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Multiplexing Level for the PANDA MVD

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1 Multiplexing Level for the PANDA MVD
ZEL and IKP, Forschungszentrum Jülich

2 MVD Readout Concept General PANDA DAQ concept
Specific MVD architecture GBT: Serial optical link 3.28 Gb/s Under development at CERN MMB (MVD Multiplexing Board) Detector Module Service Board LVDS GBT

3 MMB (MVD Multiplexing Module)
Designed as a MicroTCA Module Directly pluggable into a Compute Node version 3 Scalable architecture supporting test systems and subsystems MicroTCA backplane for management, control and setup

4 Development of 10 Gb/s link
FPGA: Xilinx XC5VLX30T with FF665 package, well known in ZEL Avoid 10 GigaBit/s on PCB (8B/10B-Codierung => 12,5 GHz) Use XAUI interface (4 * 2,5 GBit/s) Use X2 transceiver Modul FTLX8541E2 Synchronization of Vertex5 MGT-Ports? USE Parallel-to-XAUI SERDES: PM8358 , well known from QPACE project In future: Use SFP+ tranceiver

5 First prototype module
PCIe module for easy testing and uplink functinality Major issue: FPGA code development for DMA SC-connector Finisar FTLX8541E2 XAUI (4 x 3,125 Gbit/s) PM8358 PCIe (4 Lanes) XGMII (32 Bit parallel) XC5VLX30T

6 PCIe board for the 10G optical uplink
Status: First Protoype available Hardware tests showed serious problems => redesign is going on

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