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Tribal Lands & Environment Forum (TLEF)
Applying Screening Criteria for the Petroleum Vapor Intrusion Pathway presented to Tribal Lands & Environment Forum (TLEF) Petroleum Vapor Intrusion Session Thursday August 18, 2016, 10:30 pm – 12:00 pm Mohegan Sun Resort Uncasville, Connecticut by Robin V. Davis, P.G., Retired Environmental Scientist/Project Manager, Utah Department of Environmental Quality Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
OBJECTIVES Understand Show Apply Screening Criteria
Why petroleum vapor intrusion (PVI) is very rare despite so many petroleum LUST sites Causes of PVI Show Mechanisms, characteristics, degree of vapor bioattenuation Distances of vapor attenuation relative to source strength Apply Screening Criteria Screen out low-risk sites Avoid unnecessary, costly investigation PVI investigations are very intrusive physically and socially The objective of studying and evaluating the behavior of subsurface petroleum vapors is to understand why, with so many LUST sites worldwide, the PVI pathway is rarely complete. Using basic, routine field data enables us to develop and apply screening criteria to determine when PVI investigations are necessary.
Field and Published Data from 3 Countries
SCOPE Field and Published Data from 3 Countries EPA Database Report of Empirical Studies, Jan. 2013 Paired, concurrent measurements of source strength and associated soil gas measurements from 1000s of sample points at 100s of sites Extensive peer review and quality control checks Quantified distances of vapor attenuation relative to source strength Guidance Documents Issued: Some US States Australia 2012 ITRC October 2014 EPA final PVI June 2015 The scope of evaluating the PVI pathway involved collecting and compiling basic site data (soil, GW, vapor data) to the EPA Petroleum Vapor Database. A LUST site must be fully characterized by collecting basic, good-quality data wherein the nature, extent and degree of contamination and contaminant sources are fully defined (required by 40 CFR Part 280), and provide knowledge of contaminant distribution in soil and groundwater, including temporal effects such as fluctuating DTW. Once these subsurface characteristics are understood, LUST PMs can better understand if the PVI pathway may be complete and if VI investigations are really necessary. VI investigations are costly and highly invasive to properties and their occupants, and unnecessary work should be avoided. Time Line of Studies and EPA Publications 2002: EPA OSWER Draft Guide for Vapor Intrusion Evaluations : EPA OUST/States Petroleum Vapor Intrusion Work Group : Work Group hiatus, continued independent data compilation, analysis : EPA OUST/States PVI Work Group Revived 2011: EPA OUST Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Differ in Their Potential for Vapor Intrusion 2012: EPA OUST Approach for Developing Lateral and Vertical Distances 2013: EPA OUST Evaluating Empirical Data for Screening Petroleum Sites (“Petroleum Vapor Database Report”) 2014: EPA OUST Approach Using Hydrocarbon Concentrations in Soil Gas to Evaluating Potential for PVI 2015: EPA OUST publishes final PVI Guidance
Petroleum Vapor Database of Field Studies
EPA OUST Jan. 2013 4/13 70/816 Canada United States 124/>1000 Perth Sydney Tasmania Australia EPA OUST Petroleum Database Report Original database provided by Davis, R.V, 2011. Data analyzed for 74 Sites, 829 paired measurements of concurrent contaminant source strength and associated vapor data, additional 64 benzene vapor measurements without specific source strength data. More than 70 sub-slab measurements. Source strengths are divided into dissolved-phase, LNAPL in groundwater, and residual LNAPL in vadose zone soil. Australian data analyzed separately because of limited access to raw data. Australian sites evaluated separately MAP KEY REFERENCES 70 # geographic locations evaluated Davis, R.V., McHugh et al, 2010 Peargin and Kolhatkar, 2011 Wright, J., 2011, 2012, Australian data Lahvis et al, 2013 EPA Jan 2013, 510-R 816 # paired concurrent measurements of subsurface benzene soil vapor & source strength
Results of Subsurface Petroleum Vapor Bioattenuation Studies
>100 years of research proves: Rapid aerobic biodegradation of vapors by 1000s of indigenous microbes Vapors attenuate within a few feet of sources No cases of PVI from low-strength sources Causes of PVI are well-known
Causes of Petroleum Vapor Intrusion
High-strength source in direct contact with building (LNAPL, high dissolved, adsorbed) Preferential pathway: bad connections of utility lines; natural fractured and karstic rocks 1 BUILDING 4 Unsaturated Soil LNAPL LNAPL High-strength source in close proximity to building, within GW fluctuation zone 3 Preferential pathway: sumps, elevator shafts Affected GW 2 LNAPL Groundwater-Bearing Unit Practical field experience and published literature of field studies show that petroleum vapor intrusion impacts are generally associated with: Direct contact of LNAPL or very high dissolved concentrations to a building foundation Close proximity of LNAPL or very high dissolved concentrations to a building foundation that fluctuation GW levels bring contamination in direct contact with building Direct contact of LNAPL or very high dissolved concentrations to building sumps, elevator shafts Direct contact of LNAPL or very high dissolved concentrations with preferential pathway (e.g., improperly-sealed utility lines) Key Points: Field data confirm that petroleum vapor intrusion impacts are associated with high contaminant concentrations, and that vapor intrusion does not occur with low concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons dissolved in groundwater or adsorbed in soil. Drawing after Todd Ririe, 2009 High-Strength Sources Direct contact or close proximity to buildings Preferential pathways: engineered & natural 6
Preferential Pathway: Engineered
Petroleum Source (ITRC PVI Tech Reg, 2014)
Preferential Pathway: Natural
(ITRC PVI Tech Reg, 2014)
Petroleum Vapor Database Report
EPA OUST Petroleum Vapor Database Report January 2013 The Database Report is a compilation and analysis of field data from Davis , and more data compiled by EPA OUST from various US states and Australia. The database consists of thousands of measurements of soil gas and concurrent associated source strengths from hundreds of sites. January 2013 Compilation & analysis of concurrent field data measurements: LNAPL in soil & GW Dissolved sources Associated soil vapor data Quantifies distances of vapor attenuation
O2/Hydrocarbon Vapor Profile O2/Hydrocarbon Vapor Profile
Conceptual Characteristics of Petroleum Vapor Transport and Aerobic Biodegradation KEY POINTS Subsurface soil is a natural bioreactor Aerobic biodegradation of vapors is rapid, occurs over short distances as a sharp reaction front Oxygen demand is a function of source strength Strong LNAPL sources (panel a) use much more oxygen, and vapors attenuate in longer distances than weak sources (panel b) 1 O2/Hydrocarbon Vapor Profile Figure 1 Lahvis et al 2013 1 O2/Hydrocarbon Vapor Profile After Lahvis et al 2013 GWMR
Field Characteristics of Petroleum Vapor Transport and Aerobic Biodegradation
Profile of Subsurface Multi-Depth Vapor Sample Points and Concentrations of Benzene, Oxygen, and Carbon Dioxide Sharp Reaction Front 7 feet separation distance Vapor profiles of multi-depth vapor probes showing the signature characteristics of aerobic biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC): Aerobic soil microbes use oxygen in the process of capturing the carbon as food from the petroleum hydrocarbon. The resulting waste product is carbon dioxide. Therefore, near the contaminant source, O2 is depleted and CO2 is enriched. As the PHC is biodegraded, PHC vapor concentrations decrease, and O2 and CO2 rebound to near-atmospheric concentrations. Typical O2, CO2, PHC vapor profiles: petroleum vapors naturally biodegrade & attenuate with sufficient thickness of “clean” or non-source vadose zone soil 1000’s of such measurements yield consistent, predictable results Extent and magnitude of vapor attenuation can be quantified, and Screening Criteria developed and applied Vapors are aerobically biodegraded quickly by oxygen-consuming microbes, waste product carbon dioxide Vapors attenuate in short distances, even from a strong source
EPA OUST Final PVI Guide Technical Guide For Addressing
Petroleum Vapor Intrusion At Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites June 11, 2015 This guide presents Screening Criteria that are based on the findings of the EPA OUST Petroleum Database Report. June 2015 DESCRIBES Thickness of Clean, Non-Source Soil Required to Attenuate Vapors Associated with LNAPL in Soil and GW, and Dissolved Sources Using Multiple Lines of Evidence for Site Characterization and Screening
PVI Pathway Not Likely Complete
Figure 1: Flowchart for Addressing PVI At Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites (modified from EPA OUST 2015) STEP 2 Characterize Site Define extent/degree of contamination Construct Conceptual Site Model NO STEP 3 Delineate Lateral Inclusion Zone STEP 1 Emergency? Are Precluding Factors Present? (preferential pathways, other) NO Are Any Existing or Planned Buildings Within Lateral Inclusion Zone? NO YES STEP 5 Evaluate Vapor Source & Attenuation: Measure Vapors Near-Slab & Near-Source , or Measure Indoor Air & Concurrent Sub-Slab Vapors If Contamination is in Direct Contact with Building, use Option 2 above Models may be used only to explain observed vapor behavior YES YES STEP 4 Determine Vertical Separation Distance for Each Building STEP 6 Notify 1st Responders Mitigate PVI Community Engagement Required by 40CFR May occur at any step in the PVI investigation & mitigation process NO Is Thickness of Clean Soil >Minimum Vertical Separation Distance? YES Simple, logical decision-making process comprised of 6 basic steps. Notes Precluding factors include the following: Preferential transport pathways (natural or engineered) that connect a vapor source to a building Expanding or mobile plume Soil moisture below 2%, the wilting point Extensive impermeable surface cover High peat content of soil Presence of non-petroleum fuel constituents Presence of lead scavengers >10% Ethanol STEP 5: Models may be used to explain observed PHC vapor behavior (EPA PVIScreen): EPA PVI Guide June 2015, p. 103, Fig. 9 (Attenuation Factors estimated from numerical model) EPA PVI Guide June 2015, p. 109: Computer model simulations must not be used as a sole line of evidence when evaluating and screening potential PVI sites. The role of models in PVI screening is to explain observed behavior of PHC vapors, which means subsurface PHC vapor samples must be collected and the model adjusted for field-measured parameters. Option 2 Option 1 YES YES Do Sub-Slab & Indoor Air Sampling Indicate PVI? Do Near-Slab & Near-Source Sampling Indicate PVI? NO PVI Pathway Not Likely Complete NO
Construct Conceptual Site Model (CSM) Dissolved contamination
Collect basic site data, characterize site Define extent & degree of contamination Apply Screening Criteria Building Soil Boring/MW Soil Boring/MW Utility line LNAPL in soil Clean Soil UST system Site characterization is routine and necessary in order to know if receptors are impacted. Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 280 for leaking USTs requires that sites be fully characterized by conducting subsurface investigations wherein the full extent and degree of contamination are defined. The presence and thickness of “clean” or non-source soil above contaminant sources are generally known in the early phases of site characterization by advancing and logging soil borings, and completing as GW monitoring wells. Non-source soil, also called “Clean Soil.” is free of LNAPL and contains the necessary oxygen for biodegrading PHCs. Clean, non-source soil is easily characterized by logging borings/MWs, field PID measurements , visual and olfactory observations of soil cores, and collecting soil samples and analyzing for constituents of concern. Build a Conceptual Site Model based on site-specific data. Volatile compounds associated with LNAPL, contaminated soil, and very high dissolved contaminant concentrations can generate very high vapor concentrations that, when in close proximity to buildings or utilities, can cause PVI. Those conditions are the only known cases of petroleum vapor intrusion: There are no known or reported cases of petroleum vapor intrusion associated with low dissolved-phase concentrations at or near buildings or utilities. Contaminants partition to vapor phase from soil and LNAPL source according to Raoult’s Law. Contaminants dissolved in GW partition to vapor phase according to Henry’s Law Constant. High vapor concentrations, high mass flux from LNAPL & soil sources Low vapor concentrations, low mass flux from dissolved sources LNAPL in soil & GW Dissolved contamination 14
Multiple Lines of Evidence Using Basic Site Characterization Data
Soil Data Analyze for petroleum constituents Continuous soil coring and logging, PID measurements, visual and olfactory description Groundwater Data Analyze for petroleum constituents Visual and olfactory description Flow direction and gradient Soil Vapor Data, if needed Analyze for petroleum constituents PLUS Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrogen Computer model simulations (eg PVIScreen) can be used to: Explain field-observed behavior of vapors Models cannot be used as a sole line of evidence when evaluating and screening PVI sites
Current or historic presence of LNAPL in groundwater or soil Visual evidence: Sheen on groundwater or soil, soil staining, measurable product thickness Groundwater, dissolved-phase PHCs >0.2 times effective solubilities (Bruce et al. 1991) Benzene >1-5 mg/L TPH-gro >20-30 mg/L TPH-dro >5 mg/L Soil, adsorbed-phase PHCs >effective soil saturation (Csat) Benzene >10 mg/kg TPH-gro > mg/kg EPA >100 mg/kg unweathered gasoline >250 mg/kg weathered gasoline, diesel Soil field measurements Organic vapor analyzer/PID/OVA of soil cores Gasoline-contaminated soil: >100 ppm-v to >500 ppm-v Diesel-contaminated soil: >10 ppm-v Soil Gas measurements O2 depleted, CO2 enriched with increasing distance from source Elevated aliphatic soil gas concentrations (eg Hexane >100,000ug/m3) Indicators of LNAPL based on field and numerical studies, and example of multiple lines of evidence that are used to characterize and evaluate sites. (after Peargin and Kolhatkar 2011, Lahvis et al 2013, ITRC 2014, EPA 2015)
Table 3: Recommended Vertical Separation Distance Between
Top of Contamination and Building Foundation (EPA OUST 2015) ** EPA OUST 2013 is the database report “Evaluation Of Empirical Data To Support Soil Vapor Intrusion Screening Criteria for Petroleum Hydrocarbons,” Jan EPA-510-R ITRC adopted the 15-feet and 18-feet for small and industrial sites, respectively. ** * Vertical separation distance = Thickness of clean, biologically active soil between top of contamination and building foundation ** 18 feet for petroleum industrial sites (refineries, terminals, pipelines) (EPA OUST 2013; ITRC 2014)
Results of Empirical Studies and Screening Criteria
Various methods of data analysis yield similar results Dissolved Sources require 5-6 feet separation: Benzene <5 mg/L TPH <30mg/L LNAPL Sources require feet separation: Benzene >5 mg/L, >10 mg/kg TPH >30mg/L, > mg/kg 18 feet separation required for large industrial sites “Clean Soil” within separation distance: Non-source soil, LNAPL-free, biologically active, sufficient oxygen and moisture to bioattenuate vapors EPA 2015: <100 mg/kg TPH “clean” soil
Case Study 1: Basin Mkt, Murray, UT
On-Site Convenience Store MW Sub-Slab VMP Soil Vapor, ug/m3 Benzene 5.4 TPH-g <100 O % CO <0.2% 6 ft LNAPL GW, mg/L Benzene 0.560 TPH-g Soil, mg/kg 6-7 ft Benzene 6.55 TPH-g Step 1: Emergency? NO Step 2: Characterize Site, Define Extent & Degree of Contamination, Develop CSM No Precluding Factors: dissolved plume stable, no pref. pathways or lead scavengers, <10% ethanol Step 3: Buildings within Lateral Inclusion Zone? YES Step 4: Sufficient Vertical Separation? NO LNAPL soil contamination, TPHg >100 mg/kg, 15 ft required for LNAPL source Step 5: Sub-slab vapor sampling indicate PVI? NO No Further PVI Investigation
Case Study 2: Hoagies, Farr West, UT
IA, ug/m3 Benzene 55 TPH-g On-Site Convenience Store OA, ug/m3 Benzene 0.42 TPH-g <100 MW Sub-Slab VMP Soil Vapor, ug/m3 Benzene 850,000 TPH-g 85,000,000 O % CO % 5 ft Soil, mg/kg 6 ft Benzene 32.4 TPH-g LNAPL Of interest, the slab attenuation factor is 650,000x Step 1: Emergency? NO Step 2: Characterize Site, Define Extent & Degree of Contamination, Develop CSM No Precluding Factors: no pref. pathways or lead scavengers, <10% ethanol Step 3: Buildings within Lateral Inclusion Zone? YES Step 4: Sufficient Vertical Separation? NO LNAPL soil & GW sources, 15 ft required Step 5: Sub-slab vapor sampling indicate PVI? YES Step 6: PVI Mitigation: Indoor air filtration, source removal (building demolition & excavation most effective)
CONCLUSIONS Petroleum vapors biodegrade aerobically within short, predictable distances from vapor sources Applying Screening Criteria Provides evidence of potential or actual PVI Avoids unnecessary PVI investigations Adequate Site Characterization, Multiple Lines of Evidence are important for accurately applying Screening Criteria Short-Cuts = Data Gaps Unnecessary PVI Investigations Undetected presence of PVI Overly conservative TPH criteria can result in unnecessary PVI investigations
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