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Maurice de Vlaminck secundary school

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Presentation on theme: "Maurice de Vlaminck secundary school"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maurice de Vlaminck secundary school
Our famous school Maurice de Vlaminck secundary school

2 Arriving at school at 8 am to 5pm

3 A school day We arrive at 8 am.
We have a lot of lessons; for example, french, english, history, music, arts, physic, biology, mathematics, sports, technology At noon, we have lunch in the canteen, and we finish at 5 pm It is a very hard day On Wednesday, we work only in the morning this is a very hard day

4 My time table monday thuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8 am PE
Free work history Free time French 9am french History IT Maths 10 am maths Biology Arts Sports 11am English Music 12pm Lunch 1pm School life 2pm Physics 3pm 4pm Cominus

5 Mister Younoussa and the administration team

6 the canteen

7 Administration offices

8 The library, C.D.I

9 The fountain of the playground

10 The playground

11 6th grades during cleaning nature day

12 Supervisors office

13 Music Room

14 The entrance of the patio

15 The entrance of the hall

16 Administration building

17 Parents’ corner

18 During free time

19 The art classroom

20 the toilets of the patio 2

21 Inés and Rose in the c.d.i

22 The prep

23 The garden

24 The car park

25 SECOND PART Our region

26 Brezolles Brezolles is a very little town, not far from Chartres ( 50 km) and Paris ( 100km) and close to Normandy

27 The public Library

28 the Church The Church st is a place to pray

29 Chartres Chartres is very famous because of its beautiful cathedral ; « Notre dame de Chartres »

30 The cathedral The garden and the cathedral

31 Normandy Just 10 km from Brezolles, is the region of Normandy

32 Here is a picture of a famous place of Normandy, Etretat, just 150 km from Brezolles

33 Normandy Beaches of debarquement

34 Paris Eiffel tower Here are the « Champs Elysées »

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