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Data Pipeline Town Hall October 8th, 2015

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Presentation on theme: "Data Pipeline Town Hall October 8th, 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Pipeline Town Hall October 8th, 2015
The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is Data Pipeline support is

2 Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2

3 Important Reminder Lists are generated from IdM groups
LEAs are responsible for maintaining the groups Please be sure to update accounts for changes including no longer at your LEA, change of , names, adding phone numbers. Thank you 3

4 Importance of Data Privacy
6/16/2018 Importance of Data Privacy Federal and state laws govern data privacy, confidentiality and security and require CDE to collect data that may include personally identifiable information (PII). Name, address, personal identifier Other indirect identifiers (e.g., date or place of birth) Information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty. (§ 99.3) 4

5 How to Share Data Check local policies for restrictions
Use secure-file transfer protocols Call CDE with questions about how to transmit PII securely Do not send PII over or fax Do not use PII in trainings Do not share PII with unauthorized individuals Do not share passwords For more information 5

6 Introductions 6

7 Today’s Agenda Open Collections in Data Pipeline
Civil Rights Data Collection RITS/EDIS Non-Public Schools Student October Student End of Year Special Education End of Year Staff Course Codes Data Pipeline - SBD Feedback for Improvement 7

8 Open Collections in Data Pipeline

9 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Year Round Directory Ensure that your Superintendent, Principals and Key Personnel are up to date. RITS EDIS Periodic Finance (February 28th 2016) Interchanges All Interchanges are open 9

10 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshots Special Education End of Year (Closes October 13th) IEP Interchange (Administrative Unit) Student Interchange (District) Directory RITS 10

11 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshots Student End of Year (Cross LEA Validation ends October 22nd) Student Interchange Title I SPED IEP Directory RITS 11

12 Open Data Pipeline Collections
Snapshot Student October (Open September 1st – November 10th) Student Interchange Title I Interchange Directory RITS 12

13 Civil Rights Data Collection

14 2013-14 Civil Rights Data Collection
As of Wednesday, October 7th 173 LEAs had certified. Thank you! One additional LEA was more than 90% complete. Due date was August 21, 2015 Need assistance? Contact CRDC Partner Support Center Phone: (844) Notes: If any data appears incorrect, then overwrite. If find issues, work with CDE to correct for collection. Keep your eyes open for the CDE Data Pre-population Survey!


16 RITS Be sure to include full information including full middle names
Do not submit students again to RITS if you’ve already submitted them. One way to do this is to submit partial batches. Please check to see if a student is already in RITS before creating a new student record. This will reduce the large number of duplicates. If updating a record, be sure to update field with school as this field reverts automatically to first school on list. Update one field at a time and hit save to prevent it from going to case review. 16

17 Non-Public Schools 17

18 Non-Public Schools Mailings went out to Non-Public school requesting pupil count. Forms will be sent to the District October Count Respondents CDE is moving Non-Public Counts to Data Pipeline so if a school does not report it may impact funding in the future. Forward completed forms to: Dennis St. Hilaire Data Services Unit 201 E. Colfax Ave Denver, Co 80203 18

19 Non-Public School Next year Districts will input non-pupil counts into Data Pipeline. Non-Public schools lists are not up to date. We need to make this list clean!!!!! Data now coming from Data Pipeline. Some of the data is over 5 years old. Need assistance in making sure that the schools are in operation and addresses are correct. Please notify me on closed non-public schools. Notify me if the school is a public school and needs removal from this list. Notify me if this school is open but does not report students. If there are schools not on the list please have them complete a count form. Now that data will be in Data Pipeline it will link to other collections like special education and CPP in the future. 19

20 Student October 20

21 Student October 2015-2016 Student DEM and SSA Interchanges are open
Load up your data and clear errors when you can Identify exceptions you may need Interchanges should be error free by next Friday Start Taking or Continue Taking Snapshots See if there are errors you need help resolving Snapshot errors must be addressed in DEM and SSA files 21

22 Student October 2015-2016 October November
Official count date: Thursday, October 1 Submit Student Interchange files (DEM, SSA): Friday , October 9 Complete Interchange Level edits: Friday, October 16 (suggested) Create a Student October snapshot: Friday, October 23 Pass majority of Student October snapshot edits: Friday October 30 (suggested) October Address final issues, review and approve data reports by November 10 Collection Closes: Tuesday, November 10 Duplicate funding documentation due: Friday, November 13  (three days following collection closing) Audit reviews and makes a decision: Wednesday, November 18 (the week before Thanksgiving week) Resubmissions due: Friday, November 20 November 22

23 Student October 2015-2016 Exceptions
There is a new exception request form online, please use it if possible Submit exception requests via Syncplicity Let me know you need to request an exception and a folder will be shared with you Upload your exception requests We will review and load approved and comment on others 23

24 Student October 2015-2016 Enrollment Exception – Transfers
For students who enroll after October 1 If they are coming from Out-of-State/Country then you may claim a student who enroll before the end of the count window If the student transfers from another Colorado district: The student may be included in October Count if the student is not eligible for funding in prior district Student did not meet enrollment and attendance requirements for the prior school district on the other district’s count date. 24

25 Student October 2015-2016 Enrollment Exception – Transfers
For students that enroll after the count date and can be included in October Count Submit the students for an alternate count date using the Enrollment Exception and Alternate Count Date Request Instructions and Template at: You will need District Code, SASID, Alternate Count Date Was the Alternate Count Date Approved by FAST? Reason for Enrollment Exception or Alternate Count Date Contact Info Looks a lot like an exception request 25

26 Student October 2015-2016 Student School Association file layout
Continuous Enrollment Fields New calculation for the Colorado Continuously, Continuously in District, and Continuously in School fields in the student school association file. Student enrolled in Colorado on 10/1/2013 Do Not worry about 3 years of enrollment Continuous in school and district is based on student not being enrolled for 10 more days between October 1st and the start of assessment window. Student School Association file layout 26

27 Student October – EDAC approved changes
Parent’s Home District Change Student October – EDAC approved changes The Field [District of Parent's Residence for Non-Residence Students] In past years if the parents were from your district you could code this value as: Your District Code or 0000 Now: If the district of parent’s residence is your district use: Your District Code Do Not Use 0000 Otherwise use the code as you would have in the past 27

28 Student October 2015-2016 More information on the collection
Student October Schedule More information on the collection 28

29 Student October Contact information Morgan Holmgren Phone: 29

30 Student End of Year 30

31 Deadlines Due to the promptness of districts in submitting their Phase I data, the Cross LEA Validation phase is now open! District will need to check their Cross LEA validation errors and submit adjustments by Thursday, October 22nd Cross LEA adjustments will allow districts to reclaim dropouts from prior collection years and improve their graduation rates Districts must log into the Cognos EOY Cross LEA Edit Report to see the full list of Cross LEA warnings 31

32 Frequently Asked Questions
The number of Cross LEA Validation Errors and the Cross LEA Edit Cognos Report will not change even after adjustments and edits have been made If the Cognos EOY Cross LEA Edit Report says that you have no data available, there are no Cross LEA warnings in your data Warnings SE801, SE803, SE804, SE805, SE806, SE809, SE810 require districts to create an all new Adjustment file. You should not change the SSA to address these warnings Warnings SE802, SE807, SE808 and SE811 ask districts to adjust their SSA file. SE802 require collaboration between districts. Please do not wait to contact the other district. 32

33 Additional Training Narrated instructions in the 9/24 Townhall
Narration for EOY Cross LEA validation begins at 18:50 Training materials for LEA Cross Validation Step by step instructions: Districts will need to contact Duncan Anderson to have their snapshot unlocked in order to resolve errors 33

34 Contact information Please send any questions or data unlock requests to: Duncan Anderson 34

35 Special Education End-of-Year

36 Reports Upload each signed report in full to the Data Management System by Tuesday October 13, 2015. Please take a minute to verify that each report uploaded successfully. Okay to upload as one combined pdf Alyssa Ohleyer will contact you only if something is missing. 36

37 Reports Due with Final Snapshot Submission to CDE
10 Reports require signature from your Director: 2.1 Data Validity Certification 2.3 Number of Students Exited by Disability and Discrete Age 2.4 Number of Students Reported by Age Group, Type of Service and Disability 2.5 Number of Students Reported by Age Group and Type of Referral 2.6 Year to Year Comparison of Number of Students Exited 2.7 Listing of Students Reported in Error on the Previous December Count 2.8 Year to Year Comparison of Number of Students Reported by Type of Referral Number of Children Referred for Part C Evaluations 2.11 Indicator 11 Number of Students with Initial Part B Evaluations 2.12 Indicator 12 Number of Children Referred from Part C to Part B Please note that you need to send in not only the signature page but the data on the report as well. Reports will need to be submitted in their entirety to the Data Management System.

38 Staff Interchange Now Open! 38

39 Training Schedule Trainings will be recorded and posted at:
Date Time Topic Monday, October 5th 2:00-3:00 pm Staff Authoritative Source Tuesday, October 6th 1:00-2:00 pm Staff Interchange Updates Thursday, October 8th 3-4 pm Uploading Staff Interchange Files and Updates Tuesday, October 13th Highly Qualified Edits and Reporting Fields Wednesday, Oct 28th 10:00-11:00 am Special Education Snapshot Process Monday, Nov 2nd Human Resources Snapshot Process Trainings will be recorded and posted at: 39

40 Upcoming Timeline Dates
November 2nd: Special Education December Count and Human Resources snapshots open November 10th: must have submitted at least one file in each relevant interchanges December 1st: official count date December 8th: AUs must create Special Ed Dec Count Snapshot at least once Districts must create Human Resources Snapshot at least once 40

41 # of Classes Taught -Clarification
Added examples to assist with reporting for Elementary level teachers (these are included in the Staff File Format and Definitions document online): Example C:  An elementary teacher who has one class with the same students all week (Monday through Friday) should have 01 in Number of Classes Taught in Subject. Example D:  An elementary music teacher that has three classes with different students on Mondays and Wednesdays and has two classes with different students on Tuesdays and Thursdays should have 05 in Number of Classes Taught in Subject. 41

42 This Week’s Status ST110- “Educator Preparation Program invalid” edit FIXED 10/6/15 ST120- “District must match reporting district code” FIXED 10/7/15 Webinar technical issues- resolved New webinar URL will be sent to those registered on the training date All else working as expected – thank you to the 20 LEAs that have already started uploading data files! 42

43 Resources Contacts: Annette Severson at: or
File layouts Summary of changes Timeline – provides more detail Business Rules Templates Training information Training webinar power points and recordings now posted Contacts: Annette Severson at: or Kristi Gleason at

44 Statewide Standard Course Codes
6/16/2018 Statewide Standard Course Codes 44

45 Converting Statewide Course Codes to SCED version 3.0
Statewide Course Codes changing from SCED version 1.0 to version 3.0 Prior to secondary courses integrated with secondary courses Version 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 all available 45

46 Converting Statewide Course Codes to SCED version 3.0
All SCED codes which start above will need to be updated Please start converting course codes to SCED version 3.0 Please start transitioning to the new SCED codes 46

47 Converting Statewide Course Codes to SCED version 3.0
More information Questions? Kevin Smith 47

48 Data Pipeline Users Group
6/16/2018 Data Pipeline Users Group 48

49 Data Pipeline Users Group
Meeting today Agenda Review prior discussion Improve EL Edits, SBD process, RITS Match Tool changes Data Privacy concerns Using sasid in communications READ collection and HB Timing concerns on SPED EOY and Student EOY Open issues and concerns 49

50 Student Biographical Data
6/16/2018 Student Biographical Data 50

51 Pre-ID/SBD Information ACCESS for ELLs
ACCESS for ELLs Overview English Proficiency exam for English Learners in grades K-12 Consists of four domains: Listening, Reading, Speaking, & Writing Redesigned for New test (ACCESS 2.0) is available online as well as on paper for students in grades 1-12, Kindergarten ACCESS test is still exclusively paper-based. Student test Window is 1/11/16 – 2/12/16 ACCESS for ELLs pre-ID pull will be Nov. 12, 2015 Pulled from student interchange tag of none Please make sure data is uploaded ACCESS for ELLs SBD will be in March, 2016 We anticipate that the SBD process will be similar to what was used in spring, 2015, however, we are reviewing that process to see what improvements can be made

52 Pre-ID/SBD Information CMAS
CMAS Overview CMAS includes both Colorado-developed Science and Social Studies tests and PARCC-developed English Language Arts and Math tests. ELA/Math will have a single test window instead of two Both ELA/Math and Sci/SS will be on a single vendor system (PearsonAccessnext) Student test window is 4/11/16 – 4/29/16. Districts administering online tests may open the ELA/Math test window early if technology capacity is limited. Check with your DAC regarding the test window for your district. CMAS pre-ID pull will be December, 2015 Pulled from student interchange tag of none Please make sure data is uploaded CMAS SBD is expected to be in late June or early July, 2016 Reviewing process and looking for improvements Some changes will occur due to the reduction of ELA/Math from two windows to one, having the same test window for all content areas, and moving all contents onto PearsonAccessnext 52

53 Pre-ID/SBD Information Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM)
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Overview Alternate assessment in English Language Arts and Math for students with significant cognitive disabilities This is a very small set of students in grades 3-11 (approximately 5,500 statewide) Student test window is the same as PARCC ELA/Math DLM Pre-ID Student registration into the vendor system (KITE) was rolled over from last year’s participants. Therefore, a Pre-ID pull was not performed. KITE is currently open so that Districts can update student demographics and enroll any new students eligible for this alternate test. DLM SBD will be in May, 2016 We anticipate that the SBD process will be similar to what was used in spring, 2015, however, we are reviewing that process to see what improvements can be made. Please note DLM will replace the previous 11th grade alternate assessment for (there will not be a separate collection for the 11th grade alternate)

54 Pre-ID/SBD Information 11th Grade College Entrance Exam and New 10th Grade Exam
CO will not be giving PARCC ELA/Math in 10th grade this year. HB requires a new exam for students in 10th grade. This exam must be aligned to both Colorado Academic Standards and the 11th grade college entrance exam. 11th Grade College Entrance Exam Colorado ACT has been used since Contract expired this summer. New legislation (HB ) requires a procurement process every five years for both the 10th grade exam and the 11th grade college entrance exam. CDE will know more about test dates and the data processes once the RFP process has been completed and a new contract awarded.

55 SBD Information Feedback from 2014-15
We know that SBD took a lot of time and effort in Sorry for the frustration! CDE is reviewing the SBD process and appreciates your feedback We have heard both the good and the bad from you, including: SBD are the easiest collections SBD timing (summer) is terrible Districts need more notification about the SBD process and deadlines Many additional and specific ideas and suggestions

56 SBD Information Changes for 2015-16
We are working on ways to improve SBD, however the general process will not change significantly this year. We are still gathering requirements and identifying issues We are working with multiple assessments delivered by multiple vendors. We are looking to standardize as much as possible, but there will still be small differences between collections. In the cases where CO is participating in a multi-state consortium to develop and administer a test (such as PARCC, DLM, and ACCESS for ELLs), our flexibility is limited due to the need to find solutions that will work for all participating states.

57 SBD Information Changes for 2015-16
Small improvements will be made PARCC ELA/Math will be administered in one test window rather than two. This will eliminate the need to validate the merging of components through the summative file review process. Both ELA/Math and Sci/SS will have the same test window and will use the same version of PearsonAccessnext. We are hoping that this will allow us to do a single SBD for all of CMAS. There are some scheduling contingencies that may prevent this from occurring, but this is our hope. Scheduling considerations SBD windows are still expected to be 7 to 10 days CDE opens the SBD window as soon as possible after the completion of the test. Cannot open SBD until we receive the score file from the vendor Scoring and validating tests takes time – paper/pencil tests, human scoring of constructed response, etc. CDE does not receive any data until we can receive all data As a result of these factors, SBDs for March/April tests are typically not ready to open until June. Goal is to have all SBDs done before 4th of July 57

58 Contact Information Suggestions or Questions? Different members of the assessment data team are responsible for each SBD collection. If you have questions about a collection for a specific assessment, please contact the Assessment Unit staff member responsible for that collection. For general questions about SBDs, please contact Sarah Underwood or Jasmine Carey You can also call the general phone number for the Assessment Unit at and Margo will direct you to the person who can best answer your question.

59 Feedback for improvement
6/16/2018 Feedback for improvement 59

60 How can CDE help? Concerns and feedback How can CDE help?

61 Next Town Hall: Thursday, October 15th, 2015 9 a.m.-10 a.m.
                “It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside.” ― Maud Hart Lovelace, Betsy-Tacy and Tib Next Town Hall: Thursday, October 15th, 2015 9 a.m.-10 a.m. 61

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