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Brief FBA Jamie Ganske PBIS District Coordinator

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1 Brief FBA Jamie Ganske PBIS District Coordinator
Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District

2 Our District The Chippewa Falls Area Unified School District is made up of the following 6 Elementary Schools 1 Middle School 1 High School 1 Alternative High School

3 Current School Populations
Halmstad Elementary 411 Hillcrest Elementary 438 Jim Falls Elementary 138 Parkview Elementary 481 Southview Elementary 359 Stillson Elementary 375 Total Elementary School Population 2,202 Chippewa Falls Middle School  1,067 Chippewa Falls Senior High School 1,466 Total Population 4,735

4 Our District Structure
I am both the PBIS District Coordinator and the PBIS External Coach. (Starting this upcoming school year I will be the Culturally Responsive Multi Level System of Support Coordinator) My support within district is the Director of Special Ed and Pupil Services My support out of district is the TAC’s (Milaney is assigned to Chippewa Falls) We have Internal Coaches in each building building Up to 4 for each Elementary School 5 for the Middle School and High School 2 at the Alternative High School Coaches receive stipends and work time We have team members on every team Depending on the size of the building, and the needs, every building team looks different

5 Role of External Coach Provide information and technical assistance to internal coach/teams Attend team meetings Know and anticipate local needs and resources Keep teams focused/functioning Positive nag Hold District-Wide Coaches Meetings

6 Our Tier 2 Systems Teams Selected Systems Planning (“conversation”)
Accesses data rules for student entry into intervention Monitors effectiveness of CICO, SAIG, mentoring, and brief FBA/BIP supports Review data to make decisions on improvements to the interventions themselves Assess effectiveness of intervention for individual students Problem Solving Team (“conversation”) Develops plans for one student at a time Not the same group as the Systems Team Tier 2 Team Rep reports back to Systems Team Indepth problem-solving for individual students does not occur at this meeting However – intervention effectiveness is assessed and further interventions are recommended as appropriate (reverse referral and data)

7 PBIS Overview in CFAUSD
New slide: shows how DATA guides us in our decision making in intervention choice for students. Explain note at bottom of slide. 3B’s refers to re-teaching of expectations in a small group setting. May need to explain who the Systems team is and who the Problem solving team is (may be some of the same people as on Systems team with some additions). Today are focusing on FBA part of FBA/BIP process. Will focus on FUNCTION of behavior today, but we will not go into intervention planning today….the BIP intervention planning will come on Day 4. May be hard for you to do that but really want you to focus on FUNCTION because that is critical to everything that comes after that in the process.

8 When students enter Tier 2 Interventions
Every student starts out on basic Check In/Check Out (CICO) This will run for about 4 weeks (20 data points) Every 4 weeks or so, the Tier 2 team evaluates the student on CICO. The student can then fade out, or receive additional support (Layered on, nothing gets taken away) If there is a major red flag, additional support can be layered on sooner. We do not make data rules for these exceptions If a classroom teacher has a process in place with a student that is working, we ask them to please share that with the Tier 2 team, and they can work together to collect data

9 Additional Layers of Intervention
*The Tier 2 team will look at the data to see what additional layer of intervention the student will need Individualized CICO SAIG group Connections (Mentor) Also available: School Based Mental Health

10 What if this is not working?
If these interventions are not showing the progress we are looking for, then the Tier 2 team would move on to a brief Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) that can be done by the teacher. Together as a team, they will create a behavior plan.

11 Brief FBA sooner in CFAUSD
Student meets the data rules Student enters basic CICO (first intervention) ~4 weeks (20 data points) Can do Reverse Request for Assistance Student starts second intervention Individualized CICO, connections, basic SAIG Student can start a third intervention If you feel this will help Student has FBA/BIP done Student can have Increased Mentor/Connections Intensive SAIG Problem-Solving Team develops and implements BIP (with stakeholders). Follow-up meeting scheduled (in 4-6 weeks) for all stakeholders to review progress of BIP. A N D… This is a BIGGIE!!! Data monitored weekly by FBA/BIP Facilitator.

12 Training for Brief FBAs
How do Tier 2 team members get trained to be an FBA/BIP facilitator? What FBA do they get trained to use?

13 What FBA/BIP forms are used and when?
Which FBA/BIP forms are used in CFAUSD? FACTS The Functional Assessment Checklist for Teachers and Staff PTR Intervention Behavior Plan Prevent, Teach, Reinforce Teacher Questionnaire When are the FBA/BIP forms used?

14 How it works in CFAUSD Who is the brief FBA/BIP coordinator?
Who will be the FBA/BIP facilitators? How will time to do this be arranged (e.g., shift of duties, compensation?) When/how will brief FBA/BIP findings be presented to staff/problem solving team and by whom? Started at 11:30. gave 5 min to ID who their 2 members who will be Co-ordinator and FBA/Bip facilitators? Broke for lunch – 15 minutes

15 Challenges Time! End of Year
Finding the time for the problem solving team to meet End of Year At what point in the school year is it too late to do an FBA?

16 Any Questions?

17 PBIS District Coordinator
Jamie Ganske PBIS District Coordinator CFAUSD

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