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Law of Defamation Communications law.

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Presentation on theme: "Law of Defamation Communications law."— Presentation transcript:

1 Law of Defamation Communications law

2 Outcomes Define defamation Discuss the elements of defamation
Discuss the common law right to a good reputation Give examples of defamatory conduct Discuss how unlawfulness is proven Differentiate between fault and unlawfulness Discuss the grounds of justification Discuss the strict liability of the press & the Reasonableness Test

3 Define defamation Defamation is the unlawful, intentional publication of defamatory matter referring to a person which causes harm to or impairs that person’s right to a reputation

4 The common law position
Historically the right to a good name & reputation was placed above freedom of expression

5 The current position Right to freedom of expression is a constitutionally entrenched fundamental right, as is the right to dignity Courts have to balance the conflicting rights “Chilling effect” on freedom of expression

6 The elements of defamation
Publication (words or actions) to a third person which directly or indirectly impairs another's reputation Unlawful or wrongful impairing of another’s reputation Fault causing damage to another’s reputation Damages or injury to another’s personality

7 Examples of defamatory conduct
Suggesting that someone is a criminal Suggesting someone is unfit to practice their profession Suggesting someone is suffering from a socially unacceptable disease Suggestions of immorality

8 Grounds of justification
Absolute privilege Qualified privilege Truth & public interest Fair comment Consent Rixa & provocation

9 Strict liability of the press

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