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Resilient Communities Partnership

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Presentation on theme: "Resilient Communities Partnership"— Presentation transcript:

1 Resilient Communities Partnership

2 Goals cut across all the thematic partnerships
Membership Voluntary and Community Sector Statutory Representatives from other thematic partnerships Strategic Plan – 4 aims Goals cut across all the thematic partnerships

3 Strategic Plan Aim 1- build a strong and vibrant voluntary and community sector Aim 2 - tackle inequalities to create stronger and more inclusive communities Aim 3 - support local involvement in decision making and delivering solutions Aim 4 - deliver lively communities through participation in arts and culture

4 Links Health – Area Boards – mini JSA
Community Planning – toolkit including JSA information Mapping inequalities Financial Inclusion – Wiltshire Money

5 Emerging Priorities Local decision making – mini JSA
- other sources of information Wiltshire Voice and Echo project Partnership Improvement Programme

6 Questions What data sources are you aware of which would help to inform local decision making and the setting of priorities? Are there any less ‘official’ sources which we should be considering? How do you think we can better involve people in local communities (those who do not normally get involved)? What role do you think the VCS can play in providing evidence?

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