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HN Accounting Network Event

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2 HN Accounting Network Event
SEV Update Kim Tree

3 The Year in Brief Not much visiting verification The team has changed
Focus been on preparing for updated framework Some more overseas work Not much visiting verification

4 SQA Updating framework
Introduced at last Network Event QD team working behind the scenes HNC Unit specifications rewritten HNC Unit exemplars currently in process of completion

5 Support Materials Support documentation prepared
Thanks to Gerry and rest of the team Layouts and worked examples available to ensure consistency

6 Next? Once the HNC materials are available on the secure site HND work will commence. HNC revised updated Units come into play from 1st August 2015 If they are not used then sanctions are likely Please spread work to colleagues delivering non HNC Accounting Units - ie Units in other frameworks.

7 Issues identified in One or two assessors still not applying consequential marking. One or two assessors not updating Tax Units some updating tax but forgetting GU3 some not updating at all GU2 - some assessors not requiring candidates to meet all of minimum criteria instead focusing on 50% of marks target. Assessments MUST be kept secure Candidates must not know what is in assessments prior to the assessment event

8 Prior Verification Recommended for alternative assessments
Use the service - its currently free but gives you piece of mind. Means that you are prepared for EV activity Ensure you include IV documentation Use the additional resource base you have from combining your centre with others in your newly merged centre.

9 The EV team Liz McFadyen Linda McAllister Chris Atkinson Lorna Keillor
Carolyn Gilchrist Kim Tree

10 IAR IAR this year split into 2 UK and other International report
China report separately Details good practice across the sector Covers units and GUs

11 Any questions


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