each document introduction/preface. Then answer the questions that you have been assigned to answer. (Here your responses can be brief but must be analytical (a.k.a. defend your opinion, interpretation and/or reasoning with facts). ASSIGNMENT: Document 1.1. Read and outline the introduction (Doc. 1.1’s preface or introduction is on page 34). Read Document 1.1 (pp35-39), answer questions 1-4 (these are red bulleted and are on p. 35) Document 1.2. Read and outline the preface. Doc. 1.2’s preface is on page 39. (b) Read the document 2.2 (pp 40-41), answer questions 1-3 (these are red bulleted and are on p. 39) FURTHER CHAPTER 1 HW’S ARE ON THE NEXT SLIDE.

2 APW1 Homework Assignment—Chapter 1
Date Assigned APW1 Homework Assignment—Chapter 1 TEAM POSTER Due THIS ASSIGNMENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED. TEAM WORK: In-class team work assignment will be discussed in class. Much of it will be completed in class. The final copy to be handed in to the teacher is due TBA (Date will be announced in class). Below is a brief outline of the assignment; you can also find an example of assignment on slide #4. Teams are to complete: TEAMS PROVIDE SHORT ANSWER/PAPER— (A) Select a region of the world that your team would best like to live as a Paleolithic society. Explain why. (B) Decide what items your society would absolutely need for survival. Explain your reasoning. (C) Would you like living in a Paleolithic society? Explain your reasoning. NOTE: short answers should be no more than 1 paragraph per question: TEAM MIGRATION MAP POSTER— Draw a human migration map. Show lines of human migration from Africa. Include land-bridges. Draw the region that your team has selected to live. You can put this on the lower corner (left or right) of the poster map. Second Thoughts should be submitted to Sunday night— Read Chapter 1. Answer on pp Second Thoughts. (Remember to refer to the homework format which is on the assignment format and rubric slide in Ms. O’Rourke’s BxScience page.) YOU MUST SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT TO TURNITIN.COM Second Thoughts questions must be submitted to TURNIT IN by and be in your homework folder in class on You can find the definitions for second thoughts on my BxScience page. It’s entitled APW1 Key terms. This sheet should help you as you complete the second thoughts assignment. Students should always carry their homework with them. Remember keep duplicates of completed homework assignments at home. TEST CHAPTER 1 There will be a Chapter test once we have completed Chapter 2. Please go to your Chapter 2 homework PPT file which is on my Bronx Science page. Print it. Put it in your notebook and begin Chapter 2 assignments. FURTHER HW + INSTRUCTIONS FOR ASSIGNMENTS CONTINUED ON THE NEXT SLIDE…………………….

APW1 Remember to look at my Bronx Science page daily for any HW revisions. If revisions have been made (i.e., dates have been extended or parts have been amended) just write the changes on the assignment sheets that you originally printed out. You need not re-print the changes . Unless otherwise indicated, assignments are due the day after it has been assigned. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLETING: Any in-class team work assignments; Any handout that was distributed in class. Maintaining excellent class notes. (Tests will include information from your class notes.) Keeping 2nd copies of ALL COMPLETED homework assignments at home in a safe place. Since no credit is given for missing work, students are responsible for their work. GO TO MY BRONX SCIENCE PAGE AND READ THE PPT DOCUMENT ENTITLED “ASSIGNMENT FORMATS AND RUBRICS” for ALL APW1 written hw instructions.


5 3 Chapter 1. Geography, Migration + Team Work Review Lesson
TEAM POSTER/SHORT PAPER ASSIGNMENT MAPS Draw a world-wide human migration map. Show lines of human migration from Africa. Include land-bridges + a map legend. Hand draw the region that you have chosen and put this map on the lower corner of your world migration map poster. SHORT ANSWER/PAPER Select a region in which your team would best like to live, as a Paleolithic society. Explain why. Include the supplies your society would absolutely need for survival. Explain why. Would you like living in a Paleolithic society? Explain. (This should be no more than 3 paragraphs.)

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