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Components of a Great Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Components of a Great Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Components of a Great Presentation
Research Illustrations/Visuals Verbal Delivery Nonverbal Delivery

2 Research and Preparation
Have a clear purpose. Be the expert! Get excited about the content. Don’t overwhelm the audience. Preparing for a Presentation Video

3 Illustrations/Visuals
PowerPoint Video Clips Posters/Flyers Hand-outs Outline Brochure Assessment Skits

4 PowerPoint Death by PowerPoint

5 Purpose of Visual Presentations
Accommodates different learning styles. Helps audience maintain focus. Allows audience to take information home.

6 Minimize Text - 6 x 6 Rule No more than 6 words across
No more than 6 words down. The best PowerPoint slides will be virtually meaningless without narration. YOU are giving the presentation Use at least size 24 font!

7 Use Color Well Dark Room Light Room

8 Use High-Quality Graphics

9 Video/Audio Clips Promotes Active Cognitive Processing
Link video in PowerPoint Have DVD prepared Always check technical equipment a day before presentation

10 Video/Audio Clips Do NOT use lengthy video addresses Example:
Instead: Verbal Skills Video

11 Video/Audio Clips Adding a Hyperlink Highlight the text first
Insert>Hyperlink>Add text>Insert Web Address Result: Video Link

12 Showing Videos Go to
Copy the YouTube video link in the search box and click enter Copy and paste the View Pure video link in your PowerPoint presentation

13 Verbal Delivery Projection Enunciation Rate of Delivery
Energy/Enthusiasm Modulate Pause VOICE Introduction Identify Objective Use Personal Examples Tell a Story Summarize and Repeat Ask Questions CONTENT Improving Verbal Skills Video

14 Non-Verbal Delivery Eye Contact Movement Hand Gestures Posture
Eye Contact Video Hand Gestures Video Advice from Stanford

15 Citing Resources Only non-factual info needs to be cited.
All pictures taken from online must be cited. Use of videos and/or websites will cite themselves.

16 Apply what you have learned…
Choose a Group people Choose a lesson to present All group members must agree on the content Topic must be approved before you start The audience should be able to learn from your presentation You must have a visual presentation PowerPoint Prezi Skit/Performance/Mimicking Hand-out Video You must demonstrate an understanding of the following: Research/Preparation Verbal and Non-Verbal Delivery Detailed content without overwhelming the audience

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