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Cedar Heights Middle School

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1 Cedar Heights Middle School
Parent One-to-One Presentation

2 Overview of the One-to-one program
To provide all secondary students with laptops to use for educational purposes Program expanding to elementary To prepare students to learn, live and work successfully in a world that’s becoming much more digital

3 General Guidelines ALL use of the system must support education
All use of the system must follow local, state and federal law All users must follow the KSD Electronic Use Agreement (the signature page we require from you to allow take home use) No user may disrupt other users through, but not limited to, these behaviors: hacking, downloading software, SPAM, altering the OS, using Proxy Servers, changing settings, unapproved social media, piracy, cyberbullying or harassing

4 User Responsibility All users are responsible for the appropriateness and content of the material, both public and private, they access, view or add to on the system Using unapproved software or sites is a violation of the user agreement (Including, but not limited to, chat sites, social media, communication software) The use of an external drive of any kind is the same as downloading. These are subject to seizure if used in violation. All users are responsible for respecting the rights of others in terms of intellectual property and copyright and in their social behavior.

5 KSD Can and will… Review and monitor all activity on the network
Trace technology and usage Review, monitor, delete any files or software Restrict or deny usage for safety, monitoring and educational best practices Seize any hardware or software used on the network without prior permission Cooperate with law enforcement in any investigation related to inappropriate activities (cyberbullying, harassment, stalking, intentional damage to the hardware or the network, etc.)

6 Intellectual Property
We educate students on intellectual property through our digital citizenship training. Basics to remember: Respect Copyright and Intellectual Property Don’t plagiarize. Give credit where it’s due. Assume all material is protected by copyright unless you can confirm otherwise

7 Safety Users should not share passwords with anyone but their parent or guardian. Users should follow the safety guidelines they are learning in their Digital Citizenship lessons. For example: Don’t post or give away any private information (name, number, school, address, etc.) Don’t communicate with strangers on-line Even if you know someone, if they make you feel uncomfortable, want to be secretive, ask you to do things you don’t want to do, withdraw from the conversation and tell a trusted adult If someone is harassing or bullying you, don’t escalate the situation, take it to a trusted adult If something feels “wrong” tell a trusted adult We are required by law (CIPA) to train students in Digital Citizenship. We do these trainings during the school day and they include the things we’ve discussed here and more.

8 Filters & Monitoring KSD IT is constantly working to better our filtering and monitoring. There is a careful line between safety and locking things down to an unusable level. As fast as we develop these systems, people develop ways to get around the system. We are not perfect. Things will get through but while they are at school we attempt to keep unmonitored screen time at a minimum. More importantly we try to teach students to be responsible users of the technology as that is a life long skill they will need.

9 Parent & Home Monitoring
At home you should: Not allow unsupervised screen time Know your student’s log in and password Do random checks Control access to the laptop It is a tool for them to use. Feel free to take it when they are not using it for schoolwork and give it back to them before they leave for school. It’s ok if they watch a movie, listen to music, play a game IF they don’t download, violate the user agreement or violate YOUR rules.

10 Care & Handling Help us reinforce good care and handling skills:
Do not deface laptop or bag in anyway (writing on, stickers, scratching, etc.) If you see them, remove them. Always keep laptops in the case, even when in use Always zip case up before moving laptop Don’t allow food and drink around the laptop Keep siblings who don’t abide by the rules away from the laptop Make sure laptops are charged and ready to go everyday New puppy at home? Watch those cords! All KSD barcodes and name stickers must remain on the laptop and components

11 Damage Accidental damage is covered by an insurance policy
There is a system for repairing damage. Students know to get a SWAP form and call 7030 for help In the case of accidental damage kids will receive a SWAP computer to use during repair Intentional damage will be charged a fine to cover the repair cost Students causing intentional damage may not get a SWAP laptop to use. This is at our discretion.

12 Theft If the laptop is stolen outside of the school YOU are responsible for filing a police report and giving us a copy of that report and case number in a timely manner. You can call the district security office if it is during a school break. Otherwise the next school day is fine. You will be charged for the laptop if you do not bring us the report in a timely manner. Please don’t leave the laptop in a car if you can help it. IF you have to, then lock it in the trunk or place it out of sight and be sure to lock your car.

13 Theft If the laptop disappears at school the students should report that to their teacher immediately. We have a system in place and in almost all situations we find the laptop within a day. Encourage your child to keep a good eye on their charger. The only time the charger should be left alone is when it is locked in their 6th period teacher’s cart. If they leave it there during the school day and it gets taken, there will be a fine. To discourage charger theft, we charge for a new charger if a student returns one with no stickers.

14 ??? We hope we’ve answered your questions, but should you have more, please ask! Our laptops are an important part of what we do at Cedar Heights and we want every student to get the maximum educational benefit from these devices. We know that middle school students often struggle with good decision making and we hope that in partnership with YOU we can guide them to being better Digital Citizens and prepare them for their future!

15 Student/parent Laptop Agreement
Everyone should have a form (available in the front office) Please take the form home, sign it and have your child sign, too. Have your child bring forms back to school tomorrow, and drop them off with Mrs. Grad in the library. Students are finishing up the Digital Citizenship lessons, and will be done shortly. When we have the signature from you on file, students may take their laptops home. Earliest date will be tomorrow. Students are required to have laptops at school every day. If you do not want your child to bring their laptop home, please notify us in writing on the Agreement form. We need your signature and the note from you to put the hold on the laptop.

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