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Experiment Questions Heart & Breathing Rate.

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1 Experiment Questions Heart & Breathing Rate

2 Heart & Breathing Rate You found that heart rate and breathing rate increase with exercise. Explain why this is the case. More energy required / more oxygen required / more CO2 produced

3 What is the average rate at rest? Pulse 72 bpm or Breathing 16 bpm
Heart & Breathing Rate What is the average rate at rest? Pulse 72 bpm or Breathing 16 bpm

4 State a possible effect of smoking on the resting rate. Raises rate
Heart & Breathing Rate State a possible effect of smoking on the resting rate. Raises rate

5 Heart & Breathing Rate How did you measure the resting rate? Use pulse monitor / read result in bpm or use of finger or wrist (radial pulse) / use timer or calculate in bpm / observe / count / repeat / average / record

6 Heart & Breathing Rate Describe how you investigated the effect of exercise on the rate. Measure resting rate / description of exercise / measure rate during or immediately after exercise / repeat / compare or state result / record

7 Heart & Breathing Rate At the start of the investigation you asked the person who was about to do the exercise to sit down for a few minutes. Explain the purpose of this. Comparison / control / resting / normal / (breathing rate or pulse)

8 Heart & Breathing Rate How did you measure the breathing rate or the pulse? Count number of breaths or number of pulses / per unit time or sensor (data logger)

9 Heart & Breathing Rate Describe how you conducted the investigation after the period of rest. Exercise / description of exercise / increased exercise / breathing rate or pulse measured / repeat / average / compare / record / result

10 Heart & Breathing Rate State the results of your investigation. Increases / comment on return to normal / different

11 Heart & Breathing Rate The investigation starts by measuring the resting rate. How did you measure the resting rate? Count pulse or breaths / time or rate / repeat or average

12 Heart & Breathing Rate After measuring your resting rate, what other steps did you carry out to complete the investigation? Exercise / check rate

13 Heart & Breathing Rate What was the result of your investigation? Exercise causes increase in rate

14 Heart & Breathing Rate Does this investigation give the same result for both fit and non-fit people? Give a reason for your answer. Yes / No Reason must match

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