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(Aerobic Respiration)

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1 (Aerobic Respiration)
Cell Respiration (Aerobic Respiration)

2 How do we get energy from food?
Cell Respiration – mitochondria break down food to make ATP (energy) Formula: 1 glucose + 6 oxygen  6 carbon dioxide + 6 water + energy C6H12O6 + 6O > 6CO2 + 6H20 + energy (36ATP)

3 3 Steps of Cell Respiration
Glycolysis – in the cytoplasm no oxygen required sugar broken into 2 pieces 2 ATP made Citric Acid Cycle –in the mitochondria oxygen required sugar completely broken down CO2 is produced

4 3 Steps of Cell Respiration
3. Electron Transport Chain – on the mitochondrial membrane oxygen required 32 ATP made Oxygen picks up all the pieces of the hydrogens that have been bouncing around making ATP

5 Things that increase cell respiration
More food (glucose) More oxygen More mitochondria More folds in the mitochondria (more surface area)

6 If oxygen is not available, cell undergoes fermentation after glycolysis.
Fermentation does not make ATP (so only the 2 ATP in glycolysis is made) but something needs to be done with the broken up sugar

7 2 Types of Fermentation:
1. Alcoholic – yeast cells produce CO2 and ethyl alcohol (a.k.a. ethanol).

8 Products that use alcoholic fermentation
Beer Wine Breads

9 2 Types of Fermentation:
2. Lactic Acid – in humans, lactic acid builds up in muscles when they do not get enough oxygen  muscle fatigue

10 Products made thanks to lactic acid fermentation in bacteria
Yogurt Cheese Sauerkraut

11 What process is shown here?
What kind of fermentation? Aerobic or anaerobic? What are the products?

Aerobic vs. Anaerobic AEROBIC CONDITIONS: (oxygen present) Cell Respiration 36 ATP ANAEROBIC CONDITIONS: (no oxygen) Fermentation 2 ATP Which is more efficient (which produces MORE energy)? Why do aerobic organisms out number anaerobic even though anaerobic existed first?

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