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Comenius How to start a buisness?.

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Presentation on theme: "Comenius How to start a buisness?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comenius How to start a buisness?

2 Index buisness formation
Name Logo Legal structure Benefits of the legal form Launch of a GmbH Finance Equity capital Subsidies Trade credit Overdraft Leasing External funds Subsidies of the federal Prerequisite for promotion by the bunch Credit costs Costs of foundation Choice of location Which choise of location is the right one? Operating location and surroundings Hard and soft location factors Which hard location factor does the surrounding offers us Costs after the establishment (costs projection + taxes)

3 Name: Travel Oasis The GmbH is a company composed of one or more people The name can be chosen by the member/s, but it's not liable for what the company sells Manager Shareholder Capital min.:25.000€ For it's own liabilities the GmbH is legally responsible with these € Entry in the Commercial Register Taxation: the GmbH have to pay on their profits a corporate tax at a hight of 25%

4 The advantages of a limited (GmbH)
Compared with a private company a limited company offers the following advantages: Limitation of liability on the company´s assets. The shareholders are not personally liable Legal capacity of the limited, i.e. a limited liability company may enter into their own businesses and as Hold shares in other companies Taxation: while clearly a member of a trading company with its corporate tax rate is generally lower It can be made hidden reserves, because profits do not have to be paid The change of shareholders prepared under the Companies Act no obstacles difficulties may be included in the social contract The social contract (constitution) can be configured flexibly, for example, a supervisory board or advisory board or the shareholders can be used to impose a funding commitment The sale of the business, which the limited company it only requires the transfer of the shares held by its shareholders to the acquirer If no partner is willing to act as manager, foreign managers are appointed. This can for example to facilitate business succession

5 Financing own resources Funding: Suppliers credit Bank overdraft
Leasing Investment loans Debt Major federal funding programms for buisnessstarts: KfW entry fee entrepreneur capital – ERP capital for start microcredit fund Germany EXIST – founder solarship / EXIST – research transfer Financing cost: To calculate the cost of a loan you need the following information: rate payout rate loan commissions processing feeds

6 Finished GmbH With the entry in the Commercial Register the GmbH is created The liability is limited to the outside of a company's assets Costs of a foundation (GmbH): Capital minimum € Other costs about 600 € (Notary for example) Smaller amounts Total costs: ca € Costs after establishment: Marketing Invetments Lending rates Rent Loan repayment Contracts with travel agents

7 The location Hard location factors Soft location factors
Which hard location factors offers the environment? Customer? Comprtitive? Avaliable commercial? Amount of buisness tax? Amount of rent? Promotion? Transport links?

8 Thank you!!!

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