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Prenatal Sexual Development

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Presentation on theme: "Prenatal Sexual Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prenatal Sexual Development

2 Why would psychologists be concerned with physical development, especially prenatally?

3 1. Sex is a powerful determinant and predictor of behavior
2. Prenatal events determine physical sex and influence psychosexual behavior

4 Sex Hormones: Misconceptions
Females have only “female” hormones called estrogens. Males have only “male” hormones called androgens.

5 Most sex hormones are produced by both males and females…
Just in different quantities

6 “Female” hormones Estradiol (an estrogen) Progesterone

7 “Male” hormones Androgens: testosterone dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

8 “Male” hormones Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)
Mullerian Inhibiting Hormone (MIH) Mullerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS) AMH is found only in males

9 Differentiating Body Parts
Prenatal Development Differentiating Body Parts Gonads (testes & ovaries) Internal sex organs External sex organs

10 The Eve Principle Without the prenatal influence of sex hormones, a fetus will develop as a female regardless of its chromosomes

11 In the beginning . . . XX chromosomes XY chromosomes

12 Gonads: Testes and Ovaries
Primordial gonads Not differentiated into male or female

13 Gonads: Testes and Ovaries
SRY gene on the Y chromosome directs the primordial gonads to make Sry protein

14 Gonads: Testes and Ovaries
Sry protein aka Testes Determining Factor aka HY antigen testes


16 XX chromosomes create ovaries
XY chromosomes create testes testosterone Mullerian Inhibiting Hormone (MIH)

17 Internal Sex Organs: e.g., seminal vesicles (male) and uterus (female)
Two precursor systems are present in all fetuses

18 male female Internal sex organs The Mullerian System
Needs no hormones to develop If MIH, it degenerates The Wolffian System Testosterone to develop or else it degenerates

19 female male

20 Precursor potentially male or female, like the Primordial Gonads
External Sex Organs: ~ 2-3 months gestational age Precursor potentially male or female, like the Primordial Gonads

21 male female External sex organs
Masculinized by DHT (dihydro-testosterone) not testosterone per se No hormones needed to develop

22 male female

23 Differentiating the Brain
Prenatal Development Differentiating the Brain Hypothalamus


25 No hormones leads to: Female brain that releases hormones in monthly cycles (after puberty) Perhaps influences sexual preference

26 With Hormones Male brain that releases hormones steadily (after puberty) Probably influences male behaviors (e.g., aggression) Perhaps influences sexual preference

27 No SRY gene

28 SRY gene T?

29 Strange but predictable anomalies…

30 What would happen if an XY fetus had no receptors for androgens (MIH worked fine)? Androgen Insensitivity Disorder May be partial or full insensitivity Genetically male, female external genitalia, but no internal sex organs (i.e., no menstruation, infertile), little body hair; likely to identify as female.

31 What would happen if an XX fetus was exposed to androgens after the internal sex organs had developed? Female internal reproductive system, masculinized external genitalia.

32 Prader scores in 46XX disorders of sexual development
Prader scores in 46XX disorders of sexual development. Early feminizing genitoplasty is standard of care for Prader score > 3.

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