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Case presentation 경희의료원 내과 R2 조창현
장 O 남 F/50 admission : C.C. ) drowsy mentality, jaundice ( onset: 내원 당일 오전 ) P.I. ) 여자 50세 3년전 부터 매일 소주 2병이상 마시던 자로 특별히 입원하거나 medication 받은 병력은 없었다. 내원 2일전 jaundice 나타나고 식사량 저하되며 내원 일 오전 부터 사람을 잘 못 알아보는 confusion 양상 보이고 시간 경과 하며 크게 부르는 소리에 눈을 뜨는 정도의 drowsy mentality 나타나 응급실 통하여 내원하였다. PMHx : DM /HTN/ TB / Hepatitis ( - / - / - / - ) Op Hx (-) medication Hx (-) Personal Hx Alcohol : 매일 소주 2병, 3년간 Smoking : none Family Hx : n / s
Review of system General fever(-) chill(-) fatique(+) poor oral intakes (+) Skin itching(-) rash(-) jaundice(+) Head & Neck headache(-) stiffness(-) E & ENT visual disturbance(-) sore throat(-) Respiratory cough(-) sputum(-) hemoptysis(-) dyspnea(-) Cardiac chest pain (-) palpitation (-) exertional dyspnea(-) G-I A/N/V/D/C (+/+/+/-/-) abdominal pain(-) hematemesis (-) melena(-) Renal oligurina(-) dysuria (-) hematuria (-) nocturia(-) Others arthhralgia(-) syncope(-) confusion(+) Seizure (-)
Physical examination General drowsy
Skin no rash, yellow skin ,spider angioma (-) Head & neck no neck vein engorgement, no palpable neck mass no neck stiffness E / ENT Pinkish conjunctivae, icteric sclera Chest clear Breathing Sound without rale & crackle regular heart beat without murmur Abdomen soft & flat abdomen, no hepatosplenomegaly no tenderness or rebound tenderness normoactive bowel sound caput medusa (-) Back/extremity CVA tenderness(-/-), pretibial pitting edema (-/-) DTR : symmetric, Babinski sign (-/-) 130/80mmHg–100/min–18/min–36.7 ℃ Bwt 60kg, Height 159cm
Initial laboratory finding
CBC/DC 13060/mm3-13.6g/dL–39.6%-124X103/㎣ (Seg %) MCV 97 ( 81~98 ) aPTT 60.5sec /34, PT 101.7sec/13.3 ( INR : 11.5 ) Chemistry T/ D-bilirubin 5.12/ 3.0 mg/dL( mg/dL) AST/ALT / 6200 U/L (<40/<40 U/L) ALP/rGT / 274U/L (39-117/<50 U/L) Prot/ALB /2.8g/dL( / g/dL) T-cholesterol 80mg/dL(<200) Glucose 111mg/dl BUN/Cr / 1.7 mg/dL (8-23/ mg/dL) Na/K/Cl /4.1/88 ( / / mmol/L) Ca/P 8.2 /2.9 mg/dL(8.4~10.2/2.5~5.5 mg/dl) Mg 2.0mg/dl(1.9~2.5 mg/dl) CRP < 0.5 mg/dL
Urinalysis RBC 0~1 , WBC 10~29HPF Occult Blood -, Protein - , Bilir 3+, Urobilinogen 0.1 mg/dl Nitrate+, Glucose -, pH 5.5, ketone - Specific Gravity 1.025, Leucocytes + ABGA pH pCO2 32.1mmHg – pO2 75.2mmHg- HCO3 22mmol/L
Chest PA
Brain CT
Problem lists #1. drowsy mentality #2. jaundice, nausea
#3. coagulopathy #4. renal failure #5. isolated pyuria
Initial assessment #1. fulminant hepatic failure ,hepatic encephaopathy Gr 4 alcoholic liver disease ( severe alcoholic hepatitis likely ) discriminatory factor = 404 ( > 32 ) MELD score : 44 ( 90 day motaliry ratio = 94% ) r/o viral hepatitis r/o drug & toxin exposure r/o Reye`s syndrome Wilson disease #2. ARF #3. isolated pyuria
Diagnosis plan #1. fulminant hepatic failure hepatitis viral marker
serum ceruloplasmin & liver biopsy imaging study ( abdominal sonography or CT ) #2. ARF & isolated pyuria spot urine check, urine culture
Abdominal CT
HBsAg (-) Anti-HBc IgM / IgG ( -/ - ) Anti-HBs Ab (+) Anti HAV IgM (-) Anti-HCV (-) serum ceruloplasmin = 8.92 mg/dL ( < 20mg/dL ) BUN/Cr 13/1.7 mg/dL (8-23/ mg/dL) serum Na =135 mmol/L Spot urine Na =2 mmol/L Spot urine Urea nitrogen = 75.6 mg/dL Spot urine Creatinine =100 mg/dL FeNa = 0.02 % FeUrea = 9.8 % Urine culture = no growth
Therapeutic plan #1. ICU care abstinence from alcohol
nutrition support with thiamine supply vitamine K & FFP protein restriction & lactulose enema broadspectrum antibiotics #2. hydration > 2L / day
Oliguria -> Hydration 1.5L
Clinical course Oliguria -> Hydration 1.5L HD:0 1 5 10 14 15 INR 11.59 1.87 3.85 3.36 3.62 Alb 2.8 2.3 2.2 1.8 2.0 AST 8200 2250 231 122 209 ALT 6200 2403 828 104 86 Bilir 5.12 4.7 16.1 25.6 27.4 24.6 BUN 13 21 42 65 124 Cr 1.7 1.5 1.1 0.9 1.6 3.7 U/O 1550 3070 1440 2100 255 470
Clinical course HD #15 S & O ) Hourly urine output < 20cc/h , brown color urine
Clinical course HD #15 Plan ) prerenal failure hydration saline 1.5L
Acute tubular necrosis spot urine check → FeNa Infection induced renal failure chest PA, urine analysis, urine, sputum, blood culture Hepatorenal syndrome vasopression ( terlipressin 1mg q6h) ,albumin ( 1mg/kg ) → ECAD, TIPS, hemodialysis & liver transplantation
? acute tubular necrosis
? prerenal ARF Melena ( - ) vomiting & diarrhea ( - / - ) Cr 1.6 → 3.6 mg/dL after 1.5 L saline hydration ? acute tubular necrosis BP 110/70mmHg BUN/Cr 124/3.7 mg/dL (8-23/ mg/dL) serum Na = 145 mmol/L Spot urine Na =10 mmol/L Spot urine Urea nitrogen = 492 mg/dL Spot urine Creatinine =153 mg/dL FeNa = 0.16 % FeUrea = %
? Infection induced renal failure
Body temperature = 37.0 ℃ WBC 12508/mm3, CRP 1.0 mg/dL Chest PA = no active lung lesion Urine analysis RBC 5~9 HPF , WBC 0~1 HPF Occult Blood 3+, Protein 100mg/dL , Bilir 3+, Urobilinogen 0.1 mg/dl Nitrate-, Glucose -, pH 5.0, ketone - Specific Gravity 1.025, Leucocytes ++ urine & blood culture : no growth
HD #15 Plan ) Hepatorenal syndrome vasopression analogue ( terlipressin 1mg q6h) + albumin ( 1mg/kg ) → ECAD, hemodialysis,TIPS, & liver transplantation
Clinical course death terlipressin 1mg q6h ,albumin 1mg/kg oliguria
Oliguria -> Hydration 1.5L 13 15 16 19 23 INR 3.36 3.62 3.17 2.38 3.43 Alb 1.8 2.0 2.2 1.7 AST 209 195 274 409 ALT 86 122 172 246 Bilir 27.4 24.6 32 31 BUN 65 124 139 203 244 Cr 1.6 3.7 3.2 4.0 4.6 U/O 255 470 1815 490 100
Final diagnosis #1. fulminant hepatic failure
alcoholic liver disease ( severe alcoholic hepatitis likely ) #2. hepatorenal syndrome
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