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Cluster special operations in support of SWARM

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1 Cluster special operations in support of SWARM
A. Masson, P. Escoubet, R. Haagmans, M. Dunlop Cluster deputy project scientist European Space Astronomy Center (ESAC)

2 Outline Few words about the Cluster mission
Cluster-SWARM complementarity: brief historical perspective On-going Cluster operations in support of SWARM Future Cluster operations in support of SWARM ( )

3 4 Cluster spacecraft, each with 11 instruments
Each spacecraft about 600 kg in mass (dry) carried 600kg in fuel) 71kg instrumentation. 1996 saw failed launch of Cluster, but mission was sucessfully resurected and the resussrected mission was laucnhed on July and august 2000. 1 ASPOC (K. Torkar, A) Spacecraft potential control 2 CIS (I. Dandouras, F) Ion composition (E<40 keV) 3 EDI (R. Torbert, USA) (0.1<E<10 mV/m) 4 FGM (C. Carr, UK) Magnetic field Fluxgate magnetometer (2x spacecraft) 5 PEACE (A. Fazakerley, UK) e-(E<30 keV) 6 RAPID (P. Daly, D) High energy electrons and ions (10<Eions<1500 keV/nuc, 20<Ee<400 keV) 7 DWP (M. Balikhin, UK) Wave processor 8 EFW (M. André, S) Double probe antenna E-Field 9 STAFF (P. Canu, F) Search coil & spectrum analyzer 10 WHISPER (J.-L. Rauch, F) Relaxation sounder 11 WBD (J. Pickett, USA), Electric field wave-forms

4 Magnetospheric regions observed by Cluster: dayside
Solar wind Solar wind Polar cusp Auroral zone Magnetopause

5 Dayside and nightside orbit

6 Scientific regions visited by Cluster: nightside

7 Example of bow shock crossing
Solar wind Bow Shock

8 First full electric current measurement
Ampère’s law gives the current Jo = curl B Jo B B C1 C4 B B C2

9 Magnetosphere shaped by electric currents
[J. Green, 2000]

10 First instantaneous measurements of the ring current
C. Vallat, Ann. Geophys., 2005 Cluster/ IMAGE Jo Current Jo = curl B C1 C2 C3 C4 IMAGE Vallat et al., 2004 Vallat, C., et al., 2004 Brandt, P., et al., 2005

11 Extension (-> 2009): multi-scale
Solar wind

12 Extension (-> 2009): new regions dayside inc. AAR
Solar wind Magnetopause: subsolar point Auroral zone: Acceleration region 2001

13 New regions nightside: current disruption, AAR
Solar wind 2001 Low altitude cusp Near Earth tail: Current disruption

14 Cluster: what about now?
Still fit for the job? - Is payload still ok? - Are data used? - Publications rate?

15 Payload Status May 2014 - Summary
C1 (FM5) “Rumba” C2 “Salsa” C3 “Samba” C4 “Tango” Thermal ions (inc. composition) HIA in magnet. mode (1hr/orbit) Failed in 2000 (*) Failed in 2009 (*) CODIF fully operational Electric field 1 gun failed EEPROM failed Fully operational No use of gun beams (avoiding interference with Whisper) Only one gun used (<-> Whisper) DC magnetic field Thermal electrons Energetic electrons Ions Not working Only heads 1 & 3 WEC DWP EFW Probes 2 & 3 OK Probes 2, 3, 4 OK Probes 2 & 4 OK Probes 1, 2, 3 OK  STAFF WBD max. 10 min/hour Whisper = fully operational Status: May/2014 (*) Telemetry areas from CIS/EDI are used by PEACE and RAPID Instrument details are given in annex 1. Not functioning since commissioning

16 User Statistics Cluster science archive 1800 registered users
+400 over the last two years Active users ~ level. Download volumes ~1-2 TB/month

17 Few words about Cluster

18 Few words about Cluster
180 publications/year over the last 2 years

19 Cluster-Swarm collaboration
Swarm mission started in 2014 and nominal phase up to May 2018 Cluster-Swarm enhanced science: How are the cusp, ring and tail currents coupled via field aligned currents to the ionosphere What is the azimuthal characteristic of the ring current (asymmetry)? Under which conditions ionosphere feedback (ion outflows, downward currents) is important to magnetosphere? How are ultra low frequency (ULF) wave propagating to the ionosphere?

20 Cluster-Swarm: Cluster extension 2017-2018
Will operate Cluster during the full nominal mission of Swarm Will double the number of conjunctions (Cluster-Swarm on same field line): Dayside: 13 => 26 (polar cusp) Nightside: 25 => 50 (substorms) Local time differences between Swarm A/C and Swarm B will reach deg. Measurement of current systems along wide longitudinal range Polar cusp size in longitude and asymmetries Cluster-Swarm conjunctions at different local times within a few hours

21 Cluster-Swarm 2015: polar cusp
=> Not too good conjunction in cusp Cluster 04 Jan 2015

22 Cluster-Swarm 2017: polar cusp
good conjunction in cusp Longitude coverage 06 Jan 2017 Cluster

23 Cluster-Swarm 2018: polar cusp
good conjunction in cusp Cluster 05 Jan 2018

24 Cluster observations in the cusp
3 years of data Three distinct boundaries Size of a few RE Size measured only meridionally No information on size in longitude From Lavraud et al., 2004

25 Cusp will be measured in longitude (local time)
2001 Zgsm Zgsm Ygsm => Size in longitude => Asymmetry dawn-dusk Ygsm

26 Platform Status (3/3) - Solar Array Power
Perigee <11,000 km 2W degradation/year(*) Observation since 2013: The influence of radiation intensity and temperature are phase shifted by 90 deg Radiation ~ cos(ωt) Temperature ~ sin(ωt) cos(ωt) sin(ωt) = ½ sin(2ωt) (*) The forecast up to 2019 used extrapolated the data of the simulation made by D/TEC in 2012. Their latest update, May 2014, was not considered because of large discrepancies with the observed telemetry.

27 Payload Status May 2014 - Summary
C1 (FM5) “Rumba” C2 “Salsa” C3 “Samba” C4 “Tango” ASPOC Failed in 2000 End of operations CIS HIA in magnet. mode (1hr/orbit) Failed in 2000 (*) Failed in 2009 (*) CODIF fully operational EDI 1 gun failed EEPROM failed Fully operational No use of gun beams (avoiding interference with Whisper) Only one gun used (<-> Whisper) FGM PEACE RAPID electrons Ions Not working Only heads 1 & 3 WEC DWP EFW Probes 2 & 3 OK Probes 2, 3, 4 OK Probes 2 & 4 OK Probes 1, 2, 3 OK  STAFF WBD max. 10 min/hour Whisper = fully operational Status: May/2014 (*) Telemetry areas from CIS/EDI are used by PEACE and RAPID Instrument details are given in annex 1. Not functioning since commissioning

28 Payload – Forecast 2016/2018 Payload C1 (FM5) “Rumba” C2 “Salsa” C3
“Samba” C4 “Tango” 2016 2018 ASPOC Failed in 2000 End of operations June 2008 CIS HIA in Mag modes (1hr/orbit) Failed in 11/2009 CODIF fully operational No change expected EDI MCPs in highest level FGM PEACE fully operational HEEA low sensitivity LEEA low sensitivity HEEA v. low sensitivity LEEA v. low sensitivity <- 2018 RAPID Probably OK IES IIMS Failed 2007 Probably working Probably not working Failed 2009 Probably working Probably not working  2018 WEC DWP EFW Probe 2 & 3 OK Probe 2 & 4 OK, Probe 2 & 4 OK Probe 1, 2, 3 OK  STAFF WBD (*) Operations limited to 10 min/hour Whisper (*) In case of no NASA funding, Panska Ves station and BM2 can be used to acquire WBD . More Instrument details in annex 1. = fully operational

29 Cluster inter-spacecraft distances
Multi-scale constellations GI operations completed Auroral acceleration region Inner magnetosphere Largest inter-spacecraft distance achieved in 2012: km Smallest distance achieved in 2013: 4 km

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